She brought muslims. One of them killed her and now she is in Hell
Must have been a good fuck.
This is my first post of 2017
I'm still alive because I hate being around muslims.
It's great being not dead
>tfw conservacuck gf
>tfw she's volunteering regurlarly
>tfw limb wristed beta who couldn't protect her if I tried
Horndon we know SHE brought muslims?
She's also a jew, not German
Welcome to Hell.
she was catholic
>In germanistan
That's same thing as to say Francis is not a marxist.
I fell for the christian gf meme, I agree
Christianity is just a brand for them to identify with, it's a mascot for conservative policies. I don't think they actually believe in God honestly.
The only truly religious people I know are muslim
Also don't forget she was brutally raped before she was killed
Okay, who is she and what did she do?
>also, she looks like a camwhore from chaturbate
Jews are an ethnicity masquerading as a religion.
Do you consider Martin Schulz a Catholic?
19 Year old marxist that was raped and killed by one of her pets.
so nothing of value was lost.
Meanwhile in Australia, we ship our refugees off to poorer countries where they get beat up.
You and your shitty countries will never ever be as based as Australia.
Play with fire...
She is now one of the 72 "virgins". In hell.
>no flourishing poop porn industry
lmao r u serious
Deserved it. Also kill all muslim
Her entire family is doing something for refugees. Her father is some high tier EU official who tries to bring more refugees into Europe.
She worked at a refugee hostel and got raped and drowned in a river by a filthy shitskin on her way home.
Funfact: Her parents collected money for refugees at her funeral before it was confirmed that a refugee killed her.
Another funfact: The refugee already got sentenced to many years in prison for trying to kill a girl in Greece but due to some kind of new law he got out after a couple months and fucked off to Germany.
Somehow I feel bad for her. She was a victim of her parents and society brainwashing her from the very beginning.
This was by far the best troll post.
>Somehow I feel bad for her.
At least she didn't die a virgin, which is more than Sup Forums can say for themselves.
>Somehow I feel bad for her. She was a victim of her parents and society brainwashing her from the very beginning.
But she could have chosen her on path. She chose to bring more jihadists to Germany.
She is a victim and a murderer at the same time.
Not trying to meme here but your country has been suffering a secularization process for 500 years. Literally started in 1517.
It's Karma my friend. You should not feel bad for her in the least bit, she got exactly what she deserved.
Holy shit. Post the replies, please.
English translation pls
Question: what was the reaction from her parents, especially the father? Did they ever give statement?
>She was a victim of her parents and society brainwashing her from the very beginning.
Don't. That is the biggest mistake. These parents are the worst Germans you can ever encounter - they are traitors and they would see to it that you perish in a heartbeat if they could have a say in it. Her and her parents are far more toxic to Germany than the actual refugees.
holy shit
Here is the whole post. Unfortunately this was sent to me. I don't have the reaction. But it is simply gold.
Please translate into Englander
>Did they ever give statement?
She was a kike from kike parents who were pushing for open borders..
I'm glad they killed her, they should kill parents too..
Link to story?
Perfect justice
Nice! Not even writing in a real language, genius!
Do you ever think that even if we lose all of this in the end, that while we few will go out fighting, the rest, the people like this girl will get to see the horrors they've brought against their land and people before they're killed or converted?
Imagine all these nu males, being butchered at the hands of the people they championed, and the independent women being wrapped In burqas and being reduced to nothing more than a breeding cow for their husbands they did not choose.
Itll be a bittersweet justice. Horrid but wholly just in the end.
das meint die aber it ernst oder??
Not a name or a lick of source.
What happened to this shithole?
He's a catholic. Christcucks are the even bigger threat when it comes to enrichment than kikes, because they are far more numerous.
Came here for crime scene photos. I am disappoint.
It says roughly:
Ok, I'm going to get this out even if you unfriend or block me.
The FAZ (a paper which is very left-leaning) is a pile of right-wing shit to report against the Tagesschau (a state-funded news show). The Tagesschau was totally correct.
The refugee is in custody! He is only a suspect! What crime did he commit? The press reports don't explain anything.
The refugee and Maria already knew each other and met evenings because the family didn't approve of him. They found a nice cosy spot on the river bank and they did what young people do - they MADE LOVE. Then after, Maria went to wash up in the river, slipped on a rock, and while the young man didn't know how to swim, she drowned!!!
The poor young refugee was so scared in such a strage foreign country that he was afraid to turn to the police. There are no fair trials in his home Afghanistan.
She claims that the girl and the shitskin probably were in a relationship and that it was supposed to be a secret.
They wanted to meet in the dark at the riverside to make some ficki ficki. Then of course they went for a swim in the cold ass river to wash up.
Girl slipped on some wet rock and dies. Shitskin was apparently too scared and traumatized to call the police since he's such a poor victim of war.
You have to go Sup Forumsack
>lived in bayern for a year
>entire place was obsessed with refugees
It wasn't as bad as I expected (in terms of crime), but it was just completely different. Germans were entirely occupied with them as if it was some sort of challenge only they saw a benefit in resolving.
I met someone and within five minutes she asked me if I had any spare clothes. People would collect money and food for them. All of the young ones were enrolled in German schools. Villages with a few hundred people had refugees, who enjoyed a near celebrity status with the locals. I was invited to an opera for refugees.
It was how I imagined the Beatles were received in the USA for the first time. They were incredibly pleased, probably even honoured, to have them there.
well the problem is that there's probably no english source on this.
but it was all over german news that a young girl was brutally raped and killed for weeks, until well, it turned out it was a rapefugee. after that there was a complete media blackout.
... continued:
Poeple are executed on the spot if they aren't lucky. He's already in fear because of these damn right wing extremists. Marian was clearly not drowned, rather she drowned. They had sex. Think first before you judge! Open your hearts and help these people. You will see that they are all wonderful, lovely people!
>after that there was a complete media blackout.
That makes my blood boil. Merkel should be hung in public for treason.
Good to know that satire isn't dead
Maria Ladenburger
check the archives
there have been so many threads about her that everyone knows her a face here
See >105212295
Pick one
>Germans sucking dick
Nothing new under the sun
I guarantee that the Gutmenschen (the brainwashed idiots) dived right onto that post to back it. Poe's Law in action.
You know some people actually agreed with this shit.
She slipped on a rock, then onto his dick, then hit her head and drowned! What a tragedy!
she most likely didnt get raped but was in a relationship with that guy
then maybe tried to end the relationship and it went sour
the guy is kinda small/short and also a hazara , which is more or less a very peaceful ethnicity
if you have ever tried to "force fuck" a girl who is close to your size you would know its literally impossible
if she closes her legs you wont get her to open them , thats why the rape story is bullshit
he d have to be like 1.90 meters tall and fucking huge "to open her legs" , which he is not
hes also somewhat "good looking, handsome / cute boy" which is something some girls really like nowadays
He is not a Catholic he is a globalist scum
>Born January 1, 1996 (age 20) or November 12, 1999 (age 17)
>Status: Unaccompanied Minor Refugee
It seemed to be varying degrees of that wherever I visited.
Germans are thoroughly nice people but I could not understand for the life of me what they were hoping to get from it.
Catholics are globalist scum
after reading the sex stories that went on in the calais jungle I wouldn't be surprised if they did have consensual sex at one point tbqh
maybe he didn't understand what casual sex means. i mean western male female relationships are honeslty fucked up
>The mayor of Freiburg, Dieter Salomon (Green Party), stated that the origin of the perpetrator should not be used for sweeping judgements
>Sweeping judgments
You realize that these cucks will just blame you for "the intolerance that pushed these poor refugees to the brink"
It's going to be society's fault, not the refugee's fault
Almost kills somebody in Greece, get's out after 1.5 years. what the hell
Until they live near refugees
You know what? You will flip your shit over every Muslim who commits rape, but you never give them credit for the girl's they DIDN'T rape.
Nice double standards there. Fuck you, Sup Forums.
>tfw ppl will unironically believe this story
This country needs to die. I know we fought against you twice in the last 100 years but I've always held admiration for Germany's ability to rally pride in itself and dig deep and get out of any hole its in. You are now bastardised. It's gone beyond your men being cucked into pissing sitting down. You are purely and totally fucked. A nuclear bomb and teaching the radioactive survivors of the history of their country prior to 1945 would be the right thing to do. Right now I just can't bare to look at you. You're so pathetic it's sad. It' sad that you were once great. Fuck, take my admonishment, take my disagreements, take my fury; don't take my pity.
Germany is just so sad.
lift some weights
maybe you won't have to protect her because she'll be satisfied by you and not have to visit the "refugee center" any more
or he killed her and raped her after ?
t. mohammed
Uh, he looks Asian.
Are we sure he's an Afghan and not a Finn?
Not a virgin any more.
If you greentext her death it sounds made up
>be german
>go to a party
>leave early because i have to work in the refugee centre
>get raped by a refugee
>he murders me and abandons my corpse
>parents collect money for refugees at my funeral
>people go on the internet and say he was my boyfriend
to actually "rape" somebody you need to seriously overpower them by being multiple times their size otherwise its not gonna happen , you wont even be close to putting your dick into them , she also seems to be a bit taller/robust/fatter as opposed to him being short and skinny
as i said, if you arent a virgin you d understand where im coming from, whenever a girl cries rape and the guy is not 1000x taller/beefier than her its bullshit , at least from the physical perspective
is this supposed to be a joke because everybody knows it is not true?
Guess you missed those "", huh?
Maybe you could ask the German border patrol where he comes from.
Or she was afraid and just went with it? Like most rape victims.
Also > a hazara , which is more or less a very peaceful ethnicity
top kek
>German border patrol
We have border patrol?
Huh. Learn something new every day.
I find that women struggle during raoe far less ifi hit their heads against the rocks FIRST and THEN put it in...
t. achmed-al-shababbi-wahabbi-mohammed-ibn-istan
german guilt still is a thing sadly
>a very peaceful ethnicity
Don't reply to swiss posters. Seriously.
>She was a victim of her parents and society brainwashing her from the very beginning.
Why was she a victim? didn´t she have eyes to see that most refugees are men? Let´s not act stupid, if refugees were women, attention seekers like the OP wouldn´t have even give them water to them.
Women acts for trends, not for good will. In her mind she just wanted to feel special and felt glad that her rivals (refugee teen girls) are dead or being sold far away.
>didn´t she have eyes to see that most refugees are men?
Most rapists are men too. Should we ban males now?
The Bundespolizei was the Bundesgrenzschutz
until the 1990's so there was a border patrol at somepoint