So let's see, getting married 99.9% of the time will be a huge liability for the male, and not so much the female- whether it be child custody or paying alimony. So why is marriage still seen as a big step of one's manhood?
Is being MGTOW a cuck move?
Are there circumstances in which a Sup Forumsack can't resist marriage?
Kevin Watson
mm what a great thick bitch, hope she has a great black men to satisfy her
Christian Rodriguez
1. Girls are more clever then men. 2. We fantasize that having a family would be fun. 3. Plus sign better get married.
Easton Carter
Liam Carter
who is this woman
Isaac James
Ryan Hall
BBC only.
Jose Garcia
Literally just here for the girl
Jeremiah Flores
1. Ruthlessness isn't exactly cleverness 2. The male version of having a kid to 'save' a relationship? 3. What did you mean by that?