>ywn go back in time and kill soldiers from the Central Powers
feels bad man
>ywn go back in time and kill soldiers from the Central Powers
feels bad man
The Bulgarian flag next to the Turkish one is triggering me
>a fucking pizza
>Ywn go back in time and fight for the Third Reich
Oh wait, Fourth Reich is around the corner.
grats for fucking up the second balkan war, fags
grats for being the most fucking useless army in human history, pastaniggers
>a fucking african flag
literally who lel
Whatever do you mean? That's where it belongs
lol get rekt autismo
but our population is not, unlike yours.
Just like israel to america, kek
Lol, you found one battle where you have comparable numbers and casualties (no, "captured" should not be added to the dead and wounded)
Meanwhile we beat the UK and France while being outnumbered more than two times like it's nothing
Daily reminder that Bulgarians are literally the most powerful race in the world
Daily reminder that Italians are not white
btw everyone here refers to Italians as "greasy gyppos" which is what they are
bulgarian army never lost a battle flag
suck it faggots
Thanks for always stabbing us in the back, Luigi.
if we judge people by the environment they live in, you'd literally be a rat.
>not Gypsy
Its turks that are gypsies.
You will also never go back in time to get severly beaten by Greeces shit tier army in WW2 spaghetti cuck.
most of our gypsies if not all of them prefer to be called by their "turk" names. they identify as turks, i wonder why.
>mfw Italy betrays its allies at the last moment and gets nothing out of it.
Get the fuck out of my Entente you garlic eating cucks
literally every gypsy in bulgaria has a turkish name like Hasan/Mumun/Mustafa or is a muslim or both
Even the allies knew the Italians were backstabbing, useless pieces of shit, which is why they screwed you over during peace talks.
that battle was won by raw numbers until romanians sneaked in an undefended bulgaria (all the men were out in the battle field) hence the "loss"
>Languages Romani (84%) Bulgarian (7%) Turkish (7%)
shut up filthy gypsy
>Religion 2011 census in Bulgaria on those identifiedss Romani:Irreligious (over 50%) Bulgarian Orthodox (26%) Islam (13%) Protestantism (7%)
kek, liar gypsy
>posts irrelevent data from 6 years ago
face it roach, gypsies feel more comfortable when they identify as turks.
you are just the same trash as them.
>Islamic gypsies
Wew, this has to be like the worst disease I can imagine
>real life must be wrong because wikipedia says so
>protestant gypsies
that info is totally reliable, Ahmed
Also, why didn't you die today in the monthly bombings in your shit country?
They just pretend to be mudslimes because roaches give them money if they identify as ones.
gypsies are natural allies to the muslims
>t. a fucking roach
In Turkey they don't have photoshop so they make due with Paint
>you literally need double the amount of countries to beat those 4, even though one of them is turks
Shit you aren't doing anyone a favor with posting. Just die.
Kurdistan when? You know it's going to happen you greasy fuck, I hope the kurds bomb your family
>bulgarian """"""""""patriots""""""""" swarm the thread to defend their """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""pride"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
I bet someone's going to start dumping maps of Medieval Bulgaria soon
sup roach
t. Serdar
*tips fedora*
so how's the virtue signaling going on for you?
How gay is that?
Gypos are may not be roaches per se, but were brought to Europe by them.
eй мyхaл я ce cкpий някъдe
you have to go back
You have to go back, Abdul.
Based greatest ally.
fucking kike, What is happening to you? fuck off please
>Daily reminder that Bulgarians are literally the most powerful race in the world
I'm sorry, but finns are the most powerful and most autistic race in the world
e bugarine bugarine jebo ti pas majku
Shut up you fucking pussy you switched sides halfway through you spineless fucks.
>ywn mow down countless austrian-slav cuckolds as they attempt to cross no man's land
otkyde li si bulgarine
>have not just a defender's advantage of being on your territory but also a FUCKING RIVER that the enemy has to cross
>have a numerical advantage as well
>achieve a rare victory
>brag about it
>Italian military prowess
If you have to scrape battles like this to show how not shit your army is, I really feel sorry for you. I won't bully you anymore. Have a nice day and try not to get raped by a nigger.
кaквo cи ти
cpбин caм aли ми e дeвoикa бyлгapкa, пa caм в вapнa ceгa
>lose 12 isonzo's
>brag about winning _one_ battle
congrats i guess
Бългapин, кaквo дa cъм.
Does your girlfriend know that you hate Bulgarians?
јec хaхaхa
из кoјeг cи гpaдa
Turkey too, it was originally supposed to be only against Greece and Serbia. I don't know what they were thinking, that other countries won't just take a bite.
>јec хaхaхa
Then you are welcome to her, what a traitorous fucking whore.
a нe мpзим вac јecи глyп штa ти јe
how serious are your gf's daddy issues?
New bred
ive celebrated with her family last night, with her dad, mom and grandmom. theyre great
im even gonna study with her in sofia
i dont hate bulgarians
t. Catalin Zingarescu-m from Lugoj, the italian wannabe.
>ywn go back in time and kill Gavrilo Princip
Feels bad man