Mexico coup de etat

Mexican here.

We may have a Coup the next year(2017). People is really pissed off and the Military is pissed off too.


Make Mexico Great Again you bad hombre.

Fuckin do it I guess, not like it can get any worse down there.

I don't know anything about the political situation in Mexico, care to fill us in?

What exactly has the Mexican people so riled up that civil war is a possibility?

This pls, what has everyone so upset lad. Maybe some of you can go to Guatemala as refugees is things get bad

Hope you fucking beaners end yourselves


fuck no

they need to fix Mexico so the Mexicans can leave America and return to their homeland to make it better.

You want to know what to do? Start with liberating Sonora and Baja California Norte y Sur. Your first step is to take and hold Hermosillo.

fucking do it. I thought it was going to happen when the people started taking areas of mexico back from the templarios and then you guys got cucked by the government. I want to see mexico successful again.

This will just be an excuse for (((Them))) to push for millions of illegal Mexican "Refugees" to flood into the US

>1 post this ID

Nothing's happening

What is the overthrowing group looking like? What ideology? Are you getting an El Donaldo Trumpo?

Build the wall first then have your coup pablo

I'd rather deal with Mexicans than Muslims.

Mexicans speak a European Language, worship a European God, and enjoy European Sports.

They're basically Europeans.

Just...southern Europeans.

please wait till we have a wall.

Good thing I'm fleeing to Canada next week. Enjoy your 500 pesos per dollar and wall, fuckos. :^)

>worship a European God
Which one would that be?

Odinist Mexicans lol.


Mexican military is controlled by the cartels so good luck with that

t. french guy who was paid by the cartels to study cartel influence in mexico

Why is his face and neck light brown, but his hand is nigger brown?

lol prepare for a global economic collapse and your stuck in canada with no money and raging muslims, i recommend staying in mexico

Callate brayan you fucking shit skin public schooled motherfucker.

You faggots ain't going to do anything as always.

>Yfw Porfirio 2.0 soon

I don't give a fuck what you beaners do after you pay for my wall.

The only get thus far.

The problem is that the current year is the most corrupt period of time in Mexican history

Politicians are trash, we are the most corrupt country in the world. Some cities in Mexico look like warzones.


>We may have a Coup the next year(2017). People is really pissed off and the Military is pissed off too.

they are chatbots. Dont feed them.

Are you guys more left wing or right wing as a country?

nah mexicans are good at killing...wont be any refugees...they know you're supposed to DESTROY enemies not take them down a few pegs and let them rebuild.




What number of revolution is this? Get your act together.

The whole world will btfo in 2017, the dollar will collapse too and probably WW3.
Get ready pendejos, let the Don Porfirio spirit guide us through the process of rebuild this shithole.

Very good

Good rather have hispanics than muslims

They are in large good people

Mexico has potential. You hombres aren't doomed to be a violent shithole until the end of time like a good number of countries are. If only there was a way to get rid of the corruption, gangs, and what not. Make it a clean, first world-ish nation. Drinkable tap water, education, electricity for all without constant brownouts, infrastructure, decent morals, and a strong middle class.

Make Mexico Great. A safe, strong Mexico is nothing but good for the US.

>Inb4 "b-but if the illegals leave who will tend to my garden?"

>Mexican refugees flee across the continent
Unless you can settle it in less than a wekk please no

This, to be quite honest, family.

Kick CIA out, once you take the head of the cartels, the body should be taken care of by military numbers. Euthanize 70% of the lower iq population thru (((free healthcare))) so they can't reproduce anymore and you can use them to take care of the cartels also. Leave the 30% of the top whites do their thing, you already have all the resourcesand you could have have Japan like farms, top tier agriculture, and a NatSoc country. In 10 years you should be a top 5 country.

Another scenario is pic related, which I'm sure the people who live on that northern part of Mexico would see a rise in lifestyle

Not happening. I work at CNS and a coup is the least of our worries.

>Southern Europeans are the same as their mestizo mongrel rapespawn

Who the heck would want to even attempt running Mexico after a coup?

so the cartels take over?

I'd be willing to try.

all of these are chicanos

From my experience, the DoE. Fuckers are a pain in the ass.

Lived there almost five years. Taught English. Could fix the place but it would involve breaking a lot of brown eggs to make that spicy omelette.

Department of Energy?

If the mullato manlet rapists they send to California are any indication, they're about as commie as they come

Shit, I forgot "state" has no e at the begging


Nothings gonna happen cause you people like venezuelans are a bunch of laid backed faggots.

>I work at CNS and a coup is the least of our worries.
You work at a taco stand passing gossip among airheaded brown cunts like yourself, gay larper.

Even if you did work at the CNS, it's no secret that you're a bunch of political lackeys who only serve the interests of corrupt politicians by finding dirty laundry on otherwise honest people, using playschool tier tools that you bought from the US with money provided by honest Mexicans.

Duh OK.

Tell me more
I've been left out in the dark for a couple of years

About fucking time you cocks got angry.

How many dicks have to get shove into the mouths of skinned beheaded corpses before you do something?

Kek. That's Cisen you're talking about. CNS, or at least the area where I work is relatively clean and quite selective. The only play-doh we get from the US is the information/intelligence we get from Plataforma Mexico, which is peanuts compared to what Sedena and PF get.

It's so cute when Mexicans get triggered. Lol.

Wonder which side Mike "Gitmo's no shitshow" Pompeo and his CIA will back?

Welp i guess its story time

Against the white Mexicans in power?

Spic here, honestly i don't know what op is talking about the city i live in is actually fine and haven't had any type of problems economically or other and i live in one of the major cities

>de guatemala a guatepeor


Viva la Revolution!
Kill all the dirty mestizos please. European power! Make Mexico Great for once.

Beanerland can't get any more shit so might as well, hombre.

>American education

All of these are undocumented

Haz patria, mata a un chilango


>Kek. That's Cisen you're talking about. CNS, or at least the area where I work is relatively clean and quite selective. The only play-doh we get from the US is the information/intelligence we get from Plataforma Mexico, which is peanuts compared to what Sedena and PF get.
In other words, you're a pencil pusher whose job isn't related to anything important inside CNS

Do your higher-ups at least share the CP they mine from legitimate mobile users in Mexico?

Tell me a bit about plataforma mexico, are these systems only reachable within police corps buildings and the like, or do police employees get to take their laptop home and make queries to it through a VPN or similar?

Economic left, mostly Keynesian, some radical communists (mostly in the south, zapatistas and teachers in the south states are maoists/marxists).

Socially mostly right wing, most don't like gays, except maybe in big urban centers, tranies get murdered, classic gender roles still respected on the most part. This is explained because almost everyone is catholic. Even more conservative protestant christian population increasing since a few decades ago.

Current presidential front-runner is a populist, Keynesian/economic autocrat, large state worshiper, that wants to recreate the "new deal" the US used after the great depression.
Would nationalize everything he can.

Runs on a anti-corruption platform, some SJWs in the capital like him but he mostly ignores those issues.

Trump thinks NAFTA is too pro-mexico, this guy thinks NAFTA is too pro-USA.

>They're basically Europeans.

If mestizos are "basically Europeans," then so is Obama by that logic.

qué hay de malo en df

you haven't been around many mexicans have you. Or you're probably mexican yourself

Where do you live?

Son Judios igual que aqui

Puebla, the narcos playground

insubordinate Tierra Caliente masterrace checking in.

Whoa, too specific. You can only access info from inside the bunker, if you need to take it elsewhere, you need to make an info request. Some get laptops, but I've never seen anyone leave with them.