Just finished reading the turner diaries for the second time. Do any of you guys have ideas for similar literature to read?
Just finished reading the turner diaries. Any more suggestions?
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Not the same, but 'By Way of Deception' by Victor Ostrovsky is interesting, as it is an autobiographical account of a Mossad agent.
I read it in my early twenties and it is the book that really made me hate Israel and Jews in general
>Not only finished that terrible book but read it again.
Jesus, if this world is truly filled with people as dumb as op then we are fucked. Kek.
enact it
The Turner Diaries is pretty badly written, but we do need more speculative fiction about the future of the white race.
Speculative fiction has a tendency to actually create the future.
The hunter by pierce is supposed to be good. I'm downloading it now.
Also culture of critique by stefan molenux
what's the name of that Dr William Pierce book where he talks about how to eat da poosay?
Yah this is why the book is interesting.
Plz more speculative fiction recokmenfabditons.
"200 Years Together" by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. About the history of Jews in Russia. Full amateur translation. (((Professionals))) wouldn't touch it.
I believe you are referring to his work under the pseudonym '2pac'
I could go on for days, but there is not much in the way of racialist speculative fiction. Maybe I'll come up with some OC
You might enjoy the 'Otherland' tetralogy by Tad Williams
I also like Charles Stross, especially 'Accelerando'
Hold back this day
There a few shitty names for things in it (like nomohunga or something). But the plot is good and you will EASILY see paralells with what is happening today.
E.g. Sissyfication, racial quotas, even we wuz kangs and history modification.
Also, Boris and Arkady Strugotsky are pretty good.
Philip k Dick, obviously
An oldy but a goody is Olaf Stabledon
>The Turner Diaries depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the federal government, nuclear war, and, ultimately, a race war. All groups opposed by the author, such as Jews, gays, and non-whites, are exterminated.
Edgy fantasy there.
Harold Covington's series is fun to read.
This book may tickle your sphincter then
Is it any good? I've often thought of getting it.
Isn't there another series? I think it's called patriots. But it reads more like a how to manual for prepping and militia stuff.
This looks good. Where can i download? Can't find it on my usual sources
Guess I should have looked before I post
Kinda meh, with a few "God's marry sue" style victories. If you enjoyed or were entertained by Turner, you may find it appealing.
Honestly I found it rather lack luster. A bit too marry sue for my style. By "marry sue" I mean victories that are easily foreseen outcomes and predictable. I'd expect better from a man who lived in Rhodesia but I guess I held the author to a bit too high of a standard.