This is an actual Wikipedia article. What kind of a fucked up timeline did we ended up in?
This is an actual Wikipedia article. What kind of a fucked up timeline did we ended up in?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone can make a wikipedia article about anything you dumb serb
You're correct.
Is Trump still on the list of people known as god emperor
Lol he thinks some wikipedia grandmaster makes all the articles..
protip it was probably some neckbeard all you need to do is state citations and doule check facts
i believee wikipedia will take down the page too
fucking kikes
rightfully so
fucking Sup Forumstard cancer and redditors
seriously though fuck r/thedonald
>tfw you contributed a historic event whicj has its own wikipedia page.
Somebody edit it so that plebbit is shown as some evil hacker group
Where's the wikipedia article about "Correct The Record"?
Or are they going to pretend that was never a thing? I think they already deleted their website, so probably. Heh. Hypocrites.
>reddit mentioned before Sup Forums
>rest of the article is about reddit
Create an account though it has a chance of surviving.
You do realize it's because it's poorly sourced right?
>he didn't realize most drumpfkins are redditors in disguise
get some more sources you unworking niggers
Reddit is easy to cite, Sup Forums is not
>kekek rebels are liberal scum amirite my /po/bros
>praise lord kek amirite! Heh
checked. Kek confirms anyone can make a wikipedia article
Going by Reddit, we're losing the meme war. Just about every thread is filled with commie memes now (FULLY AUTOMATIC etc.)
what world am I in
It's probably a the_donald autist who made that considering how much praise they get
As usual the Redditfags take credit for our work and we stay silent about it
Somebody add former PM Kevin Rudd. He called the Chinese ratfuckers.
Whelp, spoke too soon. It's already in there.
Pretty hard to link Sup Forums posts as they're basically the only sources but you could do so for archives
Of course valour stealing autists from the_donald who wrote this would never link to Sup Forums posts because that would be admitting that we did most of the work
When are we gonna purge the_donald anyways? Like Rohm they served their purpose now they must be purged.
>were losing because Reddit is full of faggotry
Jesus Christ you must be drunk
It's been an honor to be a memetic soldier
It will probably be gone soon. Save this.
all you have to do is vote keep, every acct can vote
Somebody needs to start adding philosophical shit into this thread. Referencing Evola, Nietzsche, and Solzhenitsyn. Add some images and let's make this a show. Hypothetically of course. Raids are bad.
You can vote to keep it right here: en.wikipedia.org
Articles of Confederation part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Someone should make an article on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
there is one
hmm but the meme war isn't over yet
Actually use that a reference for Wikipedia.
This needs one of those info boxes with casualties and such.
We started the fire, fuck'em
>article timeline starts in June not when the Brexit Ref kicked off
You can fix it.
>It's a Sup Forumsack makes a shitty meme article episode
> ""Daddy, what did you do in 'The Great Meme War'?" Dank memes become part of history"
>for example using the racist symbol "The Green Jew Gasser" Pepe the Frog
wew lad
>See also
>2016 United States election interference by Russia
"Let me issue and control a nation's memes and I care not who writes the fake news"
>using the racist symbol "The Green Jew Gasser" Pepe the Frog.
Okay guys, this isn't funny. Who of you did this?
Goddamit which one of you cunts wrote this?
>Pepe the Jew Gasser
We could actually reference this. I posted it in numerous Draft Our Daughters threads.
Draft Our Daughters was a great battle in the meme war.
The archive of the Buzzfeed Community Post would be great.
>we did it Reddit!:the article
I've seen lots of self-congratulatory boulderdash regarding the election, but this really takes the cake.
It'll be deleted soon
t. ex-Wikipedian
>it actually exists