Politically Incorrect comics thread
Sarah Andersen, Ben Garrison, etc.
Politically Incorrect comics thread
Sarah Andersen, Ben Garrison, etc.
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Why are you losers making comics of my wife? Get a life!
Go ahead, post more.
I want to MARRY Sarah!
I'd fuck her no doubt about it
Whoever this girl is, she's a genuine Sup Forumsack.
If I still had a social media account, I would share these comics just to piss everybody off.
I'm pretty sure all these comics will Sup Forums tier levels of comedy are all edited versions of normalfag shit she drew. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Reminder that Sarah is cute. CUTE.
Well, the bubble wasn't very big. I kind of suspected this was another Ben Garrison-style edit.
Also, women are never this funny, so that was the main tip-off.
Why are you losers making comics of my life? Get a wife!
any edits of her new years comic?
Divorce is a thing bud. We're fucking her harder than your 3 inch dick ever will. Dump her now while she makes more than you before she wants alimony.
has this been posted before?
Sarah if you're here, I will make Sup Forums stop this if you be my gf
I'll have you know I'm big...
for her
Her vagina is that small?
What are her real comics like? SJW bullshit? Unfunny, "safe" mom-tier jokes about unicorns and things being "awkward" all the time?
Does she know about the "real versions" of her comics?
Sarah Andersen, also known as Sarah "Wonderkind Womb of the West" Anderson, is a prolific white supremacist online comic artist who is listed by INTERPOL as one of the world's most wanted terrorists. State intelligence agencies world-wide have connected the so-called "One White Woman World Revolution" in a series of racist bombings and other assorted killings across the globe. Sources within the Israeli Mossad have stated that there is heavy evidence pointing to Ms. Andersen's involvement in several terrorist bombings in Tel-Aviv from 1989 to the present day. Alleged to have tutored underneath the white supremacist kingpin "Zyklon" Ben Garrison, Sarah "Slut Slayer of Serajavo" Anderson (as she is known amongst some MRA terrorist circles) has the skills and knowledge to engage in successful but limited guerilla and online political warfare. Recent reports indicate that Sarah "Kike Krushing Kunt" Andersen may be attempting to obfuscate her malicious online artistic activities under the guise of a seemingly innocuous Twitter profile, to which she uploads obviously edited versions of her work in order to lull unsuspecting innocents into her brainwashing propaganda cult. Make no mistake, Sarah "Menstrating Mexican Mauler" Andersen is attempting to raise an army of revolutionaries with which to take down our multicultural World Order. Only time will tell if this vile woman is brought to justice.
Yep. Pure Christian wife
Yes, being awkward and unsocial all the time. Also the humor is derived entirely from the main character making silly faces
>Unfunny, "safe" mom-tier jokes about unicorns and things being "awkward" all the time?
That's it
It's supposed to be ''relatable'', and if you check her twitter you'll see women her age talk about how relatable her comics are and ''lol that's literally me XD''
>ywn date Sarah Andersen
>ywn slowly redpill her by pointing out the hypocrisy and retardation of the left, little by little, with demonstrable experiments and trips around the world.
>ywn marry her.
>ywn have beautiful white children with her.
>ywn die peacefully in your sleep next to her, with the comforting final thought that you lived a worthy life, that you have wonderful and successful children that will care for her in your stead, and that she will be in paradise with you in the Kingdom of God soon enough.
Feels bad man.
She would kill you for not being white enough, for having 0.01% mestizo genes in you. She's crazier than Ben Garrison.
>Lol this is SOOO relateable, Guys just wouldn't get it XDXD
Wrong pic. Sad!
The edits of her comics are pretty good, but she will never be our girl.
This one has potential as before/after Sup Forums
please tell me that's an old picture and she has her long hair back already
she looks horrible with short hair
>daily reminder that if you like pixie cuts that means you fine masculine features attractive
>and that means you're legitimately a faggot
that comic is 10/10
Pixies don't have masculine features? I don't get it
She looked better with long hair
>not realizing whites are, in fact, supreme
Christ, women are the most bluepilled creatures on the planet.
She's bluepilled as fuck. 2016 was an amazing year.
literal kek
You fuckers are going to push her over the edge aren't you
It's funny because It's true.
What's wrong with that?
They brought ol' Ben into the fold. He's one of our greatest allies now.
But a woman...? They aren't capable of critical thinking. She'll never come around.
Do not underestimate power of memes.
This bitch is definitely a kike.
Keep thread alive. I will post more caps of her bluepill-ness.
She should thank us for making her comics funny
>but she will never be our girl.
Many said that Zyklon Ben would never be /ourguy/, and he's just one redpill away from drawing about the JQ.
if you can think of better text
How far do we intend to push her?
I want to smell her
She probably smells like jewish ashes and Zyklon B
Have you heard of a thing by the name of Chrischan?
Sarah Andersen, also known as Sarah "Wonderkind Womb of the West" Anderson, is a prolific white supremacist online comic artist who is listed by INTERPOL as one of the world's most wanted terrorists. State intelligence agencies world-wide have connected the so-called "One White Woman World Revolution" in a series of racist bombings and other assorted killings across the globe. Sources within the Israeli Mossad have stated that there is heavy evidence pointing to Ms. Andersen's involvement in several terrorist bombings in Tel-Aviv from 1989 to the present day. Alleged to have tutored underneath the white supremacist kingpin "Zyklon" Ben Garrison, Sarah "Slut Slayer of Serajavo" Anderson (as she is known amongst some MRA terrorist circles) has the skills and knowledge to engage in successful but limited guerilla and online political warfare. Recent reports indicate that Sarah "Kike Krushing Kunt" Andersen may be attempting to obfuscate her malicious online artistic activities under the guise of a seemingly innocuous Twitter profile, to which she uploads obviously edited versions of her work in order to lull unsuspecting innocents into her brainwashing propaganda cult. Make no mistake, Sarah "Menstrating Mexican Mauler" Andersen is attempting to raise an army of revolutionaries with which to take down our multicultural World Order. Only time will tell if this vile woman is brought to justice.
"Over the edge", as you said.
New computer, cause muh boxing day sales, but otherwise I'd post the "Let's keep going and see what happens" image because that's how I feel about this.
So has Autistic Mike fucked off for the most part?
>redpilling a woman
Good luck trying, lad.
Garrison was already a conservative libertarian to begin with. Sarah is pure liberal bluepilled trash though.
...But Trump hasn't voted against anything yet. Pence has, but he's irrelevant when it comes to the Presidency.
>believe in science
These people are nutjob cultists.
Science doesn't require belief. If it requires belief then it's not science.
^this. There's evidence of significant ecological damage from human activities generally, and fossil fuel use specifically. Saying you 'believe' in it means it becomes a political issue and that's how the cuck right managed to deny that shit for years.
Wish the right had accepted climate change and the left had denied it, would make my election choices so damn easy.
Drumpf BTFO by based Sarah
Women are smart AND funny, get over it guys
You do what PUAs do: Neg her. Praise her work on one hand while dissing it in the other.
We make sock accounts about how funny her racially charged unedited versions are (the ones we edited), and bemoan the horrible censored comics she was allowed to show (her real ones).
It's gaslighting 101.
Good one
>Good luck trying, lad.
>Sarah is pure liberal bluepilled trash though.
2016 has made me believe in miracles and shown what our collective will can do. Don't write it off so easily.
>my little brother came out to me
20 bucks says she diddled him.
>not knowing that nearly all women either hold a political position because it's "cool" or because the person that's fucking them says it is.
I wish there was an option to make twitter go in forwards chronological order. Would make these caps so much easier. I have to basically reverse the order of the posts.
Redpilled, funny, strong, thicc and smart aryan amazon woman incoming
When did simply feeling shame become such a bad thing to liberals? Like fuck, we live pretty cushy lives in first world countries. Is it so much to ask that you reflect and feel a little bad about your short comings every now and then? Like, it brings you back down to earth and keeps you humble. Fucking liberals.
The conservative position on climate change is the correct one.
What the left is pushing is not science. They are pushing the idea that the world is literally going to end because of humans emit a little carbon dioxide in the air, which is completely negligible.
It's a literal religion that doesn't address real ecological issues. The goal of climate change is to distribute wealth around the earth.
What they are proposing does nothing to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. What it does is force companies to take their factories overseas and rob the western world of jobs. It's global socialism.
It's not science.
What was the initial comic that sparked Sup Forumss attention?
Huh. I kind of want to hate-fuck her now. Right when she's moaning and getting really into it, I'll pull out and make her swallow my load, then shout "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!" and walk out the door.
Think of it like this. If we can redpill Sarah, we can redpill anybody. We redpilled the AI chatbot in 24 hours and that wasn't exactly sophisticated intelligence.
All she needs is a few facts about Jews to get the engine running. After that it's just a gradual process. But it won't happen if she doesn't get any positive encouragement.
wtf I'm divorcing Sarah now
the left is now basically "1st world problems: the party"