How did this get past (((them)))?

How did this get past (((them)))?

Other urls found in this thread:örper

By making every single episode over the top retarded "muh ebil Nazis."

One of the first episodes has the main character walking down the street when ash starts fallling from the sky.

He asks a nearby guy what's going on and he says something to the effect of

"The hospital burns cripples on Thursdays."

So yeah, taking the "soap and lampshades" bullshit and cranking it up to 11.

>By making every single episode over the top retarded "muh ebil Nazis."
Have you seen Season 2? They literally switch around everything and the Nazis become the good guys while the rebels become unlikeable and dishonorable fucks.

Overconfidence in the indoctrination of the audience of the idea that any and all depictions of National Socialism, even the mention of the word "Nazi", will trigger a Pavlovian reaction in the audience to immediately associate it with irreconcilable evil. While this is true in most cases, the radiant beauty of the movement can break even the most brilliant system of brainwashing that a society has ever gone through.

The imagery, and the expected reaction of the audience to the imagery, used in this television show is just another indication of the complete detachment and alienation of the higher classes from the mindset of the common man. They themselves are blinded by the unintentional beauty of their own propaganda, completely failing to realize that their audience is starting to wake up from a lifetime of indoctrination.

Basically, the aesthetics of National Socialism is so appealing that even propaganda meant to disgust the audience has the opposite effect.

>By making every single episode over the top retarded "muh ebil Nazis."

did you even watch it?

They fucking had you cheering for Hitler to not get assassinated because of the ramifications of his death.


I don't know, but this got me erect

Past the first episode that shit is pretty much non-existent.

I think they made the first episode that way just to get it produced.

What is it?

>tfw you wont ever serve under Obergruppenführer Smith or the Nazi Reich

Once it was a success in the first season, the Merchant's love of money eclipsed all other interests.

>Basically, the aesthetics of National Socialism is so appealing that even propaganda meant to disgust the audience has the opposite effect.
Maybe because modern society is so viscerally disgusting in itself that any white cis male villain coming along with his dastardly traditional values looks appealing.

>mfw this was filmed on campus where I go to school
>the building under the left nazi flag is where i work
>students got triggered and the administration had to bring in therapists

I wouldn't say that they are the good guys, but the second season did a much better job of making all factions seem a bit grey. None of them can truly be called all evil or all good.

Also, the resistance are snack bar tier and are annoying as fuck at this point.

I like that picture a lot. Trade you.

Fuck Frank and Juliana. During every episode I wished they got gassed.

My Jewish friend loves this series, he told me season 2 is better though.

No fucking idea user but it made me hate our timeline

"No one locks their doors here"

"berlin is the engine that drives the world"

"You don't care about the environment?"

"Now you're in a place where good people help each other"

"The Reich is different than i imagined; everything is so clean"

Fml lads

Lol, (((Ben Shapiro))) praised this shit on his podcast. Nigga I'm not looking at this shit haha.

What are some more realistic alternate history scenarios? Germany and Japan could never have conquered North America.

I say the point of divergence is Hitler deciding to put Operation Barbarossa on hold and seeking a separate peace w/ Britain after a couple of years. Churchill and the war cabinet could not have turned down peace talks if Hitler had made a public declaration intending to sue for peace.

muh evil Nazis overcome by a multi cultural, diverse resistance
>What I got
Rooting for Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler for preventing WW3

(((They))) wanted to find out who [[[You]]] were, and now (((They))) **KNOW**

because (((they))) made it
next season you will see why

get ready for a 180 fuck you from this series

my source is a my thick veiny cock., the best source that your mother loves to suck on and listen to

How did what get past them?

The book is like 50 years old

Cept Berlin new generation is decadent as fuck.
Also its not Berlin, it was intended to be renamed to Germania.

Speer made a model for it and would actually try to build it.örper

but the only Germans have the Heisenberg device in the MITHC timeline, US gets nuked

The Man in the High Castle is only superficially about an alternate history where the Nazis win. It's really about alternate universes. Infact it's likely that that Hitler used the films to know what action to take, that's why they have shit like bullet trains and a concorde, they're one step ahead.


yeah they sort of retcon that eh wait a minute, we're way into the 60s here how are there still enough cripples for it to rain ash? idk if that's a retcon i don't know what those Sup Forums words mean.

All that shit would have sank into the ground though. They actually built a test structure to see if Berlin could handle it, and it turns out it couldn't. So realistically they would have moved the capital to somewhere else like Munich.

worth watching?

>tfw you won't witness a rally in the Volkshalle

There is half-finished mod for Darkest Hour for the Cold War.
Remnants of USSR are having a power struggle, China is in civil war and UK+USA are left from the Allies.

Japan is puppet of USA, Vicky France is under massive reparations, Italians lost Africa to Nationalist France.

Mod essentially stops once Hitler dies and power struggle is over, not enough events after that.

In the show they call the city Berlin still and they call the greater German Reich Germania

>The Reich is beautiful and clean and happy

>muh execution of sick kids
>muh patriarchy society women are slaves
>muh Aryan examination
>Hitler regarded as Jim Kong Il and not like a leader

kek they literally pulled this shit out of their ass. Had to make Reich bad SOMEWAY


If they do turn it around and the rebels win, I can only imagine it strengthening right-wing tendencies once people see how shitty it is compared to the Reich.

Check'd and here's the video.

>implyging nazi scientists wouldnt natzi engineer magic the ground to support the structures


Yes. You can watch it for free on Amazon prime (free trial) just make sure to cancel it before they charge

>Welcome to pol


They take it all to extremes that didnt exist is what I'm saying.

We already have seen what the world would be like if the bad guys won though.

I don't see them going with that unrealistic scenario
I see John Smith distraught over his sons death, and angry that the Germans wanted to sacrifice American lives by the millions to defeat Japan, so he secedes from Germany
John Smith's independent Reich eventually becomes more powerful than Germany, and Smith buys Pacific States of Japan, forming the United States of America under John Smith's benevolent rule

that degenerate party upset me

Can you feel it? Kek's presence?

like the novel, the Germans conquer Africa and exterminate every nig they can find
Heydrich was an extreme dude irl
some characters are gung ho, others have white guilt, the tv portrayal is mixed

Do you think his son will actually die? or will he get saved at the last minute as a favour to John?

nigger detected

He will be euthanised under Nazi law, the euthanasia squads are only interested in exterminating people with defects

Because they have this 100% Jewish degeneracy bullshit to balance it out

They probably don't know about John Smith saving America because they are doing their job, not watching the news

It looked pretty fun desu

>high IQ sexy young adults trusting each other with alcohol and drugs
>das ubersex
>drugs are taken for mind expansion and not degeneracy
>people who actually care about environment and not doing it for social justice points and understand shit.
>Get rock n roll music on the downlow
all the way from Neutral Zone
>in the morning everything is cleaned up, anyone who tripped balls is taken care of and covered with a blanket.



ITT: /pol retards cheer on one of the most evil regimes in all of history.

The Holocaust was real, Hitler knew 6 million Jews died.

Get over it

The Holocaust didn't happen, but I wish that it had

Arent you a good little goy?

This was just updated earlier as well. It's still unfinished but worth checking out.

>Ad homs

fuck this gay earth

You just KNOW how much better NYC would be with all its "problems" removed.

[Citation Needed]

This show is bluepill garbage.
>Nazis take over US.
Yeah the Nazis couldn't even invade England.
>Japan taking west coast.
HAHAHAHA! OK. Do you think that the Germans would let Ayrans be ruled by Japs.
>Nazi science maymay.
So that's why the Nazis had, sonar, radar, radar fuzed AA, long range bombers, artillery command and control, and a NON-Autistic leader.

>Citation needed
>Literally in any WW2 textbook

Eh those hippies didnt seem that bad,compared to ours anyway. Even if they were the children of the powerful I assume the Nazi command is prepared to deal with it.

>The Holocaust was real


t. triggered mudshit

>WW2 textbook that are written by the jews
good one.


You're using that term incorrectly.

How many fucking decades have they been doing that shit? do they have euthanasia squads on call all day sitting around for days? how long would it feasibly take before almost all of the notable defects are removed from society?

good triple


thought he was taking a selfie 2bh

Nice free advertising you stupid faggot kys today

India is excited

Typyical jewi.

Yeeeah, about that, every one I've ever read has numerous contradictions in them that make me seriously question their integrity.

I need more credible sources. You understand.

What makes you so sure?
Didnt read any books? Pay attention in school?
NZ, you dont understand fuck all about my history.

Well in the last episode a euthanasia van rolled up at the front of Smith's house, and heaps of euthanasia guys were taking Smith's son into the van
So in this world there must be a euthanasia death squad on call in each area

I got 6 million problems and a shitposter ain't one.

Google "The Holocaust" retard.

Come on is this really all /pol has?

>P-proof please
>Youre a good Goy!

>Jewish conspiracy meme
Wow sick argument friend


>colorful and bright filed with love and tolerance for all colors and creeds
wow, truly a nightmare, le hitler dindu nuffin

I align more with the supposed villains in a lot of stories because they represent control and order I think we all do right?

>posts image of jewish partisans as proof
Not. real.

Did you know he stole that chick off a dead Jew!!!!

I wonder if making him the best character was intentional

>Yeeeah, about that, every one I've ever read has numerous contradictions in them that make me seriously question their integrity.

Lol. No, you're just retarded little man. Keep trying though. You'll get it one day

>I need more credible sources. You understand.
Lol let me go see if I can find any experts on a credible site like Stormfront or Tense

That's a fake news site, I need a real source.

Top kek, you know thats edited right?

Hello, newfag

Ad hominem isn't necessary, friend. Please keep this debate civil.

I merely am asking for non-compromised sources.

Couldn't believe he actually posted that shite.
Brazil based as all fuck lately btw

>forgetting that history is written by the victors and the age of information is controlled by a small minority ethnoreligious group that also coincidentally has a disproportionately large grasp on media and politics.

I honestly have no idea.