The (((guy))) you see on the pic is basically Soros of turkey. he is russian/putin shill and Eurasianist. Erdogan is the puppet of this guy.
and he say turkey will burn in march 2017.economy will be crash and probably hundreds or thousands or maybe more will die in Turkey March 2017. just wanted to tell you guys
Turkey is finished
whos dat demon semen
Holy shit, is there a country the ruskis aren't secretly controlling?
Anybody who takes Perinçek serious should be under arrest.
Germany better brace itself for millions of astrophysicists and neurosurgeons this year.
I fucking hope so
like smth bad
>tfw Serbians will invade when the country is in chaos and claim Constantinople on behalf of Putin
Now you have to worry about China when Russia and the US conquer Europe through NATO and Turkey
>Dogu Perincek
>Soros of Turkey
dunno who he is but he looks like a gülen without the enormous nose.
He is very close friend with dugin.
>destroying turkey
Another servant of Lucifer and his celestial mafia, why am I not surprised? Dugin is simply an advocate of Russian Globalism, he's bad fucking news.
Let's hope so
Enjoy your refugees
>The (((guy))) you see on the pic is basically Soros of turkey. he is russian/putin shill and Eurasianist
So, he's a good guy and on Sup Forums's side?
>mfw serbia will lose everything again
i will enjoy a right wing europe in 2018 until then it has to get worse so that the right partys will definetely get their votes.
Good fucking riddance
>And nothing of value was lost.
it's treason then
Dogu Perincek, an old PKK/Kurd loving terrorist who has recently turned into a nationalist socialist.
He believes that we should stand against imperialism by taking our power from Ataturk and his stance. Dunno what to think about him, he seems like he can do good stuff for our country but his shady past freaks me out a lil.
He is clearly a destabilizing spy.
ya sure senpai? as a leftie i kind of wanna support him tbqh.
Just keep her saifu, even if it costs your useless miserable life
Their paper works in favor of government...
My first order of business will be to behead that bitch.
>in 2018
In 2018 Germany will have an islamist party that will force shariah law on the whole country.
Anzu being alive is the only thing stopping world powers from glassing your roach-hole of a country
Here's a free glimpse into the future. Pls dont save or share.
anzu = whole turkey and possibly middle-east
We don't care. Fuck anzu. Her days are numbered.
>Soros of Turkey
Literally who cares?
>mfw turkroaches invade Europe after their country collapses in 2k17
That would be a happening for the ages.