1. Mandarin - Difficulty = High
2. Arabic - Difficulty = High
3. Spanish - Difficulty = Easy
4. German - Difficulty = Medium
5. Portuguese - Difficulty = Easy
6. Russian - Difficulty = Medium
7. French - Difficulty = Easy
8. Japanese - Difficulty = High
9. Hindi - Difficulty = Medium
The Top Languages to Learn in 2017
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god tier finnish - difficulty = easy as pie :DD
I can speak two sentences in Mandarin:
>I don't speak Mandarin
>I'm from America
Ask me about redundancy.
I've been feeling for a while that it might be better to learn Chinese instead of Spanish.
Japanese being hard to learn is Jesuit propoganda from Portugal.
Pffft. You're right about French being easy as shit, though.
>muh oranges
Of course. The only languages worth knowing are English and German.
Sand runes are surprisingly easy
They feel no need to interact with other nations
Spanish or french are more important imo
Japanese is not so hard to learn. Written part can be pretty hard, yes, but overall it's a simple language.
>8. Japanese - Difficulty = High
There are already a billion people in the world who speak English that I have zero desire to talk to. Why would I spend all that effort to increase that number?
>learning a second language if your first is english
Why waste time and brainspace on shit no one cares about? They learn our language not the other way around. anglos should prioritize mastering english over learning a second language.
. Japanese - Difficulty = High
What did he mean by this?
written part is the real deal. Japanese grammar is easy. Keigo is not.
>Japanese - Difficulty = High
I learned Japanese in high school and I found it pretty easy. I did 9-12 in the first year
>7. French - Difficulty = Easy
Si tu es Québécois, tu es biaisé sur ce sujet, demande à des gens dont le français n'est pas la langue maternelle et qui l'ont apprise à l'âge adulte de te donner leur opinion sur la difficulté de cette langue.
Le mandarin et le japonais ne sont pas très difficiles, il n'y a que leurs putains de runes et la prononciation en chintok qui sont difficiles, autrement la grammaire est d'une simplicité enfantine.
>only good for insulting polish players in csgo
>mega cucked
>literally shit
American here, only know English and proud of it.
estoy aprendiendo español, y realmente lo disfruto. amo la lengua; penso que es muy hermoso
just a tip for anyone who's trying to learn arabic: unless you signed up for an actual serious class, don't bother
it's way too hard to be learned on a shitty internet website
also, your biggest nightmare is going to be vocabulary, arabic is so rich it makes your head spin,
for every english word there is about 4-5 arabic words
I kind of want to learn HueHue for the sexy women (and men - n-no homo).
French is easy though, I can get the basic gist of what you're saying there and I don't know French very well.
Japanese is easier to speak than read. That is where most of the difficulty is feom
Hermosa. Gender of the adjective applies to "lengua."
Anyway, let's all learn Navajo:
the problem with arabic is: which arabic? You have dialects, modern standard, classical arabic...
what about hebrew?it sounds really nice.
Most people suggest MSA -> Levantine Arabic, and that's what I'm doing after I learn the writing and reading.
Anyone else have a language new years resolution?
I want to start Duolingo for either French, Portuguese, or Norwegian.
>Hindi = Shit
>Not POO
One job, kangaroo.
MSA (standard) -> tunisian dialect
because if you speak middle eastern dialect to a north africa/egyptian, they won't understand you
If you speak with them in tunisian dialect, arabs from all places will understand you, closest dialect to MSA is tunisian
That's some serious code talking right there.
Just do it, don't be a faggot. Have a notebook by your side to write down some stuff, also unless you're very keen on Norwegian, I'd suggest Swedish because there's only one official Swedish and it's supposedly easier.
I took Spanish in a high school filled with spics but couldn't comprehend a single word even when I could read it okay. It all just ran together into a whiny-sounding mess even when the videos were spoken in a neutral accent with clear pronunciation.
Arvanite or Labërian Albanian, ie old Albanian
That may be so, but a non-native speaker will understand nothing natives say.
every arab who went to school knows how to speak MSA, just ask him to bare with you
Un kek pour les runes
lol you do realize all people are trying to learn english hundreds of millions people are trying. English wins the language race its superior
>all these people learning arabic
Getting so ready to be cucked by Islam?
I'm no expert but aren't 4 and 7 the same as 2?
Mandarin is overrated in difficulty. Cantonese is harder to speak. Wu is harder than both of them. But in all three cases I would say they aren't specifically difficult if you can deal with rote memorization.
To be honest, I've had a much harder time with gaeilge than any of the chinese languages.
Also, never fucking learn Mandarin. You will forever be doomed to work with the chinks. No fucking employer ever will stop and go, "Oh this guy speaks Mandarin - I guess I'll have him just do his job as an engineer/etc.". No, you are forever doomed to be the middle man with the chinese. And you don't want that.
Sweden is a cucked country and I have zero intentions of ever visiting. Norway has some based characteristics. Also, I'm one-fourth Norwegian.
Señor mío, vos está ahora mismo fablando la vieja voz que nuestra tierra ha labrado durante milenios, que no siglos. Vaya con Dios, hermano.
>t. Castellano y Leonés
Anyone feel like learning our gibberish language?
>Not speaking the most useful language after english,russian and chinese
Why? So I could talk with a bunch of goat farmers?
I will take English as being assumed, but it should be at the first place. There are not many English natives globally.
These are all irrelevant.
Okay, Brazil doesn't use Spanish, so there's an excuse, but it's still too high. Should be above or below Japanese.
Spanish should be above Arabic, as could be Russian (but below Spanish).
What's the matter, Achmed? Are you mad they aren't learning Urdu instead?
>know thine enemy
That's true. I'd ask fellow Norwegians for the basics on Nynorsk vs. Bokmal in that case.
Your post made me realise i should read kiddy books now and then, my lack of moral and motivation is probably because i keep reading technical books and newspapers.
Didn't read a porn VN in a while, that should do.
You don't need to know arabic to kill arabs. Learn Latin instead.
Which one?
Sounds like a coordinated group of aussies and germans shitposting at the same time.
I learned English and Spanish when I was 4. Now I am learning Russian. The uncucked Trifecta.
>its writing system doesn't use letters so it's hard
This is for english speakers, if you spoke Finnish it would be easier to learn another steppe mongol language than learning, say Latin
Fuck off copyright mark
Thats like Portuguese and Brazilian portuguese. Its mainly pronunciation. What you heard was redneck Spanish aka American spanish. Like British and American English. Spanish is fast cos its easily pronounced. Now add lack of good skills from people and you have what you heard.
I can see why you would think Mandarin would be up there, but until China bends the knee, not happening.
See, this is why people hate you, Leaf.
add some vowels in your language
Arabic is such an ugly language. It's lower than Spanish.
>Not speaking English, Spanish, and Chinese, being able to communicate with almost 1/3rd of the world's population
Just kidding it sucks and I have to talk to some of the most scum people in the world daily
(( medium ))
"What are you talking about?"
>Listing Arabic and German as if they're different.
I gave up when I realized each verb has over 15 conjugations
Hardest languages to learn, are Greenlandic and Navajo
Greenlandic has all the information in the noun or something wierd and Navajo doesnt use past/present/future tense they use the aspect of it or something, not an expert
They used Navajo code talkers for a reason
Russian is pretty hard for native English speakers.
Arabic is cool, but wasn't really worth learning, IMHO. At least for me.
It's a little useful in the Mideast, but if you live in north America or Europe - don't bother.
Now, that I speak about 4-5 languages (depends on what you consider as minimum level)
I think I'm in a position to say that foreign languages are pretty useless unless it's English and you're not from the Anglosphere.
I'd recommend every non-English speaker to put all their chips on that.
Other languages - even Mandarin - are entirely situational and you should only bother with them if you absolutely need it.
Like I for instance study French because my gf (she's French) and I plan on getting married and live there at least for a certain period.
I kinda wanna learn another language mostly to have more opportunities in my field.
Options are:
Choose for me Sup Forums
Like what?
Pic related, letter frequency, Polish vs. English.
I am a supreme gentleman. I speak English and French. Why would I want to pollute my soul with ugly barbarisms such as "Arabic" and "Chinese"? I'd rather spend my time doing something exalting like studying Monsieur de Maistre in the original.
i dont know Venezuelan bro arabic is kinda becoming big and cucking i would have to say polish
don't bother with it. im semi fluent in speaking it where natives can understand me despite me making errors but my reading ability is quite shit.
china is really a polluted orwellian shithole that I see zero potential for it outside of their large consumer base. every local is filled with resentment towards everybody else despite foreigners being less than 0.1% of the population. but there not particularly aggressive about it. but there is a massive amount of cynicism and phoniness to everything and everyone there.
t. expat who lived in Shanghai for 2 years as a manager. my company offered me many benefits to go and work there.
Who here /学习汉语/ ?
is she French or (((French)))?
Go for French, it'll be easier for you senpai
All of those are useless, Spanish and English are all you need to know in the Americas
Unless you move to Canada, but no one wants to do that
Wait whats your field?
>Not useful in Europe
It's like you don't even go to Sup Forums
If you want to talk to 2.5 million other rapefugees and a dying culture
Literally the niggers of Europe
Getting invaded by rapefugees too
I'm scared
Learn Finnish so you can stay tuned with the best memes
Verbs end with ar, er, ir each with five forms. Don't forget the gendered nouns too cunt.
you think it is funny but I was in the netherlands and ran into 2 girls, none spoke english or german... one spoke arabic.
I've kind of wanted to learn Afrikanns and dutch just to study the differences and similarities in regards to differences and similarities in USA english and British English
>That super neutral spanish
Spanish seems like it's a hard language for non-natives to sound natural fast.
That was decent anyway, amo la lengua sounds weird af though.
desu arabs here speak some really disgusting maghrebi arabic
not really, we only took 30 000 last year, they mostly don't want to stay in France and would rather go to sweden and germany .
the issue is about the arabs that are already there
If you actually looked at the characters, most of those word endings are virtually identical. The only major difference that seems to change between them all relate to referring to plural objects, and even then, only slightly. Having six cases in the first place is pretty nuts though.
She's French alright. As in white and all that.
She was born in Israel but she has French citizenship and all that from her parents...
Well, if you intend on socializing a lot with the kebabs - then yeah, go for it.
If your aim is like mine - business and employment - then don't bother.
Arab businessmen speak English alright and won't expect you to learn their language like French cucks or something.
Polyglot here. Do you only speak english atm? If you have to choose a scandinavian language, pick Norwegian. We all understand that. Swedish is gay, and ours is harder.
For a romance language, I'm personally going for portuguese. But since you're a burger, spanish would probably be more useful.
Deutsch, 100%.
Whats the point of learning german or french? they will die out in 10 years. Arabic has brighter future.
Programming, mostly computer graphics and high performance apps.
>If you want to talk to 2.5 million other rapefugees and a dying culture
Duh ... rapefugees don't talk German and refuse to learn it. Only way to talk to them is in broken English.