any Sup Forumsacks in the 905 area that wanna order a pizza and have a few drinks
Any Sup Forumsacks in the 905 area that wanna order a pizza and have a few drinks
I'm in the 905 area - Markham
im in hamilton and i have no car,
fuck Markham is further than Toronto
I don't either. damn, I didn't even know the 905 stretched that far west...
thats a 2 hour bus ride, and by the time id get there the new years will have already started
I think there's some other board on here dedicated to IRL meetups...
its all dick picks and roastie attention whores
nty I'm pajeet so my other brown friends who invited me out just because I'm brown are picking me up in 10
Anyone 803 here?
i don't know which one of you i fucking hate worse
I think
Here's to doing nothing during nye fellow leafs!
905 is pretty big area code senpai, but i'd love to hang out with you guys
>519 here
im in hamilton senpai, do you have a car?
Day of the Rake
you must be lost, this is a leafs only nye get together
go home ur drunk
416 here
we should have gotten a get together of autistic losers
toronto is doable, do you have a car?
lol no
i have a bicycle
and a dream
This is now the leaf nye loser thread
Let's count down nye together.
Will start a new thread once hits 200 posts so be ready
906 and no
the question dosent fucking apply to you, fuck off to another thread
lower sackville aka lower scrotumville reporting in
K faggot, I'll leave. Enjoy your shitty nye
it'll be better than your fucking nye, you'll see
Any Sup Forums in DC want to hold me and stroke my dick as I feed you tendies. I'm lonely this time of year
Where 519? Leamington area here
I'm sick and tired, had people over all week and probably caught one of their viruses. Today I can finally relax.
I'm in Quebec city, happy new year everyone.
Post kiks
i hear the economy is good there and housing is cheap?
Happy new year, everyone!
Housing might be cheap compared to other big Canadian cities but I think it's expensive.
Employment rate is low but unless you speak good french you won't find any real jobs.
Brampton reporting in
Fuck you too, nigger
hopefully my last year living in the muslim caliphate of mississauga
>tfw saskfag
>tfw such a low population Canada threads are never relevant to me
Why live
You live for those digits friend
Kek works in mysterious ways
>Why live
for sick quads
were a little late but, i guess brampton can work
do you guys have skypes?
Come to Washington, 360 and I will buy drinks and dinner. No joke.
Fuck off South Africa
I hate you far more than Canada
>>tfw saskfag
>>tfw such a low population Canada threads are never relevant to me
>Why live
To help establish the great Republic of western Canada.
thats an 8 hour drive senpai, if i walked i would get there tuesday
faggot it's midnight
Anacortes, WA. Pick a day from tomorrow to whenever if you're serious.
>a fucking nigger
No thanks m8
c-can i come too?
Niagara area?
I live in Hamilton what is your first name
st cath/thorold
Whoever gets here first. I'm drunk tonight though, not going anywhere.
we should make an leaf kik group
905 whitby
But im drunk so no
Happt nye
What high school did you go to
>it's a come get murdered for free bread
Do they terminate leaves if they don't meet shitposting quotas?
>tfw you can't go to Sup Forums meetups because you're not white
Nvm I don't know you
all the people who you would want to meet at a Sup Forums meet up are the people who would never go to a Sup Forums meet up
I need something to kill time with. Post some worthwhile animes
it's Canada
I never go on. I am in your area code. Kik is 420osis
>TFW when you live in degenerate downtown toronto and fell asleep next to your cat at ~10:30 pm and were just woken up by people shouting outside and fireworks
dis holiday lame
im actually kind of relieved to hear that, do you still wanna hang out?
whereabouts in toronto?
fack wish i saw this earlier
Full metal panic friend or parasyte the maxim
Sup Forums is a multicultural board, you shouldn't be ashamed.
>nr1 z wykop
what the fuck, fat negrasian jewish fucking leaf how can you live with yourself
Where in 905? Im down in the Fort Erie retirement town. You know, the one place worse that St cats.
kill me baby
You forgot Wellend
lol i just realized ITT im the only leaf shitposter that owns a car lololol
I moved to Quebec for my job and housing is cheap as fuck here. Got a great condo with parking and 2 floors for 100K, you could finance it on minimum wage. A 20 minutes drive from the heart of Montreal where practically all Canadian companies have their head office, if you can't get a job here you're doing something wrong.
Whats wrong with cathedral. And join the kik group you faggot
I love driving of course i have a car
Oh yeah I did forget Welland.
I.have a friend that lives there I havent seen in 20 years cuz I forget Wellamd exists.
gas just went up 4 cents in ontario thx wynne
colonial definition of a 'friend' never stops to amaze me.
>tfw i dont have a phone
i guess i can run to 711 and buy a disposable, do you guys have skype?
Wellends the land of E-bikes and liquor stores
We are cukked badly here.
not close enough for gay sex with you, homo
some other taxes went up too i think
ontario is fucked i need to gtfo
its my new years resolution to get the fuck out of this hellhole country
if you are posting in this thread hoping to find someone who will buttblast you, be fucking honest about it
lol just curious how your part of the city is doing
im in high park area
Nigger i posted my skype it's pooinloo.pooinloo
I made a kik group if any of you are interested scan the code or invite
Scanning is hard. Is there any other way for these peeps to know which group it is? This is becoming a clusterfuck. Also i hope i can figure out who is OP when i go on skype in 15 days. Anyways abandoning thread