I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm. Ask me anything

I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm. Ask me anything.

>inb4 feminist gtfo
>inb4 there is no wage gap

Before you Alt-right neo-nazi skinhead KKK white nationalist fucks start blabber mouthing, check these sources out before you speak:





Other urls found in this thread:


I know you are a very strong independent gorgeous "lady" but I really really want to see your lingerie.

Only serious posters & questions please...

Are you a woman?

Yes... that's the point of this thread.

huff post and washington news arent actual "News" why dont you compare your pay to one of your male coworkers?

Why would they hire men when they can pay women less?

Quads of truth. Get rekt bitch


>"da pay gape is reel!"
>links freakonomics podcast clip that basically disproves it

what did he mean by this?

Tits or gtfo


tits or gtfo

Because businesses have a diversity quota to meet that's mandated by the Government.


>gets BTFO
Seriously, this is a new low.

Keep it less sexist, you misogynistic animals.

Would you rather gas all kikes or gas all mudslimes?


What's the catch?
>Are you transgender?
>Are you a lawyer or just a paralegal?
>What kind of law?

I agree, remove diversity quotas

>this is what feminists believe

Oh aim laffin

What is your job title/description? How long have you been working there?

Why don't you go after them for breaking anti discrimination laws if this is true?

>I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm.

No, you're not.

Timestamp please

You fat cunt

>77 cents to the dollar

Working for kikes...
You can be happy, that you don't have to put in additional under the desk efforts!

>Huffington post

I'm a white male and my white wife makes more than me at the same job. AMA

self professed Clinton Campaign propaganda
basically yahoo answers

not sources, anyway, there is no wage gap. There is an earnings gap attributable to life choices. Bye.

Why are you so bad at your job that they only pay you 3/4 what they pay others? Are you lazy? Do you miss work a lot?

>bloodsucking lawyer

kill yourself

I disagree. It might just be the "(((((multiculturalism)))))" I was raised in talking, but going to the fucking cubicles 9-5 with nothing by whites and asians sounds like a one-way ticket to insanity.

>Baiting in current year

Betty, if you are the founder of a law firm why do you get paid 77 cents on the dollar?


Are you white?

>I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm. Ask me anything.

that's cute. let's see those feet.

ITT: unattractive betas who hate women that are more successful then they'll ever be and will never want anything to do with them


Then why was this company allowed to exist.
Dailymail is just as credible as huff.


Daily reminder that the """pay gap""" doesn't account for difference in profession. So for example it isn't adjusted to account for the fact that most secretaries are women and most CEOs are men.

>women as a whole continue to work in lower-paying occupations than men do.

I'm a brand new secretary, just got hired on 4 weeks ago.

First paycheck after taxes was $967.59 gross income.

Because the Government allows this, and I have no political influence as an oppressed female in this male dominant white society.

I don't want to risk being fired by my sexist boss who probably browses this white nationalist image board.

>blaming the jews
Are you Hitler Jr.?

You're probably a beta male?

>b-but muh FAKE NEWS

cry more.

I do just as much as my male co-worker does, but he takes away more.

The pic was unrelated.

I'm latina. Father is Venezuelan and my mother is Puerto Rican.

>I am a woman
nobody cares what is between your legs, leave that to your husband. Keep your hole for yourself and start working like men and you will be treated as one.

>tits or GTFO

This is elabrate bait. Shitstorm is fun though.


Men also work far far more hazard pay jobs because we're willing to risk our lives for shit more than women, funny how that works.

Point being. Gender gap is a myth is same job.

Are you saying that the ONLY reason that men are hired is to meet the diversity quota? But then they are given more money?

fuck your huff post sources, the only source that counts on this topic is your pay slip

post your and your male co workers pay slips, showing equal hours and un equal pay.
come prepared or dont come at all

untill then you know the drill tits or gtfo

tits or gtfo

You post fake news sites as sources.

The fact is there is no wage gap.




You're a lawyer, you don't deserve to get paid at all. Every lawyer in the US should be killed in the most brutal fashion possible. You are all the enemies of liberty. Equal wage of $0.00 once you're all fucking dead.


This isn't you?

>I'm latina
get deported, nigger
Make tacos at home.

>I don't want to risk being fired by my sexist boss who probably browses this white nationalist image board.
then stfu, if you are too pussy to talk shit in real life then go to your dumblr echo chamber

You are a self hating illegal who didn't pop out 3 anchor babies like everyone else in the family

With that kind of language and sources, I'm surprised you still have a job.

>I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm. Ask me anything.

Is your name Miranda Massie? Did you ever work on civil rights cases? Did you work with BAMN specifically?


>On June 26, 2016, Yvette Felarca was caught on video assaulting a man at a white nationalist rally in Sacramento. She punched the man in the stomach repeatedly, before throwing him to the ground. Felarca is a 7th and 8th grade Humanities teacher at Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School in Berkeley. Among her responsibilities is teaching the students under her tutelage about the Bill of Rights.

>Someone who does not believe in free speech should not teach kids about their constitutional rights.

>Felarca's activity would get a student expelled at best, or jailed at worst. And yet she's meant to be a role model for students. She has repeatedly advocated the use of militant, violent tactics to shut down opponents of her personal political pack, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN). They claim that they're "fighting the good fight," trying to stop "fascism" from taking hold in Berkeley.



Yvette Felarca was placed on paid leave, but is now reinstated: archive.fo/zLOGY

>P.S. Wanna try an experiment, user? Post the above in any thread and see how fast (((they))) will slide it

Tits out


You ruined your ruse when you said beta hehehe

>I am a woman--
Truth be told I only read 77% of your post.

What's your fitness workout.

>Huffingtonpost sources

Instead of doing coloured nails, you should have attended university to study something that counts.


i am never going to click a shitingtonPost link, so forget it, unless there is archive, I checked the quora link and the first answer is debunking this pay gap myth, by saying that women work less hours, get less experience, pick flexible jobs, etc...
so what kind of evidence is this? it is literally contradictory to your claims

did you honestly believe nobody would read those links?

If you are literally getting paid less than a man who has the same seniority and work hours as you, you have grounds for legal action because you really are being discriminated against. Your a lawyer, you should know this.

But we both know the real reason you are getting payed less is because you work less hours, are less productive in the same amount of work hours as your male equivalent, and are less aggressive in your pursuit of pay increases and promotions.

>Before you Alt-right neo-nazi skinhead KKK white nationalist fucks start blabber mouthing, check these sources out before you speak:

but I'm brown and still think women don't belong in the office

Literally this.

>implying this isn't entirely a LARP thread

their only value is the moist hole inbetween their legs

>I do just as much as my male co-worker does, but he takes away more.

you just got hired. of course you're not going to be making as much as someone who's been there longer. ffs, do you just expect to be hired on the same pay as others? and also, why didn't you negotiate a bigger salary? what they offer is not necessarily what you have to take. \

plus, is the guy you're complaining about a secretary also? same title and responsibilities? if not, then you fucking can't compare.

Oh, come on! She is trying so hard to appear to be progressive!

>implying any of these sites are trustworthy

>some blog


>first 3 all liberal owned and operated, therefor irrelevant

Look up Sargon or tldr on the wage gap. Good day

holy keks


A big reason for the actual wage gap (ie. between same jobs) is that women are less aggressive in initial negotiation of pay, and less likely to seek promotions.

Some companies are addressing this by removing the ability to negotiate your pay altogether. I think Amazon is doing this. I don't think that's a good solution.

>after taxes was $967.59 gross income.
>after taxes gross income
Well I think we just got to the bottom of this one folks. Her employer would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you kids and that dog!

Also sage this r9k thread
If you don't like your rate of compensation, then talk to your boss about a raise

Businesses only have a quota to hire if they are government contractors or government agencies. Private employers are immune to quotas as long as they are not government contractors.

How do you know you get paid 77cents on the dollar?

Did they hire a male at the exact same time with the exact same qualifications with the exact same role that make x% more money on you for the same role?

>just got hired
there you go, you're misses new fag. Let the old fags get the pay raise. secretaries don't do a lot of real work anyways

You are a 18-34 White Male living in Sonoma County.

One day, you will be a better troll who will not post a stock photo that a woman would never post, with a pile of links in the OP, one of which is about why your meme is wrong if you bothered to read it.

Show me a timestamped comparison of your pay stub next to a male coworker of the equivalent position. I'll wait.

>responded to a post that was entirely unrelated to them
ok, now your just trolling.

You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.

>not knowing the basic rules
to recap:
first of all, OP cannot inb4
secondly, tits or GTFO

>implying you actually asked all of your male coworkers how much they get paid
>implying they didn't exaggerate how much they get paid
You're retarded. You can't prove it, but, more importantly, if you could prove it, then you would sue, because the "equal pay act" exists. You are not legally allowed to pay a woman less than a man.


Tits or gtfo

And I bet you don't even do 77% of the work of your male counterparts.

Shut up bitch

I figured you were a secretary. Are there any male secretaries where you are and are they getting paid more than you? I don't even know why you would have gripes about getting that much a week for what you do. Also wouldn't your hourly rate increase the longer you remain employed by that firm? My average weekly wage is anywhere from $750-$950 a week after tax depending on what im doing. And i'm an unskilled labourer/machine operator setting bricks/pavers into packs in Aussie weather conditions.

post tits and pls including ur feet in stocking

Cannot provide tits, the thread will be gone you fucking whore

>77 cents
That figure is based off of the aggregate sum of all wages/salaries. What figure you want is a figure that adjusts for personal decisions.

They quote a payscale report that reports a value of 76 uncontrolled, but then a controlled value of 98 is given. This already debunks your claim. But if you are stupid enough to say that the remaining 2 percent is significant, let me continue. Payscale is based off of self reporting, they only give two significant figures, and they don't give access to more details. In addition, they may not take into consideration other factors like negotiating skills.

>quora (literally who)
The "best" answer still disagrees with your claim

>Washington post
Again they disagree with your claim, he first says 78c, then says its actually 92, and that the remaining 8 could have a fraction that is due to discrimination.

A wall of text of celebrities.

Next time bring real sources.

Then go to court and sue you stupid vapid cunt. Jesus Christ if you have evidence bring it too court you idiot, don't just let them keep doing it. Obviously if your this retarded maybe you deserve too be payed less.

Glanced at OP post,scroll down and see no tits...

Fuck off OP, yer ass is overpaid

fuck you check my 7

you got fucked hard, haha faggot

Why don't you sue nigger? It's illegal to discriminate against race and sex in America.

Baitest of Bait

You should see a laywer. He might be able to help you with your wage gap problem.

>Quoting huff po unironically
You she is a woman alright

>I am a woman who gets paid 77 cents to the dollar at my law firm.
Because you only do half as much work.
>female privilege

Then fucking file a lawsuit. You work at a goddamn law firm. I'm sure you know how to get that done.