Hello Sup Forums... I have one simple question for you. How can you deny that the Holocaust is real when this image exists? Explain yourselves anti-semites.
Hello Sup Forums... I have one simple question for you...
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looks shopped
Trips of death.
What IS the holocaust exactly? Just so we establish a common definition.
This actually proves holocaust deniers point. There weren't massive ovens burning bodies, Jews were dying of starvation(caused by allied bombing of supply lines) and typhus.
By the way, these corpses look like they died of starvation. Don't you think?
>This photo is specifically of Jews during the Holocaust
>Has nothing to do with Typhus
wtf i believe the holocaust now
Polish holocaust denier? I bet you have ancestors that died in holocaust
......Five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety eight...
......Five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine...
Six million! My God, OP, you're right!
Don't believe Soviet ww2 pictures...
During the so called Holocaust only 5 999 999 Jews died
that first pic with the hanging woman haha
Ya starved because the nazis didn't feed them. It isn't that hard idiot.
Look at these ashes (miraculously able to reform into a body shape through the indomitable Jewish will) of the the 6 gorillion.
If we could merely zoom out, you would see a great scar across the earth filled to the brim with the ashcorpses of the great and mighty Jewish race.
>Harambe meme
Around 1-2 million Jews did get killed mainly on the Eastern Front, mainly as the Germans were losing. Not the 6 billion they quote and nowhere near the numbers Jews killed in the East and nothing compared to the death toll of Russian POW's.
whats the difference between an death camp and an concentration camp. thought they were the same.
Why are most of the MEN uncircumcised if they are KIKES?
Godless KIKES don't exist. Nothing was lost here!
a concentration camp is a place to contain a population, a death camp is supposedly for mass death. though a lot did die in concentration camps due to disease.
>Explain yourselves anti-semites.
Lots of people died. The gas chambers and other shit is a load of crap. The fact that it is illegal to say it didn't happen proves the point.
Mass burial for typhus victims
And German POWs starved in France because the Allies didn't feed them
>because the nazis didn't feed them
Probably because they couldn't thanks to Allies' air raids.
Pretty much this. Is noone gonna adress this point?
Only stupid Mofos who think chemtrails are real deny the Holocaust.
>mass graves prove something
The only thing a mass grave proves is that a lot of people died.
Just fyi, before you embarrass yourself one of these days.
that picture was taken at bergen belsen. not even official holocaust history claims these corpses to have been gassed. they died of typhus.
Frig off libtard only 200 - 400 jews perished during WW2 due to allied bombing. prove me wrong.
Lol, do you think the Nips in the US internment camps gained weight during their stay, too?
Just quoting some other user.
While the camps were obviously real, and millions of Jews died, the question boils down to whether or not they were purposely exterminated through gassing.
A lot of the confession from high ranking nazis in the camps were gotten through torture and threats against their families. This isn't propaganda, but is available through mainstream sources.
Read up on Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz. The guy was tortured by British Jewish soldiers, then by polacks, and had his familiy threatened. He eventually caved and admitted to killing something like 3 million Jews.
Historians later revised this number down to one million, so either he was forced to give a false confession, or he was completely unaware of how many people died while he was in charge.
There's also the issue of the crazy stories that came out of these camps, like Holocaust survivors claiming that camp commanders would grab babies from their mothers when they came off the train and tear off their limbs. It's just so insanely exaggerated and cartoonishly evil, and German officials would never accept people like this as it would absolutely destroy morale among the guards.
One of the biggest killers in the camps was typhus, which incidentally was treated by delousing clothes with the pesticide known as Zyklon-B. So whether it was used to gassing or strictly for delousing, who knows.
Overall, it's hard to tell fact from fiction, because some of Holocaust stories are blatant lies. However, that in itself doesn't prove that the gassing never happened. We'll never know, because too much time has passed and the vast majority of witnesses are dead.
It also doesn't help that Holocaust deniers are politically motivated, and are every bit as unreliable as their counterparts.
What I don't understand is what was the point of the camps if not for killing
Labor and for the same reasons the US interned a bunch of Japanese.
>when you're an enemy of the state, you're gonna have a bad time
You can't talk about that. Tis agains the Polish law.
Concentration camps were to keep people.
Death camps are supposed to be camps dedicated to killing people.
Is this real or are these meme edits
Holocaust is a lie
I will accept the holocaust user happen but will you accept the following also happened,
The Mass Starvation of the ukranians in 1933 between 6-10 Million died while there was a record harvest
The soviet Gulag camps where another several million where brutally worked to death
The Holocaust of Dresden One of the worst acts of violence against a civilian population ever.
Eisonhower's death camps. Yep you heard me right that eisonhower that would later become a U.S. president ran death camps in American liberated Germany
And finally let's not forget the 100+ Million dead at the turn of the communist century.
Actually you know what fuck you and fuck every one of you fucking kike loving bastard who seriously believes this debunked holocaust happens. Fuck you I hope you die in the most agonizing way possible and go to hell kike trash The following attrocities I linked above actually fucking happened there is no denying any of these fucking attrocities happened. But you don't see any survivors of any of these attrocities coming forward and demanding shekels from the stupid goyim no only the fucking jews do that. So you know what It fucking happened and it was every bit deserved.
The industrial scale murder of almost 12 million civilians and Soviet POWs, including roughly 5.5 million Jews.
About 1.5 million Jews killed by death squads. 4 million died in the camps through starvation, disease, worked to death, and gas chambers
Yeah, sounds about right. I'm not convinced about the use of gas-chambers.
The jews fucking deserved it IMO
These are photoshopped by stormfags trying to create the myth that all the images are faked. This image is clearly photoshopped very recently. That's not image quality of the 40's
>About 1.5 million Jews killed by death squads.
>anti-partisan operations somehow morphed into mobile gas chambers and einsatzgruppen death squads strolling up and down civilian columns picking out jews to kill
You know what sounds reasonable to me? The Red Cross report of the period stating at most 250k died.
They're just edgy people. They've been spoiled by democracy and egalitarianism. If it didn't exist, they would be ashamed to deny the Holocaust. Democratism leads to Holocaust denial!
>holocaust of Dresden
It never happened.
Jews died, nobody is stupid enough to deny that, but so did millions of people in WW2.
Just because photos exist of bodies doesn't mean that 6m died by National-Socialists.
For exemple, two of my great-grand parents died in camps, but by British and American troops during the "liberation".
not a truer statement was said. thumbs up
I fucking accept the holocaust happened I don't care if the evidence says it's faked it happened the jews deserved it. I've become to red pilled about the jews I realize how fucking evil every one of those verminous scum are.
So you reckon the Red Cross had have access to the camps and followed the death squads? Use your head
thx user.
Are you even aware that US Army investigations revealed that all camps visited were nothing more than labor camps? Granted, they only had access to 10 camps I believe, but the only claims of death camps came from the USSR.
You're a product of democracy just like primitive Hitler. The dumb mob has supported Hitler and now the dumb mob says vitriolic things about Holocaust
Of course it happened, Antifa shits never stop gloating about it.
How do you know those are jews?
There is one shekel at the bottom of the pile. Or at least that's what the guards told them.
Yes I'm aware. You clearly arent
There were roughly 500 camps discovered in total. Many of them were incorrectly labeled death camps which is where you see that meme image from. The reason for this is that many of these camps suffered attrition of 25-50% loss of prisoners due to starvation and typhus. Gee it's a wonder how everyone was mistaken them for death camps hmmm? After more thorough investigations it was later determined that only 6 of the 500 were extermination camps with facilities for mass executions.
Yah well tell your kike masters we are coming for them. the fires of nationalist anger are rising. the walls will be painted red with kike blood. there will be no survivors this time.
You just elected Trump who is kike servant overlord. His grandkids are Jewish and he loves Israel. Your country is 100% Jewish owned because he told you rubbish like "MAGA" and you lapped it up like the foolish little goy you are
>There were roughly 500 camps discovered in total.
You're off by 484.
>it was later determined that only 6 were extermination camps
what a coincidink.
250K died, at most, from starvation. More Germans were killed afterwards by the communists than those killed in the camps.
Gas chambers were never used, they don't even make sense to use and even now they are highly impractical for large amounts of corpses...in time, resources and storage.
The real crime that's been covered up is all the Germans who were killed afterwards. Rather than obsessing over this, start digging up the actual evidence of the genocide that followed on the German people.
I'm serious. If you want to re-awaken the Germans, don't fuck around trying to get the Jews knickers in a twist. Grab the Germans by the fucking balls and show them the mass amount of death and expulsion of their own people from their homelands.
You idiot. There were far more camps than that meme image showed. It deliberately didn't show them all otherwise you'd see the hundreds of camps in USSR that also weren't extermination camps, which would destroy the narrative it was trying to tell you that USSR camps were labeled extermination camps and West camps were all reclassified as concentration camps. You got played by the most basic stormfag propaganda.
Please just do the basics and google nazi camps and you can see map of them. There were hundreds. I think just short of 500.
>meme image
you keep saying this as if I know what you're talking about
but yeah keep on thinking that anywhere near 500 camps were erected to gas jews.
Germans have lost almost every single war since antiquity except between each other. At some point we have to put our foot down and tell them they aren't the master race and are unexceptional
Do they teach you reading comprehension in your shit country? I said 6 camps were extermination camps. 6 at most has facilities to gas jews. I know for sure two had them but I don't know how the other 4 exterminated prisoners. The other
66 according to wikipedia ( en.wikipedia.org
More like 9 million
>500 camps
>6 to gas jews
no matter how you try to spin it, it sounds illogical and implausible as fuck. sorry mang.
10 of 16 camps investigated by the US Army were found to be labor camps. The remaining 6 were handled by the USSR and inevitable resulted in claims which to this day are being adjusted.
I remember reading a BBC article not too long ago where they tried to push some narrative that the Germans in WW2 were responsible directly for 20 million civilian deaths.
There are 1000 people tops in this grave and they all died of typhus, Americans made autopsies.
Not even holohoax historians claim that that image is related to gass chambers or intentional genocide
Why does he have such a long neck?
It says Germany Ministry of Justice names 1200 camps.
My list of 500 was including forced labor camps which is again different to a concentration camp which is often just a prison.
how do you know those pople are jews?
and yes it did happen.
The system of about 20,000 camps in Germany and Nazi-Occupied Europe played a pivotal role in sustaining the Nazi reign of terror economically.[6]
Holocaust Encyclopedia, Nazi Camps. Introduction. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
roughly 500, then just short of 500, now 1200, now 20,000.
make up your fucking mind
they died due to starvation and disease, caused by american and british bombers, which bombed the warehouses which contained all the food.
I literally see no signs of chemical agents being used, and neither did the soviet or allied representatives, it's a cover story to mask how a failed allied decision ended up costing many lives.
Yes they were responsible for 20 million civilian deaths because the nazis invaded Eastern Europe and started the worst war in human history. A quarter of the population of Poland died in this war. Thank the nazis for that.
My advice is to try reading a book on ww2 or the holocaust before you start reading infographics on this board and retarded videos on youtube. I'm reading "Stalingrad" by Anthony Beever right now. you're falling for bullshit that you probably wouldn't if you had cared to read the official perspective of historians first
Ah yes, the good ol "it's illegal for me to print a book that says anything other than muh X" books.
It'll change depending on definition of what constitutes a camp you retard
Gee why have historians at all then
By the way Dresden never happened
No proofs!!
>muh typhus
>muh starvation
>it was the eternal anglo who killed those jews
>hitler said he'd kill jews, but then he didn't, but then the allies made it look like he did
>look at this cistern at auschwitz that looks sort of like a swimming pool. The camps were just big YMCA's
>when the jew brings forth invalid information not followed up by an actual argument
You won't get thrown in prison for investigating the bombing of Dresden.
>Using tumblr tier memes
Please castrate yourself in front of your family.
more like 6 trillion.
That's not going to help. You need to explain that more-so the concept of being a master race didn't get them anywhere. They were still most definitely exceptional in many senses of the word, but clearly thinking that you're the only form of man on the planet that can be exceptional is just retarded. This is what they need to know.
Also Hitler was an autist who over-played most opportunities and led his people into stupidity.
He was smart, and had some great ideas, but seriously he could've done with out-sourcing some of that leadership to a few more brighter chaps.
Even Jews don't agree with you goy.
Germany was never great. They had a much more polished and prepared army in WW1 than they did in ww2
People only think Nazis were great because we've had so many movies and video games depicting them as an all powerful Goliath. In reality, they had almost 6 years preparing for ww2 and got off to a great head start because the USSR had only just gone through the purges and was totally unprepared for the Wehrmacht's invasion. The Wehrmacht invaded USSR with 6 million soldiers (including Hungarians and Romanians) against less than 3 million unprepared Soviet soldiers. The Wehrmacht was essentially defeated after the first winter because Hitler refused the army permission to make winter uniforms and German tanks and planes couldn't handle Russian winters (or Springs and barely even Autumn). By the second winter the Wehrmacht was well and truly defeated.
Hitler wasnt smart. He micromanaged well out of his depth and was out of his mind.
I'm not Jewish goy. Not even a fan of Israel
>and was totally unprepared for the Wehrmacht's invasion.
haven't you gotten the hint that nobody around here cares for the History Channel spiel?
>allies bombed the supply lines!!!!
>enough supplies managed to get through to keep the camp guards well fed and healthy though
I was just about to say this but you said it first. Nasty forced labour camps did exist and there were a few incidences of mass murder but nothing on the scale that Holocaust Inc. would have us believe. A much bigger mass genocide was carried out by Jewish Bolsheviks following the Russian revolution but we hear very little about this. Despite this, many Western countries have laws that discriminate against anyone who even questions the false narrative of the Holocaust.
Get out you lying piece of shit, enjoy your niggers and kikes
>sorry hans, der juden must eat before us
in what fucking world would any sovereign nation prioritize enemies of the state over their own troops in terms of rations?
Poor ghetto jews who had little to no power in Germany's government and economics, while letting the rich and powerful jews get away? Admit it, Hitler was a dumbass to some degree