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Aus/pol/: Glass the sharks waterworld now edition
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>internal shitposting
melbourne Sup Forums meetup when?
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for australian children
I made a little Aus/pol/ themed video. Tell me what you think.
bring back white australia policy
This is all I ask for
This really makes you think.
You'd instantly get stoned
looks like any other NYE party in Dandenong
r9k had one tho
Why? The current birthrates already dictate an inevitable decline in the white population and a significant increase in the non-white. Combine that with the government letting in 1% of the population worth of immigrants every year and it's a statistical inevitability that whites will become a minority
This fate is sealed so why the fuck even try?
wheres the food if its a restraunt ?
Solid effort love the voice acting
>r9k had one tho
They did, I heard like 3 or 4 people showed up. The organizer was some roastie apparently. In all seriousness though a Sup Forums meetup in Melbourne would end up to protests from socialist alliance
Thanks mate. I did my best but it was better in my head before I actually had to do it. Then it got hard and I was a bit disappointed by the end result.
I am going to keep making the vids though and hopefully I will get better.
Thanks mate.
This is not true. We've been demoralised by powerful propaganda, but we can alter course.
We might need to regroup though. As a recent white immigrant I currently live in New Delhi Wales, but I'm considering moving to a more European place.
>implying pol isnt a board for fat neckbeards
How would they know tho? I'm curious to see the kinda people that would show up
Sounds fun. I'll bring some golf clubs.
I don't believe this stereotype tbqh. A number of Sup Forums seems to be into health and fitness
I duno there was a thread last year and they reported back with happenings. Apparently they went to a brothel and got laid
any of you blokes got an excavator licence?
majority of aus flags are lefty/pol/ cucks
Who here lives in the bush/rural?
I've been thinking about buying some land and moving to the bush, I am totally sick of city degeneracy. There is some really affordable land in the NSW Mid North Coast. I can buy 100 acres of good land in reasonable commuting distance to a down like Grafton for very little ($120,000) or so, and then build my own home on the land over time.
Why do people continue to live in cities in a country as big as Aus? Honestly all of you should do the same as me and move to the bush, casting the decadent cities aside.
when do you guys think turnbull is going to be thrown out?
it depends on who you attract to it, a lot of people on Sup Forums are /r9k/ users as well and those guys loathe themselves.
i lived in it as a kid m8, ama
nope live in suburbs, dont live in city nor rural
>a Sup Forums meetup in Melbourne would end up to protests from socialist alliance
we should organise one, but not show up
the socialists will be standing around wanking themselves off and we can just be at home still posting on Sup Forums
Check regulations. Generally you can't build stuff on restricted land.
I want Latham to take over
Who are they meant to replace him with?
So how many of you lads have fucked an escort?
I seem to have bad luck with punts.
Got a 40 year old woman once, body was great but face put me off, still came.
Went with a non trafficked aussie azn, face like a dog 3/10, had to stop her halfway.
>Tfw looked this up not long ago
>that last quote.
Agreed, we definitely should do this. Even if like 3 people from Melbourne had a Sup Forums meetup they'd turn out in force to 'scare the nazis'
Suburbs are bad, except perhaps rural residential suburbs where lot sizes are 1 acre +.
Where, the bush? Why'd you leave/will you ever move back?
Yeah I always look at whether a dwelling can be put on the land when I'm researching it. I am talking about land with dwelling entitlements.
Fuck mate that quote epitomizes why 1920-1960 was the time to be alive
Lol there are so many neets on this board it's fucked. Would probs watch from a distance.
Do it brother.
Live on 100 acres+. Town with less than 3k residents. Went to a school with 0 ethnics other than a token half cast abbo who was alright. Even the few gays that came out at school weren't SJW.
Only bad thing is chink fuckin' tourists in summer coming to our beaches.
Stick close to the coast if you can afford it.
suburbs rn amazing for me
North of Perth, white, 100mb/s internet, easy jobs
>Yeah I always look at whether a dwelling can be put on the land when I'm researching it. I am talking about land with dwelling entitlements.
Can you buy land that has direct access to the ocean? Or at least a river?
I'd love to have a cabin with a boat moored in front of it.
I remember that was a strategy those Reclaim Australia people did, the socialist alternative people are so self-enlightened and proud any "EVIL RIGHT WING NAZI" meeting would result in half a dozen of them assembling just about anywhere, isn't Sunshine in Melbourne a heaps pozzed African suburb? Should have a rally there and get all these degenerate arts students red-pilled when they rock up to "protest" no one kek
>melbourne Sup Forums meetup when?
I really want to but haven't plucked up the courage yet. Just wanna see what it's like.
Maybe if I go on nofap for a few months
Who lurks pol looking for meet ups to protest against? I don't think anyone would show from either side.
How's Straya going boys? It's pretty fucking cold up here.
Nice fireworks though
you'd get disapproving looks from the local watermelons
Makes me sick to see how many people are being brainwashed to be absolutely oblivious to how Australian culture is being raped and sent down the shiter. When is Cronulla Riots V.2 happen boys?
Ausfag here too. What city you in?
Any consolidated title above a certain size (50 hectares iirc) has the right to build a dwelling, goes back to shearers quarters etc. At least that's the case in Vic.
I've no doubt some SJW leftypol / socialist alliance people browse here
>tfw sound exactly like that
That sounds really awesome. I'm not really a coastal person. I know the climate is milder near the coast, but the land is just too expensive. I am looking about places around 45 minutes drive from the coast.
Yet every time you go out you probably see nonwhites. You have no space to roam, no space to put a massive workshop and shed. You can't grow your own food, manage the land, own heaps of dogs or raise a huge white family easily in the suburbs.
If you are happy with living super remote (not within a couple hours of a town past 200 people) then you can buy hundreds of acres of land directly in front of the ocean in South Australia and WA for practically nothing. I want to live within 45 minutes drive to a reasonably sized town, one with hardware stores and a supermarket that sells affordable food (not a tiny IGA). River front land is actually quite common and affordable on the Far South Coast of NSW as well as in Tassie.
Ye mate bloody ell' honestly mate for fucks sake yeh?
Nah ye ye too true mate right on ye, nah nah nah mate nah nah I can't.
man, so oppressed
no wonder they pour boiling water on their kids
>Not wanting to bash antifa with golf clubs
I'm sure leftypol does. But any of the fucks who actually show up at shit aren't browsing these threads. All that crap goes through Uni/facebook uni pages.
I'd love to see them show up at a Sup Forums meet up though, all those noodle arms and fat chicks.
>noodle arms and fat chicks
us or them?
I'm an immigrant so I don't like to make crime
>caring about cucks
Some good shit mate.
Just for that effort I'll make us some brownies for the meetup.
You can just say they oppressed you or you're part of Apex. They would leep apologising while you wreck their face then you can take their parents car that they borrowed and the police would ignore it as charging you would be racist.
no immigrants here
nice shitpost tho
Depends which state and which coast. Down here you could get 100 acres within
yeah i lived in the bush, well, extreme outer regional bordering on remote. we were taught how to signal and guide RFDS planes into airstrips in school if that gives you any indication. if you were having a heart attack or some shit you either had to pray to god CPR would work, hope that a plane could get to you fast enough, or just give up and let some bloke who was laughed out of a shitty sydney hospital cut your chest open.
i left because there's not much to do out there honestly. i'll probably move out of the city as i get older and start a family, but i won't be going back to whoop whoop any time soon. i've considered buying a house near the beach out of the city.
>If you are happy with living super remote (not within a couple hours of a town past 200 people)
what type of weak cunt are you? every true blue aussie bloke knows that the best way to live is in a desert shithole with a radio to call for help, a well, a large variety of rain dances, and a single cop who was nearly fired and charged with assault in a city position but somehow managed to get stationed out in whoop whoop who won't stop doing meth and can be counted on to respond to your pleas for help between 7:30 AM and 8:00 AM on a weekend, not including sundays where he goes out to have some happy fun times out past the rock near old mate's farm where those girls went missing a few weeks ago.
oh, and no asians.
step it up.
that was /fa/
r/australia lurks Sup Forums and a lot of them are socialist alliance tier leftists
even if we just kept to ourselves and had a beer at the pub?
Its amazing how politicians can quickly fuck over the country. ever notice how shit stops happening when it actually affects one of their own
Thankyou for the kind words mate.
That was fucking brilliant.
I'm gonna start every shitposting session listening to that.
I'm white though so they won't care
I know. So full. Can't move. Literally like sardines in a can. Had to get all the people around me to reach the different parts of the keyboard to type this out because it's too packed to move
If you can get a property in QLD over-run with pigs you can legally own an AR-15.
How the hell did you pass immigration being white.
how do I over-run my property with pigs
just a cuzzie frum nu zild brew mean as hu hu hu hu
call the cops
Have any of you met Wyat Roy?
There is a guy here somewhere who used to shower with him.
Thatd be an interesting story
Reminder that cuck cannons (guns) have no place in Australia and the alder was rightfully put in its place by coag
no thanks, /k/
yeah, i yelled in his face once about having to live off of 10gb a month for $250
piss off howard
I concur,
Fuck you Howard!
>letting the gubment cuck you this hard
You should take the cock out of your mouth before you try to speak
>not allowed guns
>not allowed slingshots
>not allowed doubled edged knives
Why does our government hate us so
>not allowed guns
Except you can, cunt.
good shit my dude
Hey auspol...
Miss me yet?
Not really aye.
r.australia ==>
Thats a bloody bewdy mate!!
Abbott was a gronk m8, Malcolm Bullturd isn't much better either.
I used to like Abbott until I learnt he was pussy whipped by Peta Credlin. I heard she'd belittle him in front of foreign leaders and shit
tip top kek
Doesn't really surprise me tbqh
Selling houses to gooks whilst pretending to be white nationalist or something? Yeah nah.
I'm pretty over the cuckservative frauds.
>tfw no cow titted gf to tityfuck
Lel I saw her on Paul murrays show she's pretty fuckin smart. She should've been pm herself.
>I heard she'd belittle him in front of foreign leaders and shit
You have a good talking voice keep it up senpai