Why do atheists think they're more intelligent than everyone else?

Why do atheists think they're more intelligent than everyone else?

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Because we are.

It's part of why they're atheist.

All children think they know everything.

theyre euphoric

Because they exclusively spend time with other atheists seeking the same kind of validation they are, enabling them to create a safe space for themselves in which they constantly reassure each other that their speculations are incontrovertible facts and all the people outside their circle are unenlightened morons. Religion basically works the same way.

Overcompensating for insecurity

I think not taking psychotic ramblings: the book serious automatically qualifies you for being smarter

Why don't they believe that multiculturalism is an issue then?

Maybe because we don't have imaginary friends who we actually believe they exist

Atheism is often the sole object, or mode, of thought which relatively stupid people engage with.

Problems with self-validation and superiority/inferiority complexes. A lot of social inability from autism spectrum disorders too. They're probably not even that intelligent. Above average at best.

Anyone who's actually intelligent is just irreligious/agnostic. Knowing you could be wrong and needing to adapt in the future is actually using your brain. Hell, explaining meme magic as popular human subconsciousness creating small changes in behaviour to make what's joked and thought about real due to the subliminal effects of constant memeing and preoccupence is more intelligent than atheism.

This. My 12 year old cousin was rambling about how religious was a fraud when I visited my family during the Christmas vacations. It was kind of cringy because she was trying to argue that evolution is the proof of the absence of God despite not knowing anything about it and clearly parroting something she must have heard from a fedora-wearing adult (pretty much every atheist everywhere, ever).

probably because they believe a religion is just some training wheels they outgrew of


Does anyone have good IQ statistics that controls for race?


Because they exclusively spend time with other (blank) seeking the same kind of validation they are, enabling them to create a safe space for themselves in which they constantly reassure each other that their speculations are incontrovertible facts and all the people outside their circle are unenlightened morons. (blank) basically works the same way.

I always thought of religion as just a way for earlier peoples to explain the world around them.

Why do they think that using sarcastic jokes makes them more intelligent?
When they're just repeating them, i could argue that 99% of them became atheist at the age when their sexuality started to develop(puverty) because nearly all religions tell them not to fornicate, what do they do they tell themselves over and over again that we're just animals and it's okay to makeup your mind to follow your sexual urgencies, that's why you will find most of them have lack of self control in some critical part of their lives, such as their need to be disrespectful to anyone who dares to belive something that they just theorize but take as a fact.

Intellectual vanity and spiritual pride go hand-in-hand.

Atheism is basically the default orthodoxy of gutless blowhards these days.

Because they don't believe in a magical sky fairy, obviously, which makes them smarter than those who do by default.

Atleast that's how I used to think when I was 14. Usually you outgrow the edginess and stop giving a shit. Usually.

Because we are.



Christcucks BTFO

Not everyone, just religious people.

they think they discovered powder when they were children. then they don't grow up.

Why do Yakub disbelievers think they're more intelligent than everyone else? Tricknology is the final red pill.


This age, 10-12, also happens to be the age when people develop a more logical and reason-based thought process. Making sense of the world around them becomes more important.
I think that might have more to do with it, nice "theory" though LMAO

>study collates Atheism with intelligence, but actually it was atheism with autism. And the Autistic godless spergs just happened to be high functioning robots.

Could redo that study and get my name in a journal.

Because through logic and reasonable analysis of the facts they came to the conclusion that all religious superstitious nonsense is not real, something that christcucks or their equivalent can't seem to do.

Doesn't necessarily make them smarter, but it's at the very least a start on that measurement of stupidity.

They need to believe in something.

Because they are Arrogant cunts.Bill Maher has Jewish mother by the way and Christopher Hitchens,Sam Harris most of those ''atheist'' leaders have some Jewish ancestry.
Remind me of Bolsheviks here.
Can't stomp the God,you godless scum.

I always thought of it (whether you think God is real or not) as a definite evolutionary advantage as it is a great way to mobilize very large groups of people. Wagner speculated that the God of Israel is the collective ego of the Jewish people.

reminder that atheism is as retarded as religion

They think they're funnier than everyone else too

Everything started from some big explosion that nobody saw. Yes such ''logic''.
Reminder most atheists are Leftists.

>Oh, you hold a concrete set of beliefs? How quaint. Me? Haha I'm a nihilist bro *tips*

nice one retard

>people still arguing about god on the premise that he's some man in the sky

Atheists are as dumb as the christcucks they're arguing tbqhwy.

They don't fully implement that logical reasoning until adults, why are there so much young people whovwill scream at you if say something they don't want to hear age 20 -25 the mayority of young adults are very dependent in their surroundings for approval, wich will become their base for reasoning till their real adulthoods

Do atheists think they're more intelligent than everyone else?

Plenty of intelligent people believe in God and plenty of idiots are atheists. Any atheist who thinks they are automatically smart for lacking a belief in a god is an atheist and the same is also true for any theist

Arguing about a sky god is less silly than arguing about abstract nonsense.

There is no point of collectivising the ideas of athiesm because they dont have a religous ideology that theyall follow they have their own personal ideas that can be extreamly varied

Is an idiot and the same for^*

>Man in the sky
Has no idea about religion

Arguing about it is silly. Period. It can only be investigated and possibly experienced through self-inquiry.

Because they are

It wasn't an explosion.

> Explosion
Congratulations, you know literally nothing!

Today's athiests are shit tier. Fun fact, one of the first people who called sciencentific materialist atheism a religion was an atheist named Georges Sorel.


Deal with it low-iq mongrels

Exact same reason emo/alternative/etc teenagers think they're smarter then their peers, they're make a conscious effort to distance themselves from the norm therefore they must be smart because of that.
It's exceptionally flawed logic of course but don't tell them that because they would probably have a seizure.

Because we are, deal with it. And women are funny. Get woke.

It's like the redpill meme. Early atheists are overwhelmed by arrogance, because they end up thinking of themselves as having overcame religious brainwashing.

I've been through that phase myself. Still an agnostic atheists who considers anti-science creationists over here to be mentally disabled, but I learned to respect people who simply choose to believe it instead of forcing it on others as an absolute truth - kind of like Kek, I would say.

Agnosticism is the ultimate nu-male stance.
Pussies who are too afraid to offend anyone or take a stand on anything.

Where is god
Where is heaven

Do u go to another dimesion when u die or something

It's the most logical stance.

You can't prove god exists and you can't prove 100% he doesn't.

part of being religious is to acknowledge something greater than yourself, it's inherently humbling
fedoras have weak egos and can't cope with the thought that their own consciousness is not the ultimate arbiter

I don't give a shit about offending anyone. If you can't understand that it's the only true logical stance you are really low-iq as fuck. I still fucking hate muslims and would personally volunteer to execute every single one.

>Everything started from some big explosion

First of all you're clearly short on the facts, but I know what you're getting at so I won't talk about it any longer.

Now, when people/scientists/whoever talks about the Big Bang, they aren't saying there was nothing before that nor do they state they know what caused it. We know when it happened and that it or something similar did happen. When people talk about the universe, they are talking about THIS universe, the one born from the Big Bang or it's equivalent.

Next. the statement "There is no evidence to suggest the existence of a God/supernatural deity, so I will continue to live my life as though there isn't one until there is evidence to suggest it" is a statement that is backed by the facts and is at it's core utterly logical.

>Reminder most atheists are Leftists.

That completely depends upon what you think is a leftist, really. Since religion and conservatism generally go hand in hand (not necessarily, but how the world is), then it is inevitable that anyone who criticizes religion is immediately a leftist as they are against the social/economic status quo, which is anti-conservatism.

Create a fictional world that doesn't have religion and you will find that many, not all, but many Atheists would be rightists too.

>tfw absurdist
>tfw too intelligent to be an athiest

I should add, agnostics also acknowledge at least the possibility of something greater than themselves, thus they too are not suffering from the same neuroses as atheists

Dunning-Kruger effect

Agnostic atheism is the best desu.

It's basically "human-made religions are all a load of made-up bullshit, but there /might/ be /something/ out there that we are not yet aware of"

Basically the common sense approach without the edgy "there's nothing besides what we already know"

We have no faith in fiction and our morals are not limited by old dogmas

>I don't see evidence of God, so I'm going to conflate absence of evidence with evidence of absence
so logic, very think

Bill maher and richard dawkins already said they hate PC, SJW and know Islam is the greatest threat in the world.
Bill actually said Trump won because the left kept telling white men they should hate themselves, liberals went crazy.
As matter of fact atheist liberals seems to be the only ones that see the leftist nonsense.

it's like a kid who thinks he's smarter than their parents

these people are essentially still babies

If you think the arguments for religion are nearly as strong as the arguments against then YOU are the retards.
>You can't prove god exists and you can't prove 100% he doesn't.
So you can't take a stance on something unless there's 100% certainty? I guarantee you don't apply this criteria to any other aspect of your life.

I'm currently agnostic, probably going to buy a bible pretty soon here.

There have been recent events in my personal life that are leading me to believe more and more.

where's the burden of proof in your specific beliefs?

People with IQs around the 105 mark tend to think they are smarter than everyone and also heavily gravitate towards atheism.

>I don't believe in a man in the sky SO I must be smarter than you!!

I don't understand why otherwise intelligent people believe in stories written thousands of years ago by literal goat herders and base their entire lives around them.

Either of those stands (theist and atheism) needs you to belive something you can't prove.Thus if you want to say that you're just driven by logical sense you should be an agnostic, i don't understand why people who say that they only follow "logic" end up saying the're atheist , when science has it limits you should accept them and work with what you have, kinda of what happend to Einstein when he didn't wanted to belive in the principle of uncertainty in quantom mechanics .


Give me one piece of evidence that god exists.

I immediately say afterwards that you can't, as none exists. That immediately makes me a fedora tipper? Seems legit.

>fedora meme
You do realize that demographic effectively doesn't exist anymore, right?

>absence of evidence
>evidence of absence

In this case they are technically inseparable, and yet you talk as though they are mutually exclusive when an eight year old could see they aren't. That doesn't necessarily mean they are immediately conflated.

I think you're confused, kid. I'm pretty sure I'm running around with my thumb up my asshole on this one, but I'll give you a chance to explain yourself.

Why do religious people constitute old writings as absolute truths without any logical reason? Why do some intelligent people believe in a god or gods?

Why are religions like islam and christianity still taken seriously? Why aren't christians and muslims etc. intellectually honest?

I don't believe any religion is right. I believe in the possibility that something greater than us can exist, but I don't want to follow some rules some dudes in the middle east made up. How is this concept so hard to grasp?

The ability to ask the question "Why?" Is what makes humanity so great. Things we were absolutely certain of back in the day have been proven wrong and you should always keep an open mind. Probably every day something is proven otherwise.

If you saw three rocks one above the other making a tower in the desert or the beach, what would you say, someone must have done this; if can belive that with sonething that simple, having in account the complexity of a single cell it seems pretty in denial everything you could argue against an intelligent design.

And the beauty of agnosticism is realizing that there are several possibilities, someone could have put them like that or it could've happened SOMEHOW naturally.

let's be clear about something; it's not that there is zero evidence for the existence of god, it's that you reject all the evidence you have examined, to whatever degree you have examined it. this would be much more intellectually honest than "there is no evidence, checkmate theists"

regarding absence of evidence and evidence of absence, they are only inseparable if you assume /a priori/ that god is an impossibility; circular reasoning. care to share any other logical fallacies with us while you're here?

What if you encountered instead of a pile of rocks a watch, it's much less complex than the simplest living cell.

It is a theory, anyone speculating or even considering that theiry to be fact are fucking retards. It is an idea that we think answers our questions about the creation of this universe. In no way is it proven to be correct or even remotely accurate. Theories are disproven every day and the big bang theory has a much greater chance of being wrong than it does being correct.

Russell's Teapot mate.

that's not what the dunning-kruger effect means, dummkopf. People who believe they're intellectually superior to religious people on the basis of not believing in God are idiots.


>tfw to intelligent to require a phony god's blessing

Because believing in a religion makes you pretty stupid by default.

Good question. Since I've seen watches before that have been made artificially I'd probably say that it was manmade. Also I think that we think differently about organic/biological things, even if they are more complex. A watch isn't a living being after all.

Is that what your religion says?

So you think, for all we know it is. Can you 100% without a doubt prove it isnt?


...so you think evolution is a "speculation"?

You think not believing in the supernatural is "speculation" when there is literally no evidence, existent or perished, that has ever supported the idea that a supernatural being exists?

Are you seriously this fucking stupid? Or are you just baiting me? (I hope so)

Kent hovind disproves evolution , this video made me a christian


Nah it's what scientific fact says pham

Atheists aren't smarter. Skeptics are. You can be an atheist and still believe in crazy bullshit besides religion.

Because they literally have autism. And by autism I mean the autism spectrum disorder. They can't comprehend abstracts and they don't have empathy. They think they're more intelligent because of arrogance and book smarts. They don't understand memes either since memes usually require abstract thinking.

There have been multiple studies showing a correlation between the autism spectrum and atheism. Having a defective brain does not make one more intelligent. If you can't comprehend the abstract you think in binary like a robot. Black or white and no gray area. Why even live? Furthermore, why do we allow ourselves to live with such "people" ?


Fucking this bill maher is (((our guy)))

And what exactly does scientfic facts say about religion you cunt? Its the theory of evolution, onaerved yet not proven.