>The Clintons have always claimed their family charitable foundation was able to raise so much money because, deep down, Saudi princes and Ukrainian oligarchs are really concerned about poor children in Haiti.

>Hillary’s shocking defeat in the presidential election means that no member of the Clinton dynasty currently holds, or is running for, a powerful government position.

>The foundation has already started reaching out to donors to ask for money, the New York Post reports.



Fairly strong evidence of corruption when your donor pool dries up when you lose political influence.

And no one is going to donate because the Clintons have lost their influence. Sad!





Why was she crying here?



My biggest dream is to see how Saudi Arabia loses all it's money, it's power and it's oil.
Just imagine how glorious the outcome will be. A country that only relies on oil goes broke and everybody sees that mudshits can't even run the wealthiest countries.

All these Saudi princes will lose their power in one blink and there's nothing they can do about it because they're dumb as fuck. Shit, that makes me hard as fuck.

Whatcha gonna do when Iran nukes Mecca?

Hmm this couldn't be evidence of obvious foreign influence on the election could it be? Oh no, we just need mo money for dem starvin' kids

>deep down, Saudi princes and Ukrainian oligarchs are really concerned about poor children in Haiti.
yeah, really "concerned"


Celebrate. Feels great to see them suffering. They bring so much shit over the world, it's only fair.

That'd only mean more migrants for europe lel

Nobody likes Saudia Arabia. We just had to put up with them. Also Russia please wipe this joke of a country out already.

That's probably part of the reason she freaked out so badly when she figured she lost.
This is also why she slandered and cheated so badly in her campaign that even the common pleb noticed.

She had to win this.
She's pretty much fucked now.

Probably has to pay it back. Qatari mafia is gonna kneecap her.


I want to be the guy that kicks the stool out from under her feet.

>not (raughs)

the incompetent iraqis didn't know how to hang someone so when saddam was executed they didn't do the knot properly and he was decapitated

damn they are so fuckin evil, those Clintons.

Even if Trump is 4% as good as I think he is going to be, he will be 2000000% better than this entitled, smarmy, 100% immoral leviathan who swears like a truck driver and rapes and kills babies for fun.
Truly Moloch would have approved of a Clinton presidency, and I thank God that my specific appeals were answered.


They're already losing, spending like crazy, they went from islamic calender to Gregorian so that they can save some billion dollars.

All government positions are taking a cut.

Welfare kids are getting rekt.

The last place for their income is the meccah, but it's just a tourist industry which will be taken over by one of the powerful tribal lords.

They had almost 100 years to fix their country and they still couldn't do anything about it, those fucking Hajis thought instead of co operation with their neighbors they should destabilize the whole fucking region.

Soon enough you will see 'liberalization' of things if the Saudi Kings ever want to have a chance to survive.


>yfw Sup Forums managed to ruin the clintons due to meme magic

>Nobody likes Saudia Arabia. We just had to put up with them

YOU created Saudi Arabia in the first place. Remember T. E. Lawrance?

bills and taxes are going to eat their asses alive, just like some musician or pro athlete that lives large until the big paychecks stop coming in regularly. that's the point when you no longer own your own shit, your own shit ends up owning you.

We created Israel and people didn't like Jews. We created Saudi Arabia when we didn't like Arabs.
We created Pakistan when we didn't like Pakis.

I'm sure she can be a Wal-Mart Greeter somewhere, I'd be With Her if she needed a reference.


on a scale of loo to poo, how good does it feel?

Don't like Reich.




this. let's wait and see what happens

she is suffering a depends wedgie


Count me in.

They still have millions of dollars

>They still have millions of dollars
That's not enough
Nothing will ever be enough

Im sorry guys. Im from dominican republic. Women there love tourists and you can score very young women there. However there are very slummy parts too, there you can find many younger women selling themselves (they will approach you because you are not dark and look like an islander) i would be careful not to get robbed. But if it is possible in my country i would not imagine the disgusting shitpile that is that fucking haiti full of dogs and disgusting retarded pig people. Those monkeys send their fucking children ALONE over the border and hope and pray DR govt deals with it but we are so poor we leave them on streets. Fucking sick animals.

Well said, pajeet.

>Soon enough you will see 'liberalization' of things if the Saudi Kings ever want to have a chance to survive.
In a Muslim country? not a chance

Turkey is probably the most liberal Muslim country to ever exist.

The only thing surprising about this is that there's someone who finds Haitians attractive

Why would anyone donate a cent now? Maybe they think Hillary can win

I suppose she still has connections and controls the DNC.

Maybe that dumb cunt shouldn't have spent 1.6 million on campaign.

Fucking hell.

was thinking the same thing. They rally wanted to rape hatian children?


I sincerely hope this bitch goes bankrupt

He's Asian. They have this odd habit of making weird statements in conversations that are basically meaningless and borderline non-sequiturs. This goes for both East Asian and SEA types.

He's asking you to not like Germs so you make a new Reich for the Germ containment


Turkey is reverting back to barbarism lad.

What about Morocco?

Then he should've said "No like Germans pls". Too bad I don't mind Germans. Maybe if you get me angry I'll create a Reich for you

>“Your contribution before the end of the year is so important that President Clinton is personally TRIPLING every gift to the Foundation, up to $200,000.”

sounds like some pyramid scheme fraud, kek

smell the desperation


Not completely true. There is video of his execution. He is indeed decapitated because by definition your head disconnecting from you spine is a decapitation; but his head didn't actually come off.

They might still donate as a front instead of donating to the DNC

This perfectly rounds out an absolutely fantastic year.