
>Jared Taylor, a white supremacist who runs the self-termed “race-realist” magazine American Renaissance, said the president-elect had already backpedalled on several pledges that had fired up the far-right. “At first he promised to send back every illegal immigrant. Now he is waffling on that.”

He's not wrong. And I said it long before the election, he's not going to send them back. He's not going to build a wall. He's not going to turn the clock back on this nation to when it was 90%~ white (the first 200 years of its existence.) At best, he's a temporary band-aid. At worst, he'll grant blanket amnesty just like Reagan did.

And if he does that, well, I can't say what I want to say because I think it might be illegal.

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You fool.
The only reason that smart people elected Trump is because he will create the opening necessary to finally abolish the US Federal Government.

Once the Federal Government is gone we can do whatever the fuck we want.

He doesn't need you anymore.
You got played, nigga.

Finally, spencer did something useful with his life.


Then he can say goodbye to a 2nd term. He barely got elected considering a few swing states swung the electoral college in his favor by relatively thin margins.

>the blaze
>Glenn 'controlled opposition' Beck

Try harder.

Its all over the news outlets. I double checked

theblaze = Fake news....

Trump is /ourguy/ anyone saying otherwise will be sent to the camps



>Once the Federal Government is gone we can do whatever the fuck we want.

Like what?

/pol is not "atl-right". Get your faggot "alt-left" propaganda out of here.

fuck drumpf
He will never make this country white again.

Fucking jews. Trying to split conservatives even further with this shitty back n' forth "TRUMP IS HITLER, MINORITIES WILL BE DEPORTED" and "HE'S NOT HITLER, WHITE RACISTS BTFO" wedge garbage.

I see your tricks, kike. Trump is stronger than you.

He goes from deporting "11 million" illegals to going after illegals that commit aditional crimes on US Soil (800,000 spics)

Hes selling out!

Here's a radical idea: Why don't we saint until Trump has been in office for a few months before we evaluate the success of his policies?

Dont call me a kike you stupid cuck



Who will work in pur fast-food if we deport them all?


These self proclaimed leaders are nothing more than mouth pieces, Trump does as kek wills, as do we all.

His businesses and his children's businesses would be finished in America, the lefties won't touch his stuff and his supporters would boycott it after being backstabbed.
Would he be that stupid?


Stop this meme