Women should not have the right to vote


Who's that cutie?

Nobody should have it.

Best answer
Alexander Gaier

Of course they shouldn't.

Not rational and not loyal to tribe. If they can vote they want government to be their sugar daddy.

So is that a man or what?

*Alexandra lmao

Voting is overrated, but if we are to vote, it should be man with phds in hard sciences

Only land owners should be able to vote - if you don't own land you don't have skin in the game.

Anyone should be allowed to vote but only after passing a civics test, written in English.
If you don't know the laws and don't know the langua franca, you don't get to say in how they will change.

That would make for some terrible policy. Can you imagine? Really that is the worst idea I have heard all day.

on a municipal level i agree, but state and federal regulations still have sweeping effects felt by everyone.

- no adam's apple
- no male facial bone structure

>3D Asuka will never bully me

Theres a explanations for you thinking this is a bad idea.

1 - You are dumb as fuck

2 - You erroniously think a ton of shitty sciences like climate science would make the cut

3 - You are white knight beta fag

Bible has been saying this shit for thousands of years. Is this now edgy and cool to say?

every time

it should be earned through military service. There are some rights that should be born in, but others make your population weak by not making them earn it or live without it.

They should have the right to vote, but banned from politics and military


I disagree. Replace "military service" with "public service". A fireman or a hospital doctor or a policeman should also be allowed to vote as they fulfill an important public duty.