protip you cant >white country >hot women >they are not cucked with jobs they enjoy life >mostly conservative >christians >good at sports >they have sea and ocean >they spreaded christianity to other continents >last fascist country
Give me just 1 reason why Spain isnt the best country in Europe
and yea my captcha lagged out so i copied pasted text and im too lazy to fix it
Apart from Portugal, Spain is the only other country in Europe I'd live in.
Can't think of any desu senpai
>white country
USA flag. I hope Trump gives you better Universities, dude. Seems like your knowledge about genetics is thrash...
Illegals, corruption, worst media in europe (probably) mediocre education quality (cuz no dedicated teachers/prefessors only state leechers) The list could go on. But still a great country anyways.
>Full of Sudacas and Gypsies
>No Government
>Cucked populist party Podemos
>Nu Males
>not wealthy
Norway or Switzerland are the best european nations for me
You fags do have some of the best olive oil, I'll give you that.
Because they still share they're peninsula with the Portuguese I don't even have anything against the Spanish or the Portuguese I'm just mad that the Iberian peninsula is being shared and it looks weird to me on a map.
>white country
Depends on the region.
>hot women
>they are not cucked with jobs they enjoy life
If you're a minimalist, sure.
>mostly conservative
Like the US it depends on the region.
>good at sports
How many golds do you guys average at Olympic or World meets?
>they have sea and ocean
You share your see with niggers.
>they spreaded christianity to other continents
How many of said countries do you still own?
>last fascist country
Like fascism isn't anything but a name anymore.
Nigga I love Spain, shit I'm half Spaniard but Norway or Sweden is the best. Spanish bitches are stuck up as hell, your country is literally falling apart and looks like Cuba. I'm a mixbreed 5'6 texan and I pull all kinds of tail when I visit northern europe, I visited Spain once just for kicks and the amount of sand niggers and arabs is overwhelming.
because catalonia and others of your former islands are breaking away to accept more diversity.
Refer to the Britposter above me.
Sorry but Spain isn't white.
Disgusting. Spain is a garbage country and it's language is cancer.
>they are not cucked with jobs they enjoy life
>tfw I own a small import/export company
>tfw my taxes are so high because Im probably paying your welfare and housing benefits to live the spanish/andalusia dream
>tfw barely any holiday
>tfw I have money but no time to spend it
Yeah, spain is awesome for holidays retirement or if you are a simple worker.
I think he meant that their skin color is whitish? Like the Andalisian and Extremduran people in spain look like arabs or other mud people while Leonese, Valencian and Catalan people are whiter with fairer hair and eyes.
Your conduct in ww2 was more embarrassing than americas
>Lowest minimum salary
>No jobs
>Extreme arrogance (where it isnt due)
>Extreme ignorance and "fiesta" loltopkek mentality
>Our society punishes success
>General jealously and badmouthing whenever someone is good at something
>Somewhat lazy (but not as much as the memes)
>Very incompetent people running things
>Extremely corrupt government
>Madrid is one of the most polluted cities in Europe
Spanish is another word for spic. Admit it you wish you were white.
At least you guys eventually picked a dude and showed up.
Spain sat out the whole war while occasionally fondling Germany's balls
I have perfect english and can do anything
What was the mentality of a colonial era spaniard?
They pretty much kicked ass and took the entire south america for themselves, i wonder how did the average spanish man see himself then, and whats different now?
>pulling tail
Pick one and only one manlet. in scandinavia a middle school girl is taller than you.
The people who took off to the americas where the avant-garde and least retarded of the population.
Spain has always been a profoundly ignorant country. The average spaniard was just obnoxious cattle more or less, nothing to do with conquistadors.
This is the truth. It's not a bad a country, but it's nowhere near the best european country. Anyone who says so is a welfare nigger that doesn't want to do anything with his life anyways, besides eating and sleeping.
Spaniards are brown, their economy is shit, their language is horrible, their sense of fashion is terrible too. Otherwise, great place to go on vacations and party (especially Madrid and Barcelona).
Also, the people seem to be very serious, they don't seem to understand irony or to like jokes, puns, etc.
>I visited Spain once just for kicks and the amount of sand niggers and arabs is overwhelming.
Most of that is actually just spics with moors in the bloodline especially if you was in andalucia.
Is there any good books to read to get the general mentality of conquistadors?
In english, if possible, since never been part of the latino-sphere.
Yet I can and have literally walked into a bar and walked out with a 6'0+ viking lady only to fuck her all night and not pull out. The thing you lanklets don't understand is having money and good looks more than make up for whatever imaginary height standard memes you unironically buy into.
Stopped reading right there, pendejo.
>last fascist country
im' gonna ask you to check that again slobodan
I'm half valencian spanish and my mother who's spanish is blonde haired blue eyes, I got her blue eyes but my dad's dark brown hair from his english roots what's the difference between aryan blonde hair and blue eyes and spanish blonde hair and blue eyes?
I only have one good book on the matter but you can read anything from around that period that is spanish.
For bibliography just use Google Academic and search for bibliography on some universities history courses on the period.
There isnt much glory at all in that era according to my understanding
There's a reason why a select few decided to fuck off far from Spain and risk their lives on a long and insufferable journey to the unknown where they would most likely die from disease or bug bites.
Thanks man, appreciate it.
>literally muslim rape babies
>inherited their skin color
>inherited their IQ
>is a communist shithole
> 50% youth unemployment
>I'm half valencian spanish and my mother who's spanish is blonde haired blue eyes, I got her blue eyes but my dad's dark brown hair from his english roots what's the difference between aryan blonde hair and blue eyes and spanish blonde hair and blue eyes?
Stay mad
>brown country
>sluttiest, pickiest women in europe (scientifically and statistically proven)
>you can really enjoy the life here, that is if you have a job and money
>either the most rancid form of conservatism, and only among old people, or lower than reddit tier of SJW liberals
>one of the least religious population in western Europe
>only worth at football (with foreigner players, like all football nowadays)
>tourists have sea and ocean
So glad I don't live here anymore desu
Shut up frog. I'm probably whiter than you.
Have been to france several times and it is much worse, a completely dirty shithole filled with niggers. And your frog language sucks.
It's a country i like a lot but:
>white country
>hot women
>they are not cucked with jobs they enjoy life
The lack of jobs it's a huge. If you have a good paying job you'll live well in spain... But it's very hard to get any job.
>mostly conservative
Mostly very left-wing, sadly.
Conservatives are a plurality just because all progressives/sjws are too fragmented (psoe, commies, podemos...)
Mostly atheists, to be fair
>good at sports
>they have sea and ocean
>they spreaded christianity to other continents
>last fascist country
See above.
wtf your are literally 2 feet shorter than my ex. How can you people be so short and still feel any kind of relevance?
Read the Relectio de Indis by Francisco de Vitoria, it's quite important
>sluttiest, pickiest women in europe (scientifically and statistically proven)
Is this true?
That would explain a lot of things
WOW, he must work out
I thought you guys got fucked by muslims
Yes France is a shithole i'm not saying otherwise
I have blue eyes, for what it's worth
Italian language sounds much better than Spanish language
One reason? Instead of investing all the gold and riches they managed to plunder from the americas in anything worthwhile, they were squandered away, their civil wars bringing down the former world-power to a level that austrian protectorates enjoyed.
Even nowadays, they haven't recovered from not joining in on the industrial revolution in a timely manner.
Government cuckery, corruption and cronyism everywhere.
Fix this and it's a paradise.
spaniards are basically savages. Living here as a foreigner makes me feel like I live in a zoo surrounded by monkeys.
they can't do anything right, everythings one half-assed, they're lazy, they're stupid, they're uncultured (and look down on anyone who has an education), they're all corrupt just like their politicians
Just look at what Spain has going for it, and what have they done with it? Jack squat. Just like africa, they're sitting on a gold mine and all they do is sell out all their valuable assets.
Spain will NEVER be a first world country. it's too full of sectarian dumbasses who are either "HURR MUH FRANCO" or "HURR MUH GOMMUNISM"
I've come to deeply hate this country and its people after having lived here for quite some years. And I live in Barcelona, which is probably one of the most civilized places. At least here you can watch a political debate on tv and just think "huh, those people are pretty childish". If you watch the national parliament you just want to throw the TV out the window. I'd kill myself if I had to live in Madrid or some small village.
Dedicated teachers? Not really our fault if we get a 35 student class with 7 students who barely speak our language, incorrect textbooks (I find mistakes all the time), a mid-tier salary and an unstable job position, often with rotations.
T. Teacher going abroad for many less hours, more dosh and a better environment to teach.
>Lowest minimum salary
>>No jobs
>>Extreme arrogance (where it isnt due)
>>Extreme ignorance and "fiesta" loltopkek mentality
>>Our society punishes success
>>General jealously and badmouthing whenever someone is good at something
>>Somewhat lazy (but not as much as the memes)
>>Very incompetent people running things
>>Extremely corrupt government
>>Madrid is one of the most polluted cities in Europe
wew lad, Mexico is like you.
As a skeptical spaniard, I should agree with you. But the fact is that there is evidence against.
>Government cuckery, corruption and cronyism everywhere.
yet they fucking keep voting the most corrupt politicians.
It seems the more they steal, the more they're voted for.
I've never seen something as pathetic as in Spain.
You speak like an authentic spaniard. If I could I would give you citizenship.
>I live here as a foreigner so I shit on this country.
You have to go back.
Never believe anyone who pretends Spain is somewhat better than Mexico. It's the same shit. I've lived in Mexico and in Spain, and the only difference is maybe that Spain has a better starting point, like people being more literate and infrastructure a bit better, but they run their country at least as shittily as mexico, probably even worse since they get free gib from the EU and waste it on white elephant AVEs.
WTF? There is no hope! This is a feminist shithole with anything good.
>Comparing Spain with Africa
I'm probably a better spaniard than your average spaniard, I know more of politics and of this countries history than most locals.
Be thankful, my presence is an iprovement for this shithole.
Read their plenty of master piece writings and educated demeanor who conquered an entire planet.
>spaniard can't read
why am I not surprised
I was just comparing how spain has everything going for itself yet it manages to fuck up, which is just what has always happened in africa.
go back to school you illiterate prick.
I've always been amazed at the way the retards run their businesses, literally in the most ineffective, greedy and shortsighted way possible, yet they still somehow stay afloat.
And I still dont have a job. Holy mother of kek what the fuck.
DeFectuoso. Good times, I fondly remember the greasy street food, tacos al pastor, and some buddies of mine. But yeah it's a total shithole. Shame, really. Just like Spain it has potential, it's not a completely lost cause, but the people have absolutely zero interest in fixing their country.
You people need another Porfirio Diaz to make Mexico great again.
Like father like son.
Also I haven't been living abroad that much yet, but now that I came back here (coast city) it looks worse than before. Maybe it's because I was used before and I didn't pay attention but I see so many sudamericans and arabs now it's mindblowing, and if I get to the pretty zones (near the beach, historic quarter etc) It's 70% english language,10% german, 10% arab/asian and the rest spanish (mostly sudamerican). It actually doesn't bother me Spain sounds so loud now.
>trying to enjoy a walk around the sea, remembering my old city
They were like 50m away from me and I still could hear them perfectly.
Also many shops closed or closing, and more chinese shops. I spent most my money there because if Spain didn't give me a job (not even a shitty one) I'm not giving them my money.
yeah I watch jordi evole videos, its kind of sad that our governments waste money in white elephants.
mexican white elephants,
I do not question it. I was referring to the excessive drama of self-criticism, which is legal tender here.
Jordi Evole is a government disinfo faggot. And a lefty.
A self-hating nation is easier to rule.
>I've always been amazed at the way the retards run their businesses, literally in the most ineffective, greedy and shortsighted way possible, yet they still somehow stay afloat.
TRUTH BOMB right there. I'm too lazy but I could think of dozens of examples where I've seen this happen.
But it's a cultural thing. Friend of mine works in law, and he says it doesn't go into people's heads that the government can actually promote small businesses. It's like
>DURR if you REALLY want to start a business you'll get neck-deep in debt (and lose everything if you fail), otherwise you don't REALLY want to set up a business.
so to the bureaucrats it's perfectly normal to squeeze every last drop of blood from new businesses, even if it means 9 out of 10 startups fail in the first year. yay spain!
what amazes me is how the government absolutely DESPISES its own people, they literally govern against the majority's interest on a regular fucking basis, and people are so cucked they think that a good government cares more about some big banks than about the people's interest
it's so sad and pathetic
why do spaniards have such a huge inferiority complex???
>the Mexico of Europe
> had all the silver and gold it could need,and squandered it
>people in spain cross the borders to france for work
> Became Ottoman clay,will become Ottoman clay again.
Shit tier
Gone the Convservative and liberal parties, there is only the Spanish party of the Spanish people the only interest is Spain and Spanish people.
Soon we vote for AMLO in 2018, enough is enough, and why you didnt stay here?
they rised up the gasoline°°°°°°!
yeah, de tal palo tal astilla.
>has all the silver and gold of mexico
>is shit hole
I heard Spanish women are good wives, idk if a meme
In another thread there's a spanish schoolbook about gender with boys with vags and girls with dicks.
Bitch tell me you are joking. Im planning to move to study to the Politecnica de Madrid a PhD. Not thinking to stay there btw. You think 1100 EUR a month is ok to live? How are the universities in general? Damn, your comment made me think
Yes, but I think this is key. It's not self-criticism, it's self-hating. They don't hate that their country is in the shitter, they hate that there's people who don't believe in their glorious PP/Gommunism and think that the reason their country is in the shitter because there's people who have different political opinions.
The absolute incapacity of spaniards to respect different ideologies and self-criticize their own is in large part the reason why this country is politically fucked and unable to work democratically.
stop being a retard, Hitler was a friend of Spanish people.
I'm very well travelled around almost all of the world and I can safely say almost all other women I've seen have at least a bigger sense of decency, regardless of what they do behind closed doors.
I've seen women actually care for men in other countries, and act against their own interest for a man. I havent seen that here, and all my experiences with this in Spain have always come from foreigners, never spanish natives.
>Soon we vote for AMLO in 2018, enough is enough, and why you didnt stay here?
Correct me if I'm wrong, it seems to me AMLO is in a way like Trump, as in not really a respectable politician, but the necessary shake-up for the status-quo.
Why didn't I stay? long story. but desu I don't really would like to go back to mexico. There's some good things, but overall that city is just such a huge clusterfuck. For one I hate driving, and I was sitting in the car like 3-4 hours each day.
(Im spaniard)
>60% divorce rate
>most divorces are followed by LIVG, because easier to win the divorce and ruin the man life
353 reports a day for sexist violence (man to woman)
So yeah, you're playing russian roulette marrying here.
Hitler was not friends with anyone who wasn't white
White people came first to Hitler
Go look at the racial hierarchy they planned out
Mediterraneans are 2nd or 3rd tier
We are average in terms of wealth
>>Full of Sudacas and Gypsies
You have more sudacas than our whole country population
Should I be offended by this?
>>No Government
Maybe 2 months ago
>>Cucked populist party Podemos
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Podesta, etc
>>Nu Males
Your country invented them and I bet there are far more of those in your nation than in any other country
A lot of people compared him to Trump, he they are different. He is like a mix of 40% Trump and the rest Bernie Sanders.
AMLO is from Spanish parents, can you believe it?
We got ourselves a pureblooded spaniard here lads
>le 60% white
Depends. Some uni teachers have stable jobs and really juicy salaries, many others earn pretty much 1000 euro per month.
I'd say depending on what you teach and on your luck/friends you can live really well. University classes are much better than the previous ones.
>Mexico was a great empire that spanned the world,and had a shit ton of gold,and silver
>Mexico then became a shit hole tier country economical.
>Mexico was conquered by the moors for more than a century
>Mexico economy is on par with it's colonies
No wait that was Spain
You're either trolling or extremely stupid
Spanish media is about the worst I've ever seen.
Close to Italy and the UK
Russian women are hot af, at least in the north, no denying that. But they're so fucking entitled and selfish (like all spaniards) that they're not wife material at all.
I dated a spaniard chick for like two years, she treated me like shit even though she was no more than a 6/10, eventually left me to go ride the cock caroussel. Good riddance. Now I'm dating a russian qt who is nice and caring, also redpilled af, hates shitskins, niggers and degeneracy. Slav girls are teh best. They've still got some values over there.