Freeze peachers btfo

freeze peachers btfo

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I have the ability to not care.

The shit colored skin of niggers and the hooked nose beaks of kikes offend me deeply

>implying you have a right to not be offended

Vice offends me


you also don't get to determine how big everybody else's safe space should or shouldn't be.

fuck off you dingo fucking moron.

But what if I identify as a OffendiGod-kin? OffendiGods determine what is offensive to those who are offended, and that's my gender identity you fucking faggot.

Who else here /OffendiGod-kin/?

But you do?

black people offend me

No we don't. But do get to decide whether we care or not.

>trying too hard

I find this statement highly offensive.

I actually agree in a sense. I have no control over what other people find "offensive." I just give zero shits if someone is or not.

Then what if your offence itself is offensive. Check mate.

>Just because you are offended, doesn't mean it is offensive

offense is taken not given

> bumping for the first aussie shitpost thread of my new year

member when vice was good

I find this offensive

>muh north korea documentery
no not really


And the offended don't get to determine what I say or do. So this conversation is pointless.

Niggers offend me

So fucking what?


That you're offended won't mean anything if I'm tired of your shit. A wolf named victim.

Sure. And you don't get to dictate other people's behaviour based on what you find offensive.

That offends me, take it down or you are discriminating against me. I am a trans-black, trans-muslim, trans-disabled, trans-refugee, trans-woman, trans-poor, trans-african, trans-am and if you continue your hate speech I will kill myself.


Doesn't mean I have to give a fuck.

Delete this. I'm extremely offended.

>freeze peachers btfo

Not an argument

Offense is never given, only ever taken.

This Twitter post offends me, erase it now you fucking bigot xenophobe transphobe misogynist racist sexist hateful monster