>tfw you realize we have been posting with underage Gen Z high-schoolers this entire election
Tfw you realize we have been posting with underage Gen Z high-schoolers this entire election
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw she sees your penis
>Tfw NSA/CIA/FBI is crawling here.
Not an issue.
I did hear gen Z is the most conservative gen since baby boomers
woah look at this guy over here
yes, i'm not sure whether we should welcome them or tell them to fuck off
Nice kek hopefully it wont come true
and all this fame is going to go straight to Ivanka's head, millions of faggot white dudes thinking in there head "I would totally fuck trump's daughter" has got to give her an ego trip.
pretty women are completely numb to that. What's going to go to her head is the power of being the de-facto first lady
>such a qt aryan goddess ;_;
It's probably weird. That and getting shit on by strangers while riding coach.
You mean the /leftypol/ and reddit brigaders who were throwing tantrums after the election like video related?
Doesn't that make it even better?
Apparent gen z is massively redpilled on account of having SJWs as parents
sry no archive
It's just a counterculture to the now fading counterculture. It happens every few decades. There will always be people who don't feel aligned with their peers, or the "majority" in their eyes.
OP's trips of truth are right
i researched this shit
see all those Sup Forumstards with anime pics and MAGA hats on twitter?
i managed to befriend some of them (4 to be exact)
we had some skype chats
turns out they're 15 year olds
i'm not even bullshitting
Tl;DR everyone who posts on trump general has a high probability to be an underage
Everyone with anime girl MAGA hat pictures outside Sup Forums is underage
>TFW when you realize they're all kids
huh. that explains the israel support and general newfaggotry.
Not worried about it if that's what your getting at.
that's pure bollocks, it's like you didn't go to school or university, literally 90% of millennials are sappy left wing fedora tippers
>there are people over the age of 17 on Sup Forums
Get a life losers.
we're not talking about you
the Remain propaganda was pretty effective
Millennials (mid-80's through '99) and Gen Z (2000-now) are two different groups.
>pretty women are completely numb to that
never on this scale
t. 38 year old
>reading a thread title enough times makes it fact
that was just one of the thousands of fake news trash articles posted since the election. I cant believe you guys actually visit those sketchy af urls.
tfw millenials destroyed america with 8 years of obama and almost fucked us over with clinton too
It's Britain you fucking goof.
>there are people older than my dad here typing in a teen vernacular and posting pepes
They should rename millennials to "The Worst Generation"
>tfw some of us fought back
young people always gravitate to the left, i did so too.
no more.
t. gen x
no it's The United Kingdom of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and the fourteen British Overseas Territories
It also explains the degradation of posting quality post 2014
all joking aside Sup Forums is probably one of the older average boards on the site, which isn't much of a surprise given people tend to become more conservative the older and wiser they get. That's why SJW infested boards like Sup Forums or /lit/ are full of literal teenagers
See? this is what i'm talking about, you underage trumpcuck
Goldman sachs is one of Trump's biggest donors (and has connections to some of his cabinets too)
You can't even get your memes right
The US is probably even worse than here. Schoolchildren are literally the most socially liberal, left wing generation to ever exist.
Would you have seen middle and high schoolers sperg out like this over a Clinton presidency?
>such a qt aryan goddess
> looks like carmen from george lopez
> literally an ashkenazi kike
Kike-lover brainwashed faggot detected.
>calls Trump supporters underage
>supports the (losing) side that appealed far more to underage virgin teenagers, NEETs, neckbeards, minorities, poofters, trannies etc.
>Goldman Sachs and Blankfein have showered Bill and Hillary Clinton with cash. As The Intercept reported, since 2010, Blankfein “paid Hillary Clinton $675,000 in personal speaking fees, paid Bill Clinton $1,550,000 in personal speaking fees, and donated between $250,000 and $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation.”
>By other reports, Goldman Sachs employees have donated a whopping $711,490 to Clinton’s campaigns since she first ran to be the U.S. senator from New York.
so what? it's a free market of ideas
How much rothschild,goldman sachs and AIPAC cock do you have up your ass?
Happened with my too just a few hours ago
>implying i support hillary
you trumpcucks and your siege mentality "if you're not with me you're against me"
clinton is far far faaaaaar worse than trump, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't call out trump on being a kike shill
>I made an infographic therefore it's true!
You retard, read the fucking article breitbart.com
Literally some jew, anglo and slav in there. Not a trace of aryan in that woman.
>tfw you will never know what it is like to have Ivanka as your daughter and be able to fuck her whenever you want
why live?
"You think you're match for me and my katana XxXDarkXxXS3ph3r0tHXxXW33DL0RDXxX420?
*teleports behind you*
*unzip fedora*
*Cuts you into 6 million pieces*
*farts loudly*
"Psshe notthin personnel kiddo"
Trump is a kike shill
Can I go back to plotting his ascencion to godhood now?
viewpoint discarded
>Doesn't even bother to look up trump's cabinets and check out their connections/where they come from
Everything in that pic is verified and you cant verify it yourself.
>Gen Z are "Based Fascists" they said.
This is like Alucard vs Tubalcaine
We would reform and rape your mind
>t. gen z
> Not wanting to jew the kids.
>no arguments
viewpoint discarded
Thats a millenial and should be gassed.
gen Z is literally the most liberal generation ever you dumb fuck, see and
okay, let's see how far it carries you. in the meantime we'll enjoy the wall being built.
Tfw you realize high schoolers aren't gen z
what the fuck are you trying to argue here?
are you trying to deny that trump is a kike?
why are you worshipping a kike shill? this is no difference than worshipping hillary, both are jew puppets
Here is a news article that says otherwise
do you have any news articles, or are you just citing people on Sup Forums?
Apparently Gen Z is the most conservative since the 40's. If you're right, I think we're influencing them in a big way.
go drive a truck
the adults have a decent country to debate about
Another quality post by an american
fucking bravo
Seems about right.
My brother is sixteen and he is turning out to be a huge trump supporter and just generally a conservative.
I myself was quite a moderate conservative until I spent a long while on Sup Forums
Are you dense? I've literally linked to two studies and a nationwide election poll in those posts showing that Gen Z are the most socially liberal generation of all time. You have linked to a study showing that Gen Z are more frugal than older generations.
It's like you've actually been living under a rock these past 6 months.
>tfw you realize that due to the boom of popularity during the election we're now filthy with lobotomized retarded shitwhistle morons from Reddit and Facebook while simultaneously contaminated with slackjacked smooth-brained buttfuckers from Tumblr and it will never ever go away
We got our comeuppance for making Sup Forums do GG and turning it into a den of underage Redditors and liberal journalists.
This gen X-er spent the holidays talking with his 16 yo niece. Mind blown. She is gay-leaning bi (I always thought she was at least bi) and is very redpilled in an almost WWII era way. She reminds me of my great-grandparents. Totally pragmatic, tough, ethical, kind, no bullshit, really knows what she wants to do in life. She hates SJWs, victim culture and the whole gender crap out there now--you should hear her mock people who want to be called "xir" and shit like that. She has no interest in drugs, booze or degeneracy. She and her gf dabbled a little with teen messing about etc.and have no wish to do it again. They're devoted to each other and plan on marrying, then probably college, jobs, and a place out in the country with tons of animals and friends. She's not materialistic at all, has no interest in stuff and accumulating/showing off like her parents. She likes Trump, thinks it will be "interesting" to see how he manages as President. No problem with any of his conservative stances re gay marriage or whatever. No paranoia of him at all.
She isn't totally racist but has no interest in diversity and regards it with suspicion because her trips to the city have shown her that black people especially are threatening and a pain in the ass. She hates BLM and thinks they are violent and cruel.
Her Gen X mother and father (my bro) make her exasperated with their airy-fairy peace and love "crap" as she puts it. Lots of eye rolling. She loves them but thinks they are crazy. She told me a lot of her classmates are like her, too. She was raised in rural WA state, mind you, and says several of her teachers think like she does. She is a total internet creature and believes that this is a crucial difference between her and her parents--they are media/TV junkies and believe everything Current Year Man tells them. Whereas she doesn't watch TV at all. Loves anime, has been to Sup Forums.
I'm getting really interested in Gen Z.
Most teenagers and students will be left wingers and socailly liberal. They are brought up on a diet of "multiculturalism and diversity" are our strengths, whites are evil, blacks were slaves and have been oppressed throughout history etc etc. It's no surprise then that many studies find teenagers are the most left wing generation to date
It's also reversible once these kids get out into the real world, get a job for the first time and see those tax deductions at the bottom of their pay check and realise that money they earned ends up going to lazy niggers and spics on welfare. It's why universities and schools are infested with self-described socialists and workplaces aren't
fuck yeah. this rare flag comes with a decent soundtrack:
Homosexuals always have their mentality degrade into that of a degenerate, you'll lose her once she becomes an adult. There has never, not once, been an exception.
The process of true brainwash-bluepilling doesn't start until your mid-20s.
Look i generally have no problem with underages shitposting whatever social media websites about their god emperor crap
my problem with them is that they shat up Sup Forums pretty hard and degraded the quality of posting, ruined pepe, and leaked the whole thing into other boards
remember when the rule "keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums" actually meant something?
that was pre 2014
goddamn i want old Sup Forums back
I was a socialist until I saw how over a quarter of my paycheck disappears each month, not even counting the taxes my employer pays for me on top of that.
i dont care about a politician's heritage, i care about his policies, you dense motherfucker. as long as he builds that wall and deports illegal aliens, he can be a martian as far as I am concerned.
It's like you haven't actually been on this site more than a few years. Sup Forums as a whole has swung far to the left in the last few years because redditors and teenagers from facebook and twitter have flooded in to gateway board. It's why half the threads on Sup Forums will be left wing bait threads, even though this board has a reputation for neo-nazism
>cabinets mean heritage
dumb geman can't even get basic politics right
his cabinets = the people who he puts in charge = his policies
let's actually review his policies (what he said before elections and what he's doing now)
>"anti globalist"
>hires globalist shills
>shills for israel like there's no tomorrow
>wants to ban muslims
>didn't do it, pussies out and turns it to "extreme vetting" instead
>wants to build a wall
>didn't even start planning to do it
>wants to get rid of "safe spaces" and political correctness
>meanwhile he wants a safe space so his VC doesn't get insulted
trump's a hypocrite and lied about everything he said pre-election is a fraud
Also the people in his cabinets are massive globalist shills who have connections to the israeli government and corporations, goldman sachs, the rothschilds and fucking george soros himself
so much for god emperor
been on Sup Forums since about 2011
it had pretty good quality posting until late 2014, remember when some fags went nuts because some kike at hollywood made some movie about cuckolding? it all began there, no one actually gave a shit about it, but when underage flooding started, everyone started parroting cuck cuck cuck like it's something the cool kids club do.
Too bad they spend all their time on here and will end up becoming robots
>containment board did not leak in to the other boards when it was just in it's infancy.
it was a silent deal we had with the jannys after the creation of Sup Forums , but after Moot started to screw around with Sup Forums more it was natural that other boards would come see what the commotion is all about.
The same ppl who came here to check out the next Moot shenanigan or the next happening also probably started to browse Sup Forums after that and swallowed different pills and ofc they took the info back to their board and Sup Forums started to dictate the pace of the imageboard. And this all happened in 2012-2014 era.
And we all started as underage here so i don't give a rats ass if the 80% of the board is underage, it's always been like that.
Also fuck off you shill there is no us, this is a place to just vent yourself out or get some lols, make them or collect them.
>old Sup Forums
>And we all started as underage here so i don't give a rats ass if the 80% of the board is underage, it's always been like that.
then explain how the hell did post quality deteriorate to hard post 2014?
Sup Forums created the_donald.
the_donald caused thousands of ledditors to visit Sup Forums.
Learn to use filters, even if it means you will only see 2-3 threads on Sup Forums, it's the threads you want to see, or migrate to a place where they cater to your needs.
And i made it clear why the quality got bad, there is never been any quality you are just wearing rose glassed shades.
It's the same as usual, it's just your brain remembering the good parts and not the bad.
The only thing i want to see come back from the "old" days are Space Elevator threads.
i heard millenials were only up to 1995, you mean im one of them?
>being this new to the internets
Britain is an exception, everywhere else they are growing more nationalist and in total opposition of boomer.
FN is literally the first party among the non kebabed youth here by far.
Also I'm happy we have a bunch of kids here, even if most of them are stupid, ignorant and talk too much (I look at you burgers and leaves) overall the younger are the most important demographic, redpilling them is much more important for the future than convincing the milennials, it's a guarantee that the place will live on even when almost all oldfags have disappeared in the 5 next years.