Is it true that this type of shower head with wires everywhere is common in south america?
Why are these fucking things still legal?
Is it true that this type of shower head with wires everywhere is common in south america?
Why are these fucking things still legal?
Why would your showerhead need to be connected to your power grid?
I want one, how painful would it be to kill yourself with it
These are used if they don't have a hot water cylinder or some shit.
I want to know who thought these were a good idea and why they continue to be used fairly commonly from what I've heard.
Saw them in Thailand too.
It's a showerhead with a built-in heater
Water + electricity = dead
Oh they exist, mostly in really shit housing, would never consider a flat with one of these fuckers.
In Japan the have denkiburo which is a bath with electricity running through the water. It feels really awful, like pins and needles but your whole body, and your muscles seize up and spasm. Some people apparently find it relaxing though.
Cheaper than hot water heater
They're so common in uk
In better form of course
So you're telling me that icy water goes into it and it heats it really fast in that little thing?
It's usually only in hot climates so the water coming in is already pretty warm.
Then why the fuck do they heat it?! There is no reason whatsoever, Ill take ice water over fucking electricity any day!
We don't have those in the UK friendo.
It's not actually that dangerous I'm guessing. Life is pretty cheap in these places also.
suicide showers ? well i'm not dead yet
Very common in Brazil. It's really not that dangerous.
Great concept, Poor execution...
I dont think I'd trust some Brazilian had hooked it up correctly desu
So how do you get hot water? Any house i lived, there is white box which heats water on go
top kek
c'mon i get it that you didn't know about suicide showers but you should know about coil heat exchangers
The only Brazilian I even knew irl got electrocuted to death in one of them.
its actually not that dangerous as long as the wiring is safe. but thats where it can become a problem. in OP's pic its an open wiring, wich is dangerous even without the shower.
and problems with the wires inside the showerhead may occur and thats when its dangerous.
its no problem tho, as long as you are not touch with the head itself, but in many countries they are kinda short, and often, tourists visiting these countries are taller, and then it may become an issue.
so many of u people may have a live suicide showerhead, but you dont touch it while its in use, so you wouldnt know.
>Life is pretty cheap in these places also.
This, r-selected subhumans. If a brown kid dies, who cares - they can easily make another one.
Oh boy, you understand hot water tanks exist in the 1st world right?
You just gave yourself away Ahmed
also Galvanized = lead
You're thinking about a water tank with an electric heater, the concept is similar but it's a lot safer because you don't have running water in contact with the cables.
This is much safier than use gas to heat water. We use electric showers for decades and not a single accident happened
Want the truth? Only poor people have showers like that, it is very common because a lot of people are poor. They'll try to say otherwise because a lot of poor people in Brazil live in denial of their poverty just because there's a favela 3 blocks away.
Gas central heating. Thanks to alpine hydrosocialism electricity is just as cheap, though.
OP is talking about the exposed wires.
apparently they are fairly safe, extremely low voltage.
sounds scary
When I moved into my new house my water heater had exposed wire nuts connecting it and even THAT made me nervous.
yeah just like there aren't any homosexuals in iran
My Japanese is terrible and the first and only time I went in one I entered it quickly and went right close to the electric plates which makes it way more intense. I thought I was having a stroke or something due to the hot water. Then I checked the sign a bit closer and realized it was an electricity bath.
Could someone explain exactly how could I die using them?
Why does Japan always attempt to be on the cutting edge of fucking weird?
Why can't you be on the cutting edge of something decent, like capital punishment.
You don't like hanging? Rope is fine.
So were bathtubs, didn't stop you though did it?
kWh of electricity costs less than 0.07$
They were, they used to crucify people, hang them or behead with with swords then use their bodies to test other swords.
Whats the hose with nozzle for? Enemas?
Jesus fuck.
I was planning on visiting Latin America soon.
Are those really that common? Are they actually as dangerous as they sound?
I never saw anything like this in Thailand or Cambodia. Although I guess my rooms in Cambodia were 1000x nicer than what the local houses looked like.
>stray wire strand touches pipe touches water touches you touches ground and makes a nice wet low-resistance circuit
>have soap on your face and grab showerhead with your eyes closed to re-aim it and miss and grab wire nuts with your wet hand and send electricity through you
>water splashes back up into wire nuts and makes a circuit
>showerhead develops a leak and sends a gentle spray back into wire nuts until they're drenched
as a remodeler/pseudo electrician the ways that can kill me go through my head all the time
22 years and I'm still alive
lmao sounds like that futurama episode when fry goes into the suicide booth
japan so far ahead of the times they have suicide baths
looks like superior african engineering wins again because I don't have electricity or running water
Alrighty, thanks. I will lookout from now on.
They are safe, people here are either retarded or just shitposting. It's a bit dangerous though if the wiring is exposed and you might touch it. You are going to find it pretty much everywhere in south america.
Is this a shower that is supposed to kill you?
It shoots electric water at you right?
Or electricity up your ass if you use the enema nozzle.
Funny you should mention these I was watching a video about them the other day
He takes it apart and explains exactly why it's dangerous.
>Brazilians having any sort of grasp on statistics and logic
if i'm still alive then it MUST be safe!
Goddamn that is terrifying.
Inductive heating would be so much fucking safer
>22 years and I'm still alive
>22 years in Brazil
If you call that living.
>not playing the eletric shower roullete
You are all pussies
Survivorship bias.
Well its not stupid if its electrocution proof.
26 years old, never heard of an accident. I don't think you can be electrocuted with pulverized water, so the only real risk is touching the exposed wires with your hand
Never had an issue with it not know anyone that has. The numbers I see are like 10k people in a country of 210 million.
Those 10k are just retards or drunks that literally want to die, I believe.
thats how mine looks
I've seen this stuff often in Peru and Brazil. Also in Scotland but in better quality (no visible wiring).
It's usually not very effective but still better than cold water...
That's why brasilians dont take shower and smell so bad
>he needs the government to tell him how he can or cannot shower.
M8 South Americans live at the edge, it's a cultural thing, the shower reminds them that they could die at any point.
After they step out of the shower they thank the virgin of Guadalupe for another day and enjoy their time on earth to its fullest.
Electricity + water = ???
I thought Brazilians used 5 gallon buckets to bathe?
I forget how Pokemon works.
I think giving people in the third world water boilers would probably be worse. They tend to explode when poorly made.
>the only real risk
>the only
you got it genius, the only real risk is being electrocuted
Brazilians take two showers a day on average, compared to the 0.3 showers Europeans take a day
The funny part about this /diy/ level of stupidity is that EVERY ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER poses the same risks. People who actually understand electricity design these things. It's why you can turn things on and off all day long without getting your fingers fried.
The exposed wiring is not a good idea, but that applies to everything in your house.
where did you got this stats from lol ?
You can criticize for a lot of things, but being dirty is not one of them. In the summer we go as far as taking 3 showers a day. It's ridiculous sometimes the amount of water we spend.
Technically similar, my old house had one, works differently, from my understanding the heating element is like what's in a kettle.
>he doesn't take cold showers
Cold shower and sauna is what you can call living. And I'm not even Finnish.
Would this work with golden showers?
>You just gave yourself away Ahmed
I'm just from baltic country small village
It's horrible to think some people go to South America voluntarily. For vacation.
Electrical Engineer here.
They are safe IF they are wired correctly.
There is a wire with a reference to ground inside of the shower head just before the water leaves it. As long as that is there, youre safe.
But by the looks of that picture, this one is VERY unsafe and can kill you.
Super rare
There is no danger whatsoever. water droplets do not contain electricity.
This. If you live in a hot, humid country too it seems like a no-brainer.
Reminds me of my aunts shower, it has an electrical socket right under the shower head. No clue how she hasnt fried.
that's an RCD (residual current device) or 'earth leakage circuit-break' and it will only protect you if current is draw through with the active of neutral, but not both at the same time (*a magnet is suspended and when the balance is broken--from 'uneven' current draw--it breaks circuit)
>indian education
If the current drawn through active and neutral is equal there is no current left to go through you.
damn that's rare.
Google has failed me. What flag is this?
America 2.
Is this method of water heating uncommon? Like ten people in my country died from shoddy electric heater installation jobs
Here in the south it's cold as fuck during winter so we need a well heated shower.
Because such a shower costs less than $ 30.