Give me one good reason why you aren't a monarchist

Give me one good reason why you aren't a monarchist.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Duke_of_Bavaria

this is so romantic, a love story for the ages.

>no matter how much of a qt you marry, she will always endure looking like a shriveled raisin

I prefer minarchy. That is not exclusive, though. I wouldn't mind coronations in the Saint Martin's Dome, or a king seated in the Bratislava castle.

This is why men die first.


Lizzy was really shaggable in her day.


The house of Windsor usurped the throne from the Stewarts. That's why. I will never recognize their station.

Because we are born equal and I dont need some autist inbred to sit on the throne doing nothing and wasting my taxmoneys, just because of his surname.
Also, our royal house is cucked

Elizabeth was a qt back in the day

Queen Lizzy was pretty fuckable back in the day. Probably would've wanked over a £20 note when she was younger

>Because we are born equal
Monarchs are literally of superior genetic stock.

The Australian Queen was a qt back in the day too.

Watch your fucking mouth, have you no shame?!

You deserve JAIL

because the british crown did absolutely fuck all for us

freaky she looks identical to the British queen

>Still doesn't understand a good monarch's influence on a country's economy

Get nuked filthy fucking jap. You got nuked because you were fascist scum. Learn your lesson

The Canadian too. You cunts are an incestuous lot.

I cant because I am

>half of the european royal houses are inbred
>superior genetic stock
Commit sudoku

I want a democratic monarchy

Never had a monarchy here, though I would support the monarchy of another country(s).

Separated at birth? Look at the queen of New Zealand too...

enjoy your chinky masters

delete this post idiot, you risk losing your internet license AND your masturbation licence

Chink hitlers know no better. Its quite pathetic to see a 2 inch dick think hes superior to anyone

Can you imagine being ruled by the biggest scroungers in the country?

At least here they limit their excesses compared to Britbong royal family.

>All these pussy Ameriniggers and other non-countries who will never know the glory of serving a King/Queen/Emperor

Has no one ever noticed this before? How deep does this rabbit hole go? What colour pill is this?


They exist to serve ME.

I am though


Typical consumerist

Fuck man, why did we have to go independent and leave the commonwealth?

The island went to shit

This is an example of the massacre that causes the passing time.
Young and old. It's not worthy to live. We will be all dead anyway. There's no escape. Look at her, she was a pretty girl and he was a gentleman; they were young and full of hope.
Now they are almost dead bodies. It's sad.

Why do you recognize German Jews as your royalty? What are you doing to restore the house of Stewart to their rightful station?

They're cousins for fuck's sake.

Because National Socialism is hip with the kewl kidz.

>European Monarchs becoming retarded, malformed, hemophiliacs.
>Superior genetic stock

Hoping she lives another 20+ years, can't stand Charles.

Long live the Queen!

Having the queen on a 5 dollarydoo bill is good enough

Don't even argue. He forgets Japan has been ruled by a Patriarch named Akihito
Since 1989.


I am all for enlightened monarchy, parliamentary monarchy sucks though

I think you played too much EU IV

they are all related anyway, you can trace liz back to alfred the great and william the conqueror
who cares if it went down a female line a couple of times and they got a kraut name that they changed

Interbreeding m8, all commonwealth royalty are F1 Hybrids.

>Don't support a German house even though you have common ancestry with them and all royalty are mutted anyway
>Support the Scottish one instead!


>who cares if foreign males infected my countries once great lineage of Royals with their inferior stock

Gross. The Stewarts are the rightful heirs to Britain. They have living male heirs.


They're parasitic vermin leeching off of their subjects, no discernible value at all.

What is the point of having a royal family if they sit back and let your parliament over run your country will millions of savages?

>common ancestry

Not at all. The Windsors are there are not common ties. At all. Maybe you people prefer foreign rule and domination. Maybe you ENJOY subjugation and prostration to the will of aliens.

Them being alive contributes TRILLIONS of pounds in tourism business to your shithole island. Refrain from commenting on issues you're ignorant of. Idiot.

they are diplomats, figure heads and tourist bait
the based whigs saw to us ruling ourselves thank you very much

Ive read too much history books. Parliamentarism is always a step down from authoritarism as it forms after a crisis of power

I would totally let young Elizabeth pissing on my face and tongue her royal arsehole.

Whats the point in having a government in burgerland if they do the same?


You're an idiot

Oh my someone is TRIGGERED!

They are direct descendents of the 13 bloodlines, most notably Rothschild. Hence why the Queens Grand Financeer is a Rothschild, he's even a Lord.

All of Britain is rightful Stewart clay.

Because heredity isn't a good enough qualification. Because inbreeding causes abominations like you currently see in the Brittish royal family.

I'm also against democracy - I believe in aristocracy in it's literal meaning (rule of the best) rather than rule of the mob. Even Roman Emperors were wise enough to choose their successors via adoption and not reply on biological offspring to be the best since they knew it was a crapshoot.

cause our royal family consists of literally retards.
it's like giving a downs syndrome kid a position in government.
also they're even more gibsmedat as niggers and sandniggers, everything they own is paid for by the peoples money

Parliaments mean nothing in England and all the Commonwealths. The Royals can veto and abolish any laws they dislike as well as draft their peasants into any war they desire. Ask Canada and Australia about that.

She really was.

and what makes you think that the non biological offspring will not turn into a megalomaniac and will create a domino effect?

I agree with your point on democracy,its an absolute shitshow.

Monarchism is cuckoldry

>he joined the Royal Navy in 1939, aged 18. From July 1939, he began corresponding with the 13-year-old Princess Elizabeth, whom he had first met in 1934.

What the fuck, philip is a pedophile

It does fuck all

There are no guarantees. You can only minimize the chances of your successor being a complete retard (in every way of the word).

Like I said, in terms of royalty I would take the Roman example whereby even the emperors chose their successors instead of relying solely on bloodline.

It seemed a good symbiosis between nobility (the noble houses and bloodlines) and aristocracy (the Senate). Of course corruption was rife, but I think since man can be corrupted it's inevitable. The game is minimizing it.

Looks like she had some nice tits back in the day

1-if the Monarch sucks, no alternative but rope

The majority of your NEETbuxx gibs come from tourism revenue. Most tourism to Britain is to see those people, among other things.

These Royal Bullshit ruined my whole country,broke the fine working economy with Opium trade and taxation and you are asking me why I am not a monarchist?

These Royal families are like Sopranos,glorified Crew financed by immoral activities.

>I agree with your point on democracy,its an absolute shitshow.

Ever since Socrates (who made a very compelling case against democracy) most of the greatest statesmen, rulers, diplomats and philosophers were against the rule of the mob. There's no perfect system, but to me, democracy is one of the worst, followed closely by hereditary monarchy.

They gave you streets to shit in Sanjeev

Philip had it good.

The Stewarts a fucking dead because Bonnie Prince Charlie was an alcoholic who didn't bother fucking his wife until he got an heir.

Whats with the pedophilia and notable people? Gandhi at some point was testing orgasm check with 12 years old girls.

Glad my fathers friend shot him thrice in the chest.

For Knug und Wasserland!

I'm not into reptiles

We get more money from football tourism, france royal tourist attractions get more vistors pwr year despite not having an active momarch.

I wonder if she ever used that royal overbite to nibble on Phillip's cock.

Stewart has living heirs, most notably this man.,_Duke_of_Bavaria

She dead


50/50 chance.

so what do they do? cut ribbons at grocery store openings?

She will die soon

Except he's a Wittelsbach and the only real difference in arguing his claim is that he's Catholic, which most Britons won't like at all, and he descended from a female slightly later than the current royals.

Because I live in a monarchy and the idea that one family originally from Denmark is somehow worth spending millions on each year is ridiculous.

Best paid welfare clients in the land.

We contributed 25% to the worlds GDP,when they left it was down to 3%.

They created the series of worst genocide our nation has ever encountered

They built railways not for the poeple,pleb,for the WW troops and looting the shit ton of gold from our ancient temples.

The largest steel manufacturing factories were built only for the purpose of lining those railway tracks.

They dragged us to Two World wars for what?

Indo-China conflict with opium supplies.

and you talk about streets and drainage system,go read about INDUS valley,we had roads even before you learnt to spell it.

and I am not Sanjeev,I am Rajeev.

Thank you for choosing the PLEB plan of the month,have a nice day.

Historically all our nobility was all baltic-germans, and they all migrated away/were deported during the second world war.

There is no tradition or royal line to ressurrect, and of the current crops of politicans i dont want anybody to be made into a noble.

Because the Romanovs are now burning coal somewhere in America, thanks commies
(Don't mind the flag, an Ivan on vacation)

He holds the only legitimate claim to that throne. Period. I understand why he never wanted it though.



What's the deal with them? Do they even know who is the rightful claimant?

Last I saw it was some woman and her son is literally a Hohenzollern, talk about irony.

Your flag looks like Rajeet wiped his ass with it.

Poo in loo indeed.