Google "Scientific Racism"


>Scientific racism is the use of ostensibly scientific or pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority; alternatively, it is the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes into discrete races. This practice is now generally considered pseudoscientific, yet historically it received credence in the scientific community.



>Contemporary scholars agree that "race" was a recent invention and that it was essentially a folk idea, not a product of scientific research and discovery. This is not new to anthropologists. Since the 1940s when Ashley Montagu argued against the use of the term "race" in science, a growing number of scholars in many disciplines have declared that the real meaning of race in American society has to do with social realities, quite distinct from physical variations in the human species. I argue that race was institutionalized beginning in the 18th century as a worldview, a set of culturally created attitudes and beliefs about human group differences.

For once I'd like to see white people take personal responsibility for our racism instead of bastardizing science to cover for our blatant and unneccessary penchant for bigotry.

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>Scientific racism is the use of ostensibly scientific or pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses

And it magically became classified as "psuedo-science" because someone complained, bitched, and said it hurt their feelings while threatening lawsuits.


>ostensibly scientific or pseudoscientific
The thinking has been done goy, trust our conclusions!

What is the ultimate good of it all?

I understand prejudices. I understand selection bias. I understand that a person might feel uncomfortable around people who do not "look like them".

But honestly, what good is it to claim racial superiority? What does it solve? How does it make society better? How do we, as a species, make the world more efficient by subscribing to ideas of racial and cultural superiority?

We all share the same pale blue dot. An asteroid of significant enough size or a gamma ray burst close enough and conveniently aimed in our path would extinguish all of us all but instantly.

What do we gain by claiming superiority over any other race? It's utterly pointless.

It isn't about superiority you moron it's about separation. We all crave to be around those that a similar to us in behavior, culture, religion, and yes even the big scary "R" word- race!

Christ, it's like telling a 5 year old Santa Claus doesn't real.

this tbqh famalamadingdong
it started even further back though. back around the 70's referring to a specific skull shape in the field of anthropology as 'negroid' started catching flak. there were SJW cucks back then too, but we called them jews and/or commies


There are no super genes. Positive traits follow the normal distribution quite well towards the right by virtue of how genetic expression works. Even just a couple points differerence in the mean IQ of a population can have an enormous impact on the rate at which geniuses appear.

Comparing 99 mean IQ to 100, 100 nets you 32% more geniuses (160+ IQ)
Comparing 85(average US black) with 100, 100 nets you 106 times more geniuses.
Comparing 70(sub-saharan) to 100, 100 gets you 12710 times more geniuses.

A difference in IQ of 1 point between two persons means jack shit. A difference of 1 point between peoples can mean the world.

But why, though? We live in a world that is more connected than ever in history. I can use my cell phone to translate human language in real time as people speak.

I can travel to just about any place on this planet.

Why would we choose not to rejoice and celebrate our ability to integrate and mobilize as a species?

And you may heckle me, but how does your need for separation become in enough anons abject hate? How do other races disenfranchise any of you from your personal liberties? I don't get it. I honestly don't.

These are literally superficial biological traits. What good does it do to gloat about your alleged superiority to another race based on an entirely superficial human trait?

Here we go with the abstractions, using statistics to justify your clinginess to racism. It's as though for enough of you, other races are merely a statistical distribution rather than an individual with a heart, mind, soul, personality, experiences, etc.

>Here we go with the abstractions, using statistics to justify your clinginess to racism. It's as though for enough of you, other races are merely a statistical distribution rather than an individual with a heart, mind, soul, personality, experiences, etc.
Billions of people are not an individual. Please don't reply if you have no intention of engaging in a proper discussion.

>These are literally superficial biological traits.
>what is atavism/neoteny

What good does your illustration do? What point does it serve? How do you better yourself by thinking you're superior based on--and I stress AGAIN--a purely superficial biological trait?

Does your chart account for a man of color who may not have the most flattering education, but instead works hard to provide for his family regardless? So what good does it do? Honestly.

Black ethnic groups are more genetically distinct from each other than Europoid and Mongoloid races. A paper by R.C. Lewontin (1972) proved that genetic diversity within a human group is greater than that between a group, indicating that races are not biologically significant. If there were meaningful human races, most of them would be African.

>We live in a world that is more connected than ever in history. I can use my cell phone to translate human language in real time as people speak.
I agree that IS a good thing. What does that have to do with Race though?

>I can travel to just about any place on this planet.
A marvel of engineering indeed. What does this have to do with the conversation?

>Why would we choose not to rejoice and celebrate our ability to integrate and mobilize as a species?
We can integrate, in fact that's half the problem. The lack on integration with western culture is EXACTLY what is causing this upset. And any call for a slowdown or resistance is met with outright hostility. At the end of the day, all peoples desire sovereignty and representation in government. Shoving it down people's throats isn't the answer, letting people naturally CHOOSE to integrate together is the true way forward.

>And you may heckle me, but how does your need for separation become in enough anons abject hate? How do other races disenfranchise any of you from your personal liberties? I don't get it. I honestly don't.
There existence doesn't at all. It's the forced integration that is the issue. Things like affirmative action, things like diversity quotas, things like sanctuary cities. It favors a segment of the population on the basis of race, if you start writing laws about race sooner or later people are going to start talking about it.

If leftist race laws were gutted this shit would go away.

Scientific racism = wrongscience
Bad, no-no. Down memory hole.

There's a reason for the term "Lewontin's fallacy" existing. The guy only looked at single alleles, with cluster analysis it's a piece of cake telling races apart. They can even differentiate a Norwegian from a Swede with 90% accuracy doing so. I don't even know whether to hope you brought him up out of good faith or bad, because both are extremely unflattering towards you.

>Here we go with the abstractions, using statistics to justify your clinginess to racism. It's as though for enough of you, other races are merely a statistical distribution rather than an individual with a heart, mind, soul, personality, experiences, etc.

Right at this moment 1500 german police officers are trying to suppress a wave of shitskins once again wrecking new year's celebration, and they have to call for reinforcements, because they are failing. I loathe people like you, because as long as you can find a single one half decent out of whole demographic, you will use him as a shield against any proof of wider demographic patterns.

>How do other races disenfranchise any of you from your personal liberties? I don't get it. I honestly don't.

You might want to ask that to the people who had to flee the Lebanon to save themselves, or buddhists in Burma, or tens of thousands people who decided to stay home in major european cities instead of celebrating.

I'm alarmed that you'd come to Sup Forums with this kind of idealistic worldview. Obviously, if there are physiological and anatomical differences, there may be cognitive differences.
Atavistic traits in anatomy are undesirable because they appear suggestive of atavistic traits in psychology, neurology, or personality. That is to say, limited ability for abstract thought, memory, reasoning and impulse-control, all of which are essential for the function of a safe and productive civil society.

>Montague Francis Ashley-Montagu, previously known as Israel Ehrenberg

Technophiles need to be gassed.

The truth always benefits the world. i m not sure that whites are superior to other races but we are different and we need to stop shutting out the truth because we cant immediately "what good it does"

>Believing racism is bad
>Seriously this regressive

Niggers are 8 times more prone to murder and no it's not just 'cause of socioeconomic crap.

Fuck off with this "Why does it matter?" shit.

It's just a coincidence. Jews dominate science and other intellectual fields because they have high IQs on average. Don't worry about it and go find a nice big black bull for your wife.

It is science - races are different Clusters of genes. Races are Not simply skin color but are groups, the differences of which can be even more than those encountered between subspecies. There is no pseudoscience involved OP, and moreover, what you are trying to Do is extremely unscientific. Please, Research scientific papers regarding the subject. Good old molyneux Has a few Videos on the subject.

>Why would we choose not to rejoice and celebrate our ability to integrate and mobilize as a species?
>How do other races disenfranchise any of you from your personal liberties

Arabs have become inseparable from Islam, which advocates killing those that blaspheme Islam, gays. 1 in 2 Jordanians believes killing apostates should be the law, something like 1 in 5 Muslims in most developed countries think suicide bombing is sometimes justified. They bring with them rape of children, rape of uncovered women, killing of civilians, and push towards an autocratic government wherever they go.

Blacks have a higher crime rate then whites. They kill, rob, and rape at alarming rapes. They destroy infrastructure and have broods of r-selected children which become a burden on the taxpayer. Generally they favor autocracies as well.

Hispanics, while not being as violent as blacks, are still more violent than whites. They continue to live and work in our country illegally, depressing wages and taking advantage of publicly funded works like roads which they did not contribute to.

While a model minority, East Asians are collectivist and do not value our values like freedom of speech and freedom of consensual employment. Their countries are either autocracies or only psuedo democracies (like Japan)

That's why we need separation

You can't tell those who have never had to live around niggers because their lack of experience clearly makes them better judges.

Not once. Not one iota of accountability.

Wrong is wrong. You can't sugarcoat it.

Racism is useless. Ideas of racial superiority are historically disastrous. We do not get the best of our human potential when we put ourselves ideologically above others.

I'm not saying you should open your home or your personal comforts to ethnic strangers.

I'm saying: What good does it do to distinguish someone based solely on your perception of their "inferiority"? To the point where you'd stoop to using science as your badge and shield.

Can we just for once say openly
>We are cowards in our own right, because we seek to keep hold of our ancestral and historical privileges

There is no law against living a gainful, comfortable life. What do you lose by admitting that you CHOSE to be incensed and perturbed by racial anxieties? You don't need the cover of science, statistics, etc., to account for your myopia. I would have more respect for your position if you simply acknowledged the truth and accepted your accountability in racial disparity.

You are not innocent for not acting on your thoughts, by the way.

>Ideas of racial superiority are historically disastrous
Japan and China seem to be doing alright.


>There is no law against living a gainful, comfortable life
Yes, there is. If that "gainful life" is in another country, there are countless laws and regulations regarding it, restricting it.

science is wrong. facts aren't true.

'race' is as valid as 'phylum' and 'genera'. you might as well say there's no difference between a cat and a dog if you say there's no difference between a negroid and a caucasoid

Take American slaves, for instance. The white Southern aristocracy was too lazy to tend to their own plantations, so they decided to make a business out of herding human beings like cattle. Yes, HUMANS, because if you mate with a negro, you get a HUMAN as a result.

America would spend the next few generations dehumanizing these slaves in the most humiliating fashions imaginable.

So then you conveniently provide them with basic human rights--less than two generations ago, mind you--and then expect for THEM to somehow spuriously demonstrate their OWN accountability? Do you even realize the levels of hypocrisy you've reached?


Just because it didn't come from science doesn't mean it isn't real. The atom was a product of Greek natural philosophy, but we reused the name to describe a particle we can observe empirically.

So others brought you hard data, and you brought nothing but feelings and attempts at guiltripping.
If I can assure that my children can keep playing outside without overwatch, and that my wife can go sit with her GF for a coffee chat in the Saturday night dressed in miniskirt and be safe, I will be the biggest nazi you can find.
Take your unsubstantiated bullshit a go virtue signal to your segregated community.

So all I'm seeing is a good goy article from PBS and a bunch of simplistic leftist appeal to emotion come back when you get some real arguments faggot

>Take American slaves, for instance
Who do not exist. And have not for over 150 years.
>expect for THEM to somehow spuriously demonstrate their OWN accountability?
Wish, not expect. Even the African peoples who have always been free demonstrate no accountability whatsoever, barely managing to create civilizations and technology above that of beavers.

So then why do Africans who've never left Africa in exclusively African societies display the same behavioral traits as their American counterparts?

This childish banter over IQ. This romantic notion you people have, again pointing to veiling your selfish, racist motivations behind the sciences.

As if IQ is the most desired trait among modern humans. Not actual DESIRABLE biological traits like reproductive success and immune response. No. You'll be the smartest person in the wilderness with nothing to charge your iPhone, no WiFi signal, and no air conditioning to comfort your skin.

Have any of you ever considered that open discussions are not the Olympics? We're not on a debate team competing, for crying out loud. This is an image board for paedophiles after all. There is no need for HURR DURR I WIN AT ALL THE THINGS. Why be so self-gratifying?

And for that matter, where is any of your humility? You are so convinced of your superiority that you attack any small idea that might infringe upon your engendered convictions. Fun Fact: Those ideas of yours are nothing new, nor are mine. We are all the products of idealists long past.

It's whether or not we decide to do something reasonable with the information that's dealt to us.

>What good does it do to distinguish someone based solely on blah blah blah

A person is fine. People are wild, panicky animals.

On a personal level, I know Muslims I think are swell guys.

But let's say I said to you that we needed to bring in more Muslims, and 4 in 10 of them were going to kill civilians. The other 6 in 10 might be swell guys, and they'd be the majority, but I'm not taking that chance. Keep em out. In the same way I wouldn't drink a solution you told me had a 40% chance of killing of me.

Individuals are fine as individuals but when you make policy you have think to about probabilities. It might be "NOT ALL", but it still can be "just enough"

Slavery was wrong, but anyone involved in slavery is now dead. No one alive today learned to be unaccountable due to slavery.
If you were 10 years old in 1966, you are now 60. Anyone old enough to be cognizant of segregation on a profound level is dead or dying. The people alive today are the architects of their own misery (I don't blame them for it, I think it's genetic determinism, but it is not "whitey's fault")

OP seems like a good guy. Do not worry, if what you say is true, then with time the racist substrata of society will be eliminated either tacitly or by war.


Slavic countries were raided by muslims for thousands of years so hard that the word 'slav' (slovan - man of the word) became a basis for the word 'slave', yet nowadays their countries in the center are amongst safest in Europe.
The same thing goes for russian serfs, or for jews who were persecuted for the most of their existence.
It seems you are the one who should check his hypocrisy.
By the way, when US freed its slaves, a large group of them decided to travel back to Afrika to create a country know as Liberia. Do you know what was the first thing they did after they landed?

They enslaved each other.

>I don't get it. I honestly don't.

Yes, we know. Which is why you're going to be fucking culled. You were given more than enough time to grow the fuck up, but you chose not to - now everything you do holds tremendous consequence.

>What good does it do to distinguish someone based solely on your perception of their "inferiority"?

It is largely about culture which tends to fall on ethnic lines. We can debate nature vs. environment until we are blue in the face, but the reality is that there is a complex interplay between the two which we will never unpack and tens of thousands of years of evolution that causes us to find substantial regional differences between people. We can group these people based on traits in much the same way we do with people within our own society (whether they are the same ethnicity or not). Humans are social animals and we form tribes, cliques, etc. These groups are generally formed based on commonalities, be they genetic lineage, hobbies, or something else and are multilevel.

These groups (and our affinity for our own) aren't necessarily about an objectively measurable ranking or measurement of superiority, but rather an assessment of that which is best for ourselves. Your affinity for your wife and children doesn't mean that they are objectively the best, smartest, and most capable people on the planet, but rather that they are your genetic offspring and your partner with whom you made them. This is a simple evolutionary tool. Your affinity for your town/state/nation is a higher level version of this. These are people with whom you (hopefully) share some common values and interests. By working together with these people you increase the odds of survival for you and your family. Here is where we tend to find groups come into conflict along ethnic or racial lines.

As an example, blacks have lower IQs and cannot compete with whites economically, especially in our technologically advanced society. This leads to tensions and black group action to secure competitive advantage because individually they have no chance of increase their resources share. Failure to recognize this behavior and respond appropriately will cause loss of your advantage

Where, then, is your accountability, sir? What have YOU invented? Who have YOU taught for the better? What new tenets in science and math have YOU contributed to humanity? And congratulations if you have. But I'd ask the same of anyone here who claims superiority over any other race.

How dare any of you expect the descendants of slaves to participate meaningfully to society when it's your society that doesn't provide them with adequate resources. Affirmative action is not a solution--it's a bandage--and a grievous one at that.

How serious of a threat am I supposed to take this? Just curious.

The one "red pilled" notion that Sup Forums has instilled in me is the effect of Darwinian evolution on all species INCLUDING humans. We're told that according to Darwin's theory it is not the "strong" that survive, but those that are most susceptible to change. These changes occur allowing populations to adapt as necessary to their environments. Accordingly, two populations separated by significant time and distance in radically different environments will develop new and different traits which allow them to survive...and possibly thrive...possibly. Although it's important to remember that survival doesn't necessarily translate into thriving success.

This is apparently true for every species on the planet except for humans. Apparently. According to SOME people.

jesus christ, that "rebuttal" was so statistically incorrect its baffling

and we wonder why people want more STEM classes to be taught

Wow, that's a bunch of nonsense. Average black IQ is 20 points lower than white IQ. 50% of whites are above average, about 25% of blacks are above average. This is huge.

An "open" discussion demands all parties keep an open mind, acknowledging the points made by others and contributing actual information of their own.

You're giving a sermon. With you deflecting any concrete argument, this is the furthest thing from a discussion.

I've always considered racism as a modern concept.
Thanks for source

How is this study conducted? Did they take EVERY black and white and measure their IQ? No. This is a synthetic study with synthetic results.

I really couldn't care less if blacks invent anything or make pioneering discoveries in math or science.

My problem is with all the killing and robbing and rioting and destroying our cities. If they just were mild-mannered lower IQ people I'd have no problem. You don't see us out here protesting retards


>Gets fed a series of rational explanations entirely based on hard data
>Fires back with emotionally charged non-sequitors, personal insults, and appeals to emotion
Take your bullshit and go. You don't want a discussion, you want to proselytize.

>irrelevant information with a smug tone
wow i was a huge racist homophobic bigot but after reading this post i'm now headed for #diversitycity

Carl Linnaeus, one of the greatest zoologists in history, was the first to identify the human races as European, African, Asian, and Native American.

This was in 1767.

I offer no rebuttal to you, sir, because I'm not arguing with you. I'm citing references and asking a question. You either find yourself accountable or not. Simple as that.

I have no agenda. I'm just curious.


Loss of your competitive advantage means that your ethnic group will lose standing and have trouble securing resources. In the US we have whites, blacks, mestizos, and Asians all competing for slices of a pie that is fixed in size. Their simply isn't enough to go around. Institutions like the welfare state attempt to artificially increase the competitive advantage of lower IQ people (specifically the non-white population) by using state power to transfer wealth from those who are more successful to those who cannot compete.

This was perhaps endurable for a little while, but when combined with replacement immigration resulting in multiple racial minorities demanding more, we find that our livelihood is threatened along with our control of the state via demographic majority. Loss of this control and increase resource transfer jeopardizes our reproductive future as resources are necessary for raising children and abundant resources are required for giving them the best advantage. This competition is quite literally about the survival of our people which is directly tied to the the survival of our own individual genetic information which is a base drive of all life.

You are demanding that we surrender this for the sake of a utopian ideal which has no basis in empirical evidence and denies fundamental aspects of not just human nature, but the nature of all life.

>Where, then, is your accountability, sir? What have YOU invented? Who have YOU taught for the better? What new tenets in science and math have YOU contributed to humanity? And congratulations if you have. But I'd ask the same of anyone here who claims superiority over any other race.
That's an ad hominem. It doesn't matter who makes an argument, only what it is, and you've completely ignored it every single time one has been presented.

I've studied enough maths (B.A, continuing in econometrics atm) to see just how far beyond us genuine genius like Gauss and Galois is. I could spend a lifetime barely achieving what they could while taking a shit. Anything done to hamper such extraordinary individuals is the biggest waste I can think of. That includes preventing them from being born, in favor of the lesser races. Which they are, by every metric.
No. At this point I expect nothing from them.

I get that a majority of activity on Sup Forums is political debate. So much so that an user like myself who is merely curious can't ask a simple question without facing personal attack and suspicion that I have some sort of hidden agenda.

I can assure you: I'm merely curious--like a kid asking an honest question and looking for a reasonable answer.

I don't need more science and charts because--here's an idea--maybe I've read my share of them. I don't disagree with or dispute the facts and data as presented if I really have to spell that out for you.

I asked, why not simply hold YOURSELF accountable for your own views? Why the need for scientific racism? Whey the need for charts and statistics? Why not simply say you have prejudices of other ethnicities based on your own proclivities? What harm would that do--to admit you are human and have prejudices? Do you fear that the "Thought Police" will repel from your ceiling and whisk you away for reconditioning?

Meanwhile, you have no idea how irrational any of you sound arguing with me on the basis of me asking if you should hold yourselves accountable or not for believing that there is a scientific basis for you to claim racial superiority to another ethnic group.

Accountable for what? If it's slavery or more emotional "woe for all the black people" then I consider myself and my race responsible for the global eradication of slavery. Every culture has enslaved other people, but only white people fought tooth and nail to end it. Hell, America almost tore itself apart to end it. The biggest opponents of British efforts to halt the Atlantic slave trade were African tribal leaders, who got rich off selling their own people.

And even if white people weren't entirely responsible for the end of institutional slavery, the sins of the father are not the sins of the son. Again, it's just more emotionally charged rhetoric, bundled with the pseudo-religious original sin of white guilt. It's nonsense. You're not having a discussion, you're not asking questions, you're proselytizing a religion of white guilt, and I won't have it.

Fuck off.

>Image board for pedophiles
Lol what is this 2006 lurk most new fag
>The rest
Still not hearing an argument

>racial superiority
Please define this.

This a result found by dozens of studies. They are conducted scientifically on representative samples of the population.
Don't be so "open minded' that your brain falls out, idiot.

Apparently none of you realize that what you accuse the negro of--e.g., blaming others--is precisely what you're doing when you blame negroes for disenfranchising you from your personal comforts, liberties, etc. Or why else would you have such abject loathing for them (if you do), fear of them (if you do)?

Can you say that ethnic groups have caused you actual physical harm? And even so, was it permanent? And how does that compare to greedy corporations that pollute your environment, or elitists who run the banks and exploit your economy?

>And how does that compare to greedy corporations that pollute your environment, or elitists who run the banks and exploit your economy?
This is a strawman. Please try again with a valid argument.

>because they are stupid and violent



That is not millions you fucking loser. Learn how to math. Now eat my shit like the good human toilet that you are you fucking mediocre 93 iq disappointment.

>there are no difference between the races
>white people have a racial tendency towards bigotry

Dat dere liberal logic

>I'm not arguing with you
>continually responds to all contradictory points made with ad hominems, dismissing them as "childish banter", deriding people as "self-gratifying" for disagreeing, claiming they lack humility for it, claiming wrongful thoughts are somehow crimes, dismissing statistics out of hand as merely an "abstraction"
You aren't being very convincing.

>Apparently none of you realize that what you accuse the negro of--e.g., blaming others--is precisely what you're doing when you blame negroes for disenfranchising you from your personal comforts, liberties, etc.
So you're saying if someone opposes you, you shouldn't oppose them?

I see people pointing out that realities of human biodiversity and cultural differences. Please define racial superiority in your own words and don't point me to posts I have already read.

What it all amounts to is libshit double think.

"Minorities" can have racial identity but white people can't.

Dozens of studies, not dozens of humans. Studies are typically done on hundreds to thousands of humans each.

Hey master race, how fucking retarded you have to be to post a 4 MB png meme ?

This. It's nothing but a hostile campaign against the whites and to the benefit of jews, and the sooner we start pushing back against it the better.

Still not accurate of the whole shit head. The only real way to confirm the resuts is to sample the entire population, which will never happen.

What is statistics?

Go to school and learn some statistics you idiot. Obviously there's some margin of error but it's not nearly enough to make up for the difference.

>So you're saying if someone opposes you, you shouldn't oppose them?
I personally don't. I can't speak for anyone else, obviously. I suppose in Sup Forums vernacular that makes me a "faggot" and a "cuck". But then, I don't live my life by the standards of an image board for paedophiles.

I only go by the dictionary definition of the word.

Where did this self-engendered idea of whites not being able to celebrate racial identify come from? People compared Beyonce's tribute to the Black Panther Party to KKK rallies. It's not like black people get a free pass when they protest on behalf of civil rights. They are often called rioting thugs, and we all know that is a false narrative. Meanwhile, white people don't have to worry about repercussions for celebrating their cultural heritage BECAUSE IT IS INGRAINED THE VERY FOUNDATION OF AMERICA. Ever seen Mount Rushmore?

I am superior to you moron. I aced stats easy math course. If you understood stats, then youll understand that it is glorified guess work and not deterministic such as physics. You fucking joke, read and learn how to articulate an argument before you speak to me.

>implying I'm master race
jokes on you buddy, I'm Italian

>Where did this self-engendered idea of whites not being able to celebrate racial identify come from?
I dunno, sure is a (((mystery)))

>They are often called rioting thugs, and we all know that is a false narrative.
We do?

>a person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of a particular group, especially a racial group

Please tell me where this has been stated in the posts you linked to previously? I don't recall anyone declaring to have identified and objective measure of planet-wide evolutionary fitness. I have seen one or more posters call for separation, but no one declare their group to be objectively superior to all others.

Assuming you're making a serious argument on the "leftist laws forcing integration" thing you're ignoring the entire reason laws like these had to be created in the first place.

Because without them, the majority race treated them like shit anyway. They were being killed and nobody batted an eye, etc etc etc.

Who's to say getting rid of those laws won't lead to the same shit happening again?

>asteroids lmao xDDD now the people that built europe is on par with australoids xddddd

You aced "stats?" You only took one statistics course? What was this, high school?

>They were being killed and nobody batted an eye, etc etc etc.

Please compare the rate of murder of blacks by whites to current rate of murder of blacks by blacks. They are far more dedicated to kill each other today than whites ever were.

Okay, I can give you an example. I live in a dorm while I take classes in college, and this dorm is in a city that's like a dream for the type of people that salivate over diversity. We have communities of latinos, blacks, and some whites all living together! The mayor is even a proud black man! Only issue is that this city is one of the most dangerous cities in the state. It's so bad that going off-campus after dark is considered suicidal. Even during the day, or if you stay on campus, you're not entirely safe. People have been mugged right outside of my front door. But since you love appeals to emotion, let me tell you a story. For a little background, I write for the school newspaper. It's usually a nice job, until you have to do an obituary.

See, this kid on campus, real promising future I'm told, was walking back to his dorm after dark, while two armed black men followed him. As soon as he got to his door, the one fellow with the gun held him up, forced him to let them enter his room, then burgled his dorm at gunpoint. Actually, that's not even entirely true, they made him give them the valuable stuff. Unfortunately for this kid, they got impatient, and when he didn't get out his valuables fast enough, they shot him. He was dead before the ambulance even arrived. I know he had a promising future because I had to interview the kids grieving mother AT HIS FUCKING WAKE so I could paint him in a good light for his obituary. I HAD TO LOOK SOME WOMAN IN THE EYE AS SHE CHOKED OUT ANSWERS THROUGH TEARS ABOUT THE PROMISING YOUNG BOY CUT DOWN IN HIS OWN ROOM BY SOME THUGS. I heard he got into his major, a STEM field, because he wanted to use technology to help people. His friends, also at the wake, said he was one of the kindest people they knew. None of that mattered to the two thugs, who I'm told made off with around $200 worth of stuff.

That shit ruined my entire fucking month. That kid died, for what? Just for the failed idea of diversity? I say fuck it

>here you go with facts instead of feelings
man if you enjoy the act of having a black penis in your mouth then that's fine but we do not

Protip: Every time you tell a lie like this people are less like to believe you

College. And you? Qualify yourself you insufferable fool.

If you'd taken even a fucking high school course you'd realize the mean of a random sample follows a normal distribution and the margin of error is fucking tiny even with just a hundred observations, never mind the thousands there usually are in these sorts of studies.

And you wouldn't have conflated a few "dozens of studies" with dozens of observations.

Oh, now that is hilarious since libshits are constantly push for legislative changes based on studies made with a sample of people under hundred subjects, usually made in their own circlejerk.
Next time the feminist came with some new revolutionary study, look at their sample.

And learn how the statistics work, you failure.

There's a difference between crime and hate crimes.
Back then when whites were lynching them it was hate crimes. Black on white crimes today are (mostly) just average crimes. Or do I need to bring up the rates of black on black crimes?


I take it you're not a mathematics or statistics major if you only took one statistics course. You took some shitty statistics course for political science majors or something and think you know everything. I'm an undergrad taking graduate classes in math so you can fuck off and stop acting like an ignorant fool.

So who are all of the Chinese geniuses and why haven't I heard of them? Must be a fuckload.