Face it Sup Forums, Slovenia has the perfect track record with women.
Trump agrees
Face it Sup Forums, Slovenia has the perfect track record with women.
Trump agrees
A shit ton of liberal serbs and bosnian muslims are immigrating to Slovenia right now.
You are doomed m8.
Fuck off Serb, we are full.
kek a friend off mine who is about to finish university of philosophy want's to move to Slovenia,good ridance I say.
It's to late mountain boi you can't stop us bre
I can't wait to move to Slovenia and get citizenship one day.
I will vote for far left parties for the rest of my life :^)
Svi srpski libtardi iz Beograda koji ne mogu da se presele u SAD ili Nordijske zemlje idi u Sloveniju lol.
>tfw when in Kärnten there's thousands of qt germanized slovenian chicks
>Not voting for Serbian nationalist party in Slovenia
Ma dobar je osecaj sto odlaze u zapadne zemlje,oni u Filozofskoj gledaju Tita kao da je bio bog na zemlji.Zato bolje da idu u zemlje kaosto je Slovenija.
Trst je naš
>brown eyes
Srecom, to je jedini fakultet gde se razvijaju ovakvi idioti u Srbiji. Svi ostali fakulteti nemaju libtarde uopste(ili ih ima veoma malo).
I'll take in Serbs who'll clean up Kebab for us.
Like a 2 for 1 type deal. Get rid of 2 Kebab in Slovenia, and you can come in.
They are liberals not kebab removers.
Like this guy said people that move from Serbia to Slovenia are literal communists that worship Tito.
They can't get in USA or any scandinavian country so they go to Slovenia.
>being this desperate
Sure Janez
Da si samo ove godine bio na sajmu knjiga bilo je haos,bilo par pedercina koje se namerno obukli kao zene i isli po hodnicima kao da dokazu da su gej a naravno pored njih bila neka riba koja je ofarbala kosu u boje duge.
I was thinking the exact same thing, my good man.
>bilo par pedercina koje se namerno obukli kao zene i isli po hodnicima kao da dokazu da su gej
Auu. Nisam bio na sajmu skoro 4 godine, tad nije bilo nikakve degeneracije.
Odakle su oni bili? Sa filozofskog?
Sve ljude koje poznajem sa Elektro, FIT-a,
Medicinskog, Ekonomskog i Pravnog su ok.
Samo sam degenerike upoznavao sa
FON-a, ne FIT-a*
Okay, inform me. What is wrong with Brown eyes?
Nothing, blue/green are just more desirable
Naravno su iz Filizofskog bili su tu kod njihovog standa moralo cak i obezbedjenje da ih cuva jer su par likova iz jedne masinske skole su ih napali.
A inace pored njih sve je bilo ok,samo sto ima veliki broj weeabooa
It's not a white feature. You're tainted.
this slovenian is clearly a fake, they are all tall n blonde /w blue eyes
Well my eyes are Green.
+ this is retarded.
Well actually they are Greenish-Brown, soo I guess I'm half human, right?
well said
You have to go back
t. white Finn
Filozofa ima pun kurac na trgu republika i svi izgeladaju kao cuckovi ili feministi. Tamo sam video i dosta migranata. Najgori deo grada.
>getting cucked for your coastline
You're Bosnia tier. Kek
trgu republike*
Go back where?
Or rather Brownish-Green, more Green than Brown, but clearly Green.
Clearly eye colour is completely irrelevant though
get the fuck out and stay out im gonna faucking kill you you fucking iven gypsy shit
Im gonna come to jesenice and bring all you fucks siptars back to kosovo
You ain't gonna do shit Janez. A lot of liberal serbs are already in your country and more will come. Enjoy, faggot.
you can't stop it Janez,Triglav will be ours
>tfw I live near Jesenice. It's terrible, they "renamed" their neighbourhood "Harlem", they are literally Nigger tier, and they are proud of it.
Nah, I'm not worried about Serbs, they'll assimilate, they won't even know they are Serb in 2-3 generations.
Bosniaks are the problem.
the fuck is Harlem??
good to hear then
Is this another Slovenia is totally white, 1st world, non muslim invaded and not from balkans but from central europe thread?
She sounds too rational to be a woman, she might be a trap
>Clearly eye colour is completely irrelevant though
Brown eyes are pretty much the default eye color for blacks (Africans of course), American Hispanics (and European Hispanics of Moorish decent), Arabs, Asia, and Oceania. Since brown eye color is a dominant trait, if you have ancestry from those groups, the brown eye color is a sign of a tainted blood line without getting a blood line or asking about ancestry.
serb uprising in aus when?
It's a shitty Nignog neighbourhood in Manhattan, being famous for being particularly shit.
So Romans were pure blooded nordics???
I will come live in Slovenia later CCCC
>Harlem suffers from unemployment rates generally more than twice as high than the New York average[74] and high mortality rates as well. In both cases, the numbers for men have been consistently worse than the numbers for women.
>A 1990 study of life expectancy of teenagers in Harlem reported that 15-year-old women in Harlem had a 65% chance of surviving to age 65, about the same as women in India. Fifteen-year-old men in Harlem, on the other hand, had a 37% chance of surviving to age 65, about the same as men in Angola.[80] Infectious diseases and diseases of the circulatory system were to blame, with a variety of contributing factors, including consumption of the deep-fried foods traditional to the South, which may contribute to heart disease.
Granted it's not AS bad as Detroit or Chicago, but it's definitely something you should be glorifying like they are
You really need to stop replying so much, it makes you look desperate and insecure
Are you saying your eyes are hazel?
Yeah,butt I was more wondering which national group named their neigbourhood ,,Harlem''
Who do you think? Bosnians.
Fuck off
fucking kek,how manny Bosnians are there in Slovenia,I aslo heard that Slovenes think that Bosnian Islam is different then Middle Eastern Islam
There aren't many actually, but the ones that are here are in Jesenice.
It's a tiny minority in Slovenia, but Jesenice is where they are, and I live near Jesenice soo I have to deal with a lot of that shit.
>but the ones that are here are in Jesenice
The largest majority of ex-yu people live in Velenje, which is also by population 3 times larger than Jesenice.
You must be either very young and unknowledgeable or a foreigner yourself
>There aren't many actually
u wot m8
Every town with "commie blocks" has lots of Bosnians.
The ex-Yu diaspora is pretty significant here, it's just that a lot of them now identify as Slovenians, since they've been here for a while.
>Drumpf "the kike" I of Murica agrees
Who the fuck cares?
serbian women come too, some are hot and blonde, some look like gypsies. The first chick I fucked was a hot serbian blonde that hated šiptars. She cucked her serbian boyfirend though.
>Face it Sup Forums, Slovenia has the perfect track record with women.
You literally have a Lesbian Feminist University in your capital.