/mlg/ - Marxism-Leninism General

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.



ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.








Other urls found in this thread:


Lefties are still mad about our 100,000,000th post.



i talked to a turk yesterday. he is proud of erdogan because erdogan is a proud turk that has balls.
user what went wrong in your life?

>civilians fleeing from war

Have you seen that immigration speech with the gumballs?


There's a LOT more.

You have to understand that accepting the top immigrants from country only does more harm to a country. They should all stay and receive outsider help.

answer my question you fucking kafir

>Hello Comrades.

Hello comrade.
What are the next animals that should be eaten now that socialist paradise Venezuela does not have even Zoo animals left?

>has balls

>fleeing from war
>instead of fighting for secular Syria


>You have to understand that accepting the top immigrants from country only does more harm to a country.

Does OP even seriously consider communism as a way of running a country or is this just shitposting

>Schu Schu



The Australian shitposting brigade has arrived


Pay no attention to the filenames, either
8 chan is visiting us again guys

>not an argument



Do not post on /leftypol/. They will ban you for thoughtcrime.

you are edgy boi

.net is the real board.

.pl is a decoy

>Construction man A arrives on the job with no materials
>Construction man B arrives at the wrong site

>We don't need a fucking boss or hierarchy, the worker can do everything, from material management, to business, to licensing.

>IQ is just a meme.
>Heirarchies don't matter.
>Just ask the Nomenklatura.


Just flagup as a nazi and don't spam and shitpost, we have full/pol/ visits everyday

Tfw you still believe Marxist bullshit 25 years after death of Soviet Union.

Poor reds. There really is no teaching them.

"That wasn't real socialism! No neither was that, or that, or that, or that...."

I'm good. There really isn't much of a point.



Nice marxplaining bro, back to basement gulag with you until your mommy makes lunch

That's me.Why are you surprised?

The butthurt belt has arrived

ehhh MLs, you just won't stop giving any of your autistic shit here.
most of people on here are fun people but you just have to stay autistic and AWAWA WSAWA W WA AAWAA DIALECTIC MATERIALISM.
no, there is no such thing as lower working class today, we have middle class squash, and wageslavery, which could be dealt with post-keynesian economics. most people could have been changed with machines and not fucking work, but develop themselves as they fucking wish and not gave up their entire lives for jobs
i maybe fucking wrong, but I think some of post-keynesian ideas and post-left ideas may help our current problems.
but still MLs are fucking autistic and have to jerk off over soviet union

also most of nationalist are cool people and if you aren't autistic and acutally can listen you may discover that you agree on a lot of stuff, but of course you have to just shout 'that is fascism stop this reactionary bullshit'. no. just fucking no. you fucking autist.



just what is wrong with that, you know such novelties are needed in any economy?


stop your autism.
really, accept the facts that any system requires killing people.
and yes, socialism also killed millions and stop saying that is rich people propaganda

Which one was it?

Stalin did nothing wrong, there is no need to be upset.


fuck marx and fuck leftist people.

kys melbournite nigger


Stay sharp, everyone

Horseshoe theory confirmed

Do you guys like this government? I hear its comfy

Sure, some of them are, but I don't see too many women, elderly and children running towards Mother Europa, and it's sure as fuck a problem if Europe's crime and rape rate has skyrocketed tenfold ever since those "civilians" entered Europe's borders.

Yet they let the kikes get control? I just can't believe in this, no matter how much i'd like to.

socialism with a human face has failed, and if you still believe in their lies then you've failed as a Marxist.

Pls commies just go away.


try again

the left have become nothing more than radical liberals, the closest thing to Marxist literature they've read is the back of a Clash CD.

hahaha nice proxy you actual faggot

kill yourself and die.


was just about to send that comrade

Kys anarchoscum

Objectively wrong. There are businesses where the workers do this without a boss.

Not an argument.

?? not an anarchist, but not an ML either

At this point even rotten communism is better than islamism.

There are actually plenty of women, children, and elderly if you look outside of right wing mouthpieces.

You still need managers, unless you expect each worker to do many things, which is extra burden and a waste of resources.

Someone's always going to be more valuable than another person, and someone is going to call the shots of what gets done.

>each worker must do many things
Not true. Usually workers have different positions in terms of actual work but don't necessarily hold power over one another. It's called horizontal stratification.

as a Marxist and as a manager for a factory I can tell you that I should be in charge as I've been there the longest and am the most skilled when it comes to engineering, product design and can train the newer employees.

What I don't do however is own the factory or the machines within it.

fuck off k*rdish rat

More automation is a solution. If you absolutely need a leader, it can be done democratically. Thus, the "manager" would be a worker who could be voted out at any time.

Only good commie is dead commie.

Chile and Finland teached world when you sloughter commies in your country you get rich.

Im happy that almost all in my extended family fought with Whites to crush red revolution. And those few idiots in my family history who fought with reds im happy that they died wihout even having kids so there tainted blood dont run anymore.



Chile and some of the Finnish killings were just senseless bloodletting.

great memes kid, you really showed us

Yeah tell me again how Cuba and Venzuela build worker paraside when they had USSR giving free money and biggest exporter?


Chile was poorest country at 50's now is rich as fuck.

We did same mistake as Chile we where too kind to commies.

Cuba has grown tremendously since Batista was ousted.

Faggots get off Sup Forums

Not an argument.

Yeah senseless... Fucking commies started killing kids, women and old people. Whites only defended there home country. If reds would have won they would have joined Finland to Russia = no Winland

Thanks Germany for Jäger help we wont never forget out greatest ally. We can count you to kill commies.

>Cuba has grown tremendously since Batista was ousted.

I don't want white genocide.

>all these cool versions of socialism
Nice, I identify as pan-romantic leninist pansexual foxkin demiqueer socialist.
kys, it's all just communism, which fails everytime.
>lol it wasn't REAL socialism.

Tell me how they free press, human rights and freedom of speech are.

+ thanks for helping us fight against USSR 1939-1945 u got our back...

Communists kills more than cancer.

You do, Roach. And we know it. Your brothers are at the forefront of it.

no i dont

Wow, this sounds great. Why hasn't anyone ever tried it before?

>goal is NOT the global genocide of white people

prove to me that everything you advocate for does NOT result in global white genocide, roachie

The Winter War was justified but the atrocities committed by the White side earlier weren't.

Nice revisionism.
Not an argument.
I never said that civil liberties improved. Castro's crimes were largely not justifiable.

Fuck your Jewish Bolshevism.

Are you kurdscum ?
The only (((turks))) I know who are (((communists))) are usually dirty peasant kurds.

Why do you guys keep saying "Late Stage Capitalism"? Do you have proof it's ending or is it just your attempt at meme magic?

implying the car carrying castros body broke down

their belief in the inevitable end of capitalism and ushering in of communism is directly tied to the Christian idea of the Rapture through Hegel

That actually makes sense. Thank you.

When did this devolve from a general leftist thread to reactionary fucking bootlicker central?

Fuck off tankies, take you liberal larp parade and shove it up lenins mumified motherfucking corpse's asshole

>The Winter War was justified but the atrocities committed by the White side earlier weren't.

Raping women and leaving there kids to starve and freeze to death little towns don't count cause they are reds? Reds rained terror that 2 years and we only clean the mess. And murdering children so what they where soldiers who killed innocent people.

Reds started war without reason, started red terror and when they started losing war they burned everything down so civilians wouldn't have food and houses. Thank god we where smart enough use reds as slave labour rebuild our great nation.

Killing women by thousands they where part of war and many of them where soldiers who killed people.

Based winland its shameful still if your family where side of reds.

fuck your effeminate leftypol raid
>conditioning: not broken
