So whats your excuse for lurking Sup Forums on New Years eve?

So whats your excuse for lurking Sup Forums on New Years eve?

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I'm free from societal pressure. Literally no fucks given.

That's how I like it, only weak people feel bad about that anyway.

Same boat.

My girlfriend of 5 years left me a month ago, I'm just drunk and listening to music. I am currently texting her her because her new BF blew her off for new years, but I just want to die.

i've been jamming out of nye for years now. id rather just smoke a bowl and play vidya.

Same. Comfy Pepe

>No girlfriend
>Waiting to see if 2016 will have one final happening.

i also read Sup Forums right before the start of my graveyard shift.

and i always get pulled over by cops on my way to my graveyard shift 'cause i look suspicious.

With family, but I was hoping their was a sticky up. I felt like there was one for last year, but not sure what the mods are up to.

I would care if I had any friends.

No excuse, im just a fucking loser

just spent a week partying with family and friends. Flew home late last night. I need a break. Plus just banged a Brazilian so I'm set for the night.

im here to make sure americans know theyre fucking cucks

>go spend money and get harassed by the police loser
Um. No

Stop being black?

At work. Drinking tea. Watching Mariah Carey crash and burn on ABC. Hilarious

Playing boardgames with my family. Posting on here during others turns.

Broke up with my last girlfriend on the last new years, became a shutin since then and haven't bothered with anyone...not even friends. I think I have depression or something but too poor to see a doctor.


If she left you, don't just go and talk to her because some guy blew her off. Don't just be some backup cuck.

I was invited to a party but chose not to go.

I lost most of my friends over the years.

All to drinking and drugs. Hanging out with people and drinking constantly you eventually get into situations where they will act like shitty people.

I'm one of the few of my friends that understood that the drinking drugging college phase is a phase.

Over the years there's been shitty instances while friends were drunk or high that have ended most of my friendships.

I've focused on myself the last couple of years, finished my degree and just recently landed a very well paying web development position. Meanwhile my old friends are literally pot dealers and retail workers.

My revenge on my unloyal friends is that I am preparing for the future and will be much more successful than them by the time they realize the shitty life choices they've made. 2017 is gonna be a great year for me.

I really want to be the first person to say


I have nothing in this world except for you guys.
Happy new year

Working all night.

Waiting for a happening

I'm in the bathroom taking a shit

She has everything good to say about me other than she was wrong for leaving me in comparison to him. It's hard to stop talking. It's all misery,

Possibly mortal flu and family gathering is tommorow. Doping myself on chicken broth to pass the night.


Spent the entire day in the city with a girl. Fuck celebrating some arbitrary change in date specific to my timezone.

This is home. I don't need any excuse.

*tips fedora*

>other than she was wrong for leaving me
Exactly, she stringing you along for just in case. If she truly meant you were better she'd have realized that before she decided to be a whore and go get dicked. Or at least admit she was completely wrong and try to work it out.

Alrdy Home its 6am, have a good one u made IT another year

Stereotypical socially awkward guy here. Family as sociable as a sloth. Friends with their respective families. Rest of the country at the beach partying their livers out. Including the girl I like. Fml. Happy new year pol

Cut off all contact unless you want to be forever a cuck.


>working my shitty job tonight
>friends working their jobs too
>no gf

Spoiler alert: I'd probably be spending it at home alone anyways

Drunker than a motherfucker


dat flag


im hoping for a happnin and want to watch it live. FUCK IT ILL WATCH IT LIVE

I actually have some friends, but they are all on a trip.
I wonder if this year I finally kill myself, I thought I would do it in 2016, and regret not doing it.

I needed someone to celebrate with but I'm a shut-in because I'm busy planning my micronation.

Good night sweet current year +1.

Going out and partying like that on the beach is degenerate anyway. A girl that needs to go get overly drunk and act like an idiot to have fun isn't worth it.

I'm not a hedonistic degenerate

worked evening shift today, morning shift tomorrow

I ain't social

I don't have friends.

Dump one out for me, brother

If we gave you the Falklands back would that give you reason to live ?

I defoo'd

Don't give a shit about no ones party

Waiting on my gf to pick me up and go to a night club.

>not cucked
A great new year already
Been smoking blunts in celebration my northern friend.

happy new year me my first post of 2017 this year will I will disappoint myself as the last I hope I die

didnt get invited to do anything with anyone

I got anxiety from being with people. Not that I don't love my family but I prefer to avoid irl contact

Id be out but i woke up this morning sick.
Honestly dont care all that much, its just a new year

Well its 4pm new years day over here. That's my excuse.

I'm high and happy

You goys are my only friends

I paused the videogame I was playing to listen to Auld Lang Syne and Sup Forums was open in my browser.

Figured I should have an eternal Anglo tell me the current year while I was here.

I didn't have much planned anyway, but my sister came home crying from her shift at the hospital, and I thought I should be here if she wanted to see the ball drop. She ended up just going to bed, and it was too late for me to make plans, so I'm lurking here.

I just drove 18 hours to get home after visiting family and I'm too fucking tired to do anything but shitpost.

It's 4pm new years day I'm I just beat my hangover.

Browsing Sup Forums and t while listing to a right wing broadcast. Tonight is armature night desu.

Im sorry user
Its a shitty feeling, but it gets better. Next year i bet youll be invited to some stuff

woke af famlam. same attitude towards birthdays and pretty much everything else.

christmas with family is nice though.

you wernt invited either?

spaghetti's not done yet


white power never sleeps

I want the anons of this website to be happy because this is our home.

because Sup Forums is my family

this. my president won, my movement is on the rise. fuck society. I'm going to do whatever the hell I want, and I couldn't be comfier doing so.

Just said new years to my family and have to go to bed soon since I have to wake up at 5am for work tomorrow.

We're all gonna make it.

On vacation sitting on the beach. Drunk and bored in Oahu:p Most major things to do here cost a shit ton of $. Also for every white person there's 5 japanese...

Waiting for the firework show in 5 hours or so.
Happy 2017 Sup Forums

O and some1 jusT got hit by a car as I type this so gonna watch the amberlamps come


Im pathetic nolifer T_T

I was looking for a thread like this.
Spent a whole day watching nostalgic shit doing jack.
And Now I still feel lost as I contemplate my reason for perpetuating my limbo of gratification instead of doing something productive.

I'm shitposting my girlfriend's skype with bird pictures.

You'll make it for sure

Flying out the in the morning. If I go out I'm getting drunk as hell. I like you guys more anyway.

Keep it up bro

Same situation, shitty friends that I'm trying to get away from. They've been dragging me down half my life but be been making great progress

Parents went out and got drunk and went to bed at 11
Sister is asleep and my other one is probably being raped because she dresses like a whore

>not falling for the new year jew

I have leprosy

>because the streets smell like poop

Drinking with my newly wed white wife playing jenga, stay jelly.

holy shit i know that feel. Well just remember women don't know what they want and will end up in an unsatisfying marriage based on money/resources.

Thanks, user.

>when you google american inventors, it pulls "african-american" first since "AF" is before "AM" in search bar
>also google is jewish

I'm invited to all the parties


I was out partying and I sharted.

I'm entirely not joking.

I had to run out before anyon realized.

>for every white person there's 5 Japanese

That's not so bad

hey is oahu a shit place to live for a white man? i heard it was racist as fuck against whites