whats their endgame ?
Whats their endgame ?
to lie and lie and lie again
i heard they are more powerful than the rothschilds
any true to it?
Rule the world.
Why do they look so fucked?
Cmon guys, if you took a shotgun and shot one in the head, you wouldn't find anything human under that skin.
They're fucking aliens, shit look at that the lefts facial structure.
To become living breathing caricatures of themselves.
I have always wondered how two human beings can be so god damn ugly. Those are the two ugliest people I have seen in my life they make the abos look like 10/10s.
It's odd because they are both extremely intelligent and quite wealthy as well.
thats exactly what i was thinking am.
shits creepy
who are they?
Surgery can't cure mental illness. Lobotomy however.
Shitty pol threads
To serve Lord Chin Chin
how does one fuck up their face like that
make earth ayyyy again
they loved dick tracy so much they decided to look like characters from it
Why would they do it
To summon the mothership for invasion once Earth is in sufficient turmoil
>whats their endgame ?
To slide my threads into oblivion, obviously!
But they can't because the flames of Holy War are high, and their degenerate silicone faces will melt in the upcoming fire of Great Racial Cleansin
>On June 26, 2016, Yvette Felarca was caught on video assaulting a man at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento. She punched the man in the stomach repeatedly, before throwing him to the ground. Felarca is a 7th and 8th grade Humanities teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Berkeley. Among her responsibilities is teaching the students under her tutelage about the Bill of Rights.
>Someone who does not believe in free speech should not teach kids about their constitutional rights.
>Felarca's activity would get a student expelled at best, or jailed at worst. And yet she's meant to be a role model for students. She has repeatedly advocated the use of militant, violent tactics to shut down opponents of her personal political pack, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). They claim that they're "fighting the good fight," trying to stop "fascism" from taking hold in Berkeley.
Yvette Felarca was placed on paid leave, but is now reinstated: archive.fo
>P.S. Wanna try an experiment, user? Post the above in any thread and see how fast (((they))) will slide it
You wouldn't understand
because they were already old as shit
uh nooooo the albino aboriginals are going to kill us all aaaaaahhhhhh
To find that epipen for that Bee allergy.
are these what the ayyy's look like?
Who keeps shilling these faggots?
What the fuck is your problem?
they are the masterrace. clearly their endgame is to eradicate the inferior aryan subhumans and sling humanity to the next level
Looking at the same threads over and over every time i visit pol is my problem
>Two random guys who went for PHDs in math/theoretical physics
>apparently the masterminds more powerful than rothschilds
only Sup Forums
exactly sage these dumb shitpost threads
To be human...
Do you not know how this site works?
If you want a constant feed of new mindless garbage go on Facebook or something.
>whats their endgame ?
We have suggested that there may be a deep underlying reason for the Bogdanov Affaire.
What if it is true? What if there is something in their work - a particular question, leaving aside whether or not they are capable of answering it - that is sufficiently threatening to the "theorized" powers that be, so as to necessitate maneuvers against them? What if their popularization of this question - or questions - might lead to someone else - who might be able to answer it - taking a second look?
The possibility that COINTELPROis in operation in regards to the Bogdanov twins ought not to be taken lightly.
Physics and mathematics are the numero uno professions that have been used - historically speaking - to support the power elite. It is logically evident that "they" have a vested interest in making sure that the money goes only to projects that,
1) will augment their control; in which case such projects will be buried and no one will know about them
2) projects that do not threaten their control, in which case we may assume that they are funding research in the public domain that leads AWAY from the "important" issues.
In short, if it’s popular, gets funded, is allowed out in the open, you can almost guarantee that it is smart but useless.
You can take that to the bank.
The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era.
Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself.
Make plastic surgery great again
their cheeks are fake, they had already started surgery in this photo
their endgame? die in 2017
>ywn be BOGG'D by them, double team style.
Facial necrosis