Why does Albania have an IQ of 82?(Lynn and Vanhanen 2012)


Because it is filled with stupid Albanians.

Because Lynn is a known hack and invent data when it suits him

I'm triggered.
jakubmarian.com is not a good reference.

Google 'Lynn and Vanhanen 2012' and the study is the top result .

Because all the clever people sit in bunkers waiting for happenings

Fake news

I went to Albania last year. The people truly are as fucking retarded as this study suggests.

I saw people shitting in the street, gangs of gypsys bathing in fountains, teenagers playing football with small puppies.

A restaurant thought they were ripping me off charging 200LEK (£1) for a full meal.

They're just general degenerates.

I found this map, idk if it should be trusted

looking closely I think albania is in the yellow kek

The thing about maps like these are they don't link to any studies so they could just be some lad having a laugh. Also the ranges are rather broad to say the least.

So the dutch have the biggest dicks in europe, are the tallest in the world, and are the smartest in western europe.

Confirmed masterrace.


You guys need more muscle mass. Start lifting

You have to go back

this is true, almost everyone here is skinnyfat.

A poor education system. Countries such as Finland, the Netherlands and Germany where the educational systems are second to none have the highest IQ scores. Countries in central Europe which are poorer than the UK and France have the same IQ scores due to their better educational systems which make up for the economic disparity.


>tfw niggers bring down your average iq yet it's still higher than all those white countries.

something something more albanians live outside albania than in it

>most of europe
>white countries

Might have something to do with the fact the country lived under North Korea style gommunism for like 50 years

Congrats you saw gypsies, well done.

But their IQ is supposed to be lower than Turkey by 7. So if they got MUH DICKED by Turkey, it shouldn't be THAT low.

Devshirme. Turks took the healthy children to serve as soldiers and the stupid weak probably stayed behind.

This is true
I know that the average person in austria has an iq over 100
i did an iq test once with like 40 people, the test was the hardest i ever had ( some iq tests are harder some easier ) and i had a little over 100. and there was no one under 100 except one person which was from serbia. he had like 95
so in this scenario the average iq was arround 105-110
i also did an iq test once when i was a child, i went to a psychiatrist, and he did an iq test with me, and i got 120 as far as i remember. so i guess ill have an iq of arround 110
( with iq tests that are good, not the internet bullshit ones, i get like 160 on them, they dont work )
also it is well known that african people have a really low iq, and the american results also seem to be right, if you think where americans came from
the only thing that really makes me think is, how black americans which mainly came from ghana etc could increase their iq by that much
i dont now the average iq for black people in usa but im sure its higher than 59-71



I prefer a study taken by two accomplished professors of psychology and their students rather than user on Sup Forums.

> romania 91
I legit thought we are nigger tier at around 80. I can barely relate to these people.
> moldova 92, students only