Why do so many canadians and americans want to move to Australia? What is there to do
Why do so many canadians and americans want to move to Australia? What is there to do
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You can sit back and criticise your countrymen for being so stupid (and that includes the Aussies).
Nothing. Fuck off.
Its full and reserved for estonian mandarin pickers just like finlands construction jobs are reserved for estonian sons of kalev
lol just move to florida or something
Its litchrally the same except cubans instead of abos
yes do this, Florida has a lower population than australia
but wait, florida has no oil
do YOU have oil? mind if I take a look in that desert?
You literally wouldn't fit
There's so many of those cunts here there's no need to go there.
All you hear in any fucking ski town here is 'oi this' and 'oi that'.
Stay the fuck home.
Americans aren't welcome there nor anywhere else
Canadians are pretty cool guys tho
get fucked florida, queensland is the sunshine state.
FULL! No Canadians or Americans welcome. Go away.
Sit around all day in the aircon on your shit internet trying as best possible to avoid the 40*C heat and humidity that makes you feel like you're glued to the earth
It's actually quite a decent country everyone is blunt and they banter harder than the Brits.
Gonna go out and absorb some of our glorious sun tomorrow while you America fags jerk off over porn lest your dick freeze off.
But yeah there's nothin to do really. Go and get maggot with bazza and dazza down the pub.
So fuck off.
fuck off cunt, we're FULL
Mate, I've lived here for 24 years and I aint never seen no abo. Dem lots stick to the desert where theys belong.
Full of people or full of Emu cum?
you guys can have Australia when it eventually turns to shit, because us Aussies will all move to New Zealand, having all ANZAC's as one country
>Wanting to move into a country that looks like a floating turd to escape a country that's full of shit.
i went to a public high school and it did a trip every year for 2 weeks that went from NSW to QLD to NT to VIC and back to NSW.. it was all on a bus and it was for the year 10s
the closer you get to NT the more abos you will see
i was at a Wendy's in Alice Springs and we saw some abos yelling at eachother and fighting infront of us, about 4 metres infront of the table me and 3 mates were sitting at
alot of the abos in alice sprins just sit around asking for money, my pasty white tall skinny friend had an abo ask him for money and he was so scared that he gave them $2
Where should I emigrate LADS?
What city in Australia!?
Christmas Island
We want to kill an Emu and turn it into a burger to assert dominance over the Aussies.
memes aside i would honestly say melbourne would be best for you, if youre really syrian you can just tell people youre a refugee or left because of the war and people will treat you as a fucking god, or if you want to be treated as a human being just move to literally anywhere in NSW.
capital cities are best for immigrants but if you want a normal life then move to places with 30k-200k- population
consider yourself lucky, I grew up in a town full of them. God help me
What the fuckkk
O helllll no
Oi mate, you're a cunt.
Melbourne seems to have the best climate IMO but if it's ultra progressive, like the San Fran of Australia, no thanks. I'd love to visit though. Sydney and even Perth too.
memes aside it was voted as australias most livable city for like the 5th year in a row, its not as (((progressive))) as california and shit but it is the capital of SJW. probably because people in melbourne have the eaisest lives and never face hardship
>best climate
You are a dumb cunt. Don't talk about Australia you seppo prick.
Their flag is RARE
I'm just baiting, but you're extremely nice, thanks for the info user.
Fuck Australians and fuck Canadians
>t. 55%
its 43% now
Make sure to tell lots of Syrians to move to Australia but stay out of Canada.
>Why do so many canadians want to move to Australia? What is there to do
Invest in rake futures
Who else spent today mildly hung over in a pool and or beach? New Years Day is 10x better than New Years Eve in Australia.
Just hot enough to justify pruning the fuck out in water all day.
American Chad here, just moved down to Adelaide, Australia. The girls adore my accent. High paying job. Coastal living. Not too shabby in aussie land.
We both know, no Syrian is moving to Australia. We're all in cancucka now :^)
Getting laid in Radelaide. Living the dream famiglia.
Keep your mass multiculturalism and shit degenerate entertainment industries in your own fucked countries
I spent today getting drunk again, shitposting, listening to music and watching Home Alone for like the 5th time since December 1st.
Ha, i just found out today that Home and Away apparently do Foxtel "Special Event" TV Movies with shitty subtitles, like Home and Away: Firestorm, and Home and Away: Revenge.
Laughed my fucking ass off.
Daily reminder that Ausfailia is NOT a white country
sounds comfy
i just did archery and shitposted all day, perfect weather for it
Literally FULL, especially for you cunts.
Yeah, I saw that. My mum was staying at my place over Christmas and saw the commercial with her on the couch and she literally said, "Who the fuck pays to watch Home and Away?"
Love my mummy.
Archery is a pretty interesting and unique hobby.
who the fuck is kurt
Some cunt i know who spent today doing Archery and Shitposting.
yeah well i had a vitamin d deficiency so i thought archery would get me out of the house more
its actually working
well he sounds like a top bloke but im not kurt
I'm from Florida can I come? I don't digeridooerwhatever, but I'm smart and can probably contribute
Sorry, mate.
Hold out the bombs, rebuild your country. Be the pioneer that your countrymen need.
Actually what I want to know is why are there so many Australians here, fuck off
Could ask the same about your people.
australians and canadians are probably the two countries that browse The Chan the most per capita
They want to move away from the land of the cucks
kurt stop lying i know its you
Some parts of FL have oil you little shit, just not your limestone cave-in parts
That's exactly what im doing, I'm just baiting to trigger people for the lulZz
I was being sincere, mate.
I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Nice try Assad, but we still won't be travelling to Syria.
>He worries about Australians when his country is 50% Chinese
Jews have cucked you boys very well
pozzbourne has the SF-like weather and a similar case of leftist insanity
This pretty much nails why:
>probably because people in melbourne have the eaisest lives and never face hardship
From what I've seen (spent a lot of time over there) and heard, San Francisco has much the same problem because there's a fuckload of highly-paid millennials (and before them, a previous generation of tech pioneers and famous artists and shit) who've never known true hardship
For both cities the only serious issues seem to be completely fucked housing markets and the scourge of nigger/immigrant crime
Well thank God
Shitting in the streets and raping girls is not allowed here
depends where you are. australia is nearly 90% european though. so yes it is a white country.
just accept it.
Why would anyone rape a girl in Syria when her pussy is full of your chemical weapons Assad? We know you guys prefer goats over there.
and we like it that way.
sydney and melbourne are 3rd world dumping grounds but else where its mostly white people,
assads forces didnt drop chlorine bombs that was the us backed rebels.
Leave the Indian Ocean if you don't want Indians.
just because its called the indian ocean, doesnt mean india owns it.
just like china thinking they own the south china sea.
That's really how you gonna defend yourself? Lols
We don't worship cows like you do.
When will Americans will stop funding terrorism to keep fighting terrorism?
win trump takes the reigns on the 20th of january.
>Raping girls is not allowed here.
Exactly it is encouraged in your muzzrat hellholes
when trump becomes president on the 20th.
Good luck in your endeavor mate the world needs more true patriots, I wish more of us cunts would step up and rid our communities of our filth but hey probs wont happen so im letting it all go for a stress free 2017 to live the life I wanted when I was younger. Because i can.
At least we don't claim piece of land as your historical rights like them
That's the point. When it comes to defending myself I don't have to dodge literal bombs like you.
absolutely disgusting
>9gag watermark
t. Wang xiaomi
nauru island
Why do we even tolerate the third world?
Look I'd like to help, I really would, but we're at capacity - loaded to the gunnels, full to the brim.
We're even having to give some of our refugee boat people to the Yanks cause there is just no place for them. Manus and Christmas Islands just have no more space.
But thank you for your enquiry re: moving here. Best of luck with your future destination (not here).
Don't do it OP, not only are we full but it is a terrible place full of Abos and shitty creatures trying to kill you.
Lots of other great places, good luck.
>indian saying another country is full of shit
how quaint...
I don't know why leafs would want to move to australia when they have the same exact problems as us besides them owning even less guns and them having internet censorship.
>i'm going to leave my frozen sjw shithole being bombarded by muslims, pajeets and chinks and move to a desert sjw shithole being bombared by muslims, pajeets and chinks