This isn’t just “vandals” doing this. A vandal might fuck shit up for a lark. just to be an asshole...

>This isn’t just “vandals” doing this. A vandal might fuck shit up for a lark. just to be an asshole, possibly while intoxicated This is not that. This is a deliberate action of turning a sacred symbol of Judaism into a symbol of antisemitism This is defilement Whoever did this knew what they were doing and their motivation was hate and intimidation. Neo-Nazi’s did this Call those who did this what they are. White Supremacist Nazi’s
>Fuck you Nazi scum.

Why can't Jews handle the bantz?

Other urls found in this thread:

why does he have a photo of the before and after. I think he did it.

Hey rabbi, watcha doin?

>this act of public vandalism is too clever
>must have been the white man

fuckin racists

How much would you bet it's a falseflag ?



Washington Post is run by Jewish Supremacists.
They mostly focus their attacks on Trump and Putin in 2016

he probs did it himself

Jews were caught painting swastika more then enough times.

Top and bottom pipes aren't even from original structure. They can't even fake it right

very impressive for the vandals imo

I wonder if they'd do as good of a job turning their family into lampshades ?

It's too much loud work, they must see that from the house, seems fake


The fact that he took the before picture by itself at night, instead of when it's bright out and with his kids who built it and that he took the after picture at night as well instead of first thing in the morning when he would have first seen it "vandalized" draws some suspicion.
One also wonders how a man or men could sneak onto his brightly lit lawn and quietly tear apart and bend metal pipes without him, his family or any of the neighbours noticing.

It's the electric company's fault for not having stronger password strength.

I agree. In all seriousness if I was the cop who found someone responsible, I'd still bring em in, but I'd help them however I could, possibly be able to get things dismissed. They'd need help against enraged Jews though and I love when they make me laugh.

This seems more like a case of whatcha doin rabbi though. Things like this, no one gets prosecuted and you never hear about it again, because it was a lie. Like that drunken barfight that gay makeup designer got in. Or that muslim student who was stripped of her hijab by "Trump suppoerters." If they were so upset as they claim to be on social media, they'd be working with the police, not fucking around on faceberg.

You can't be racist against Jews because they claim to be white :^)

>a company employee had malware on his laptop from watching gay porn or whatever
>stronger passwords
guess how many companies in the us are running infected equipment within their facility without even knowing it

So The Hulk is a nazi?

Imagine finding out that your dad bent your menorah into a swastika and remembering that for the rest of your life

Kek did they show up with welders and angle grinders in the middle of the night?


SeaaAg Hi

Russian hackers did this

It's hard to be a Nazi.



A jewish person probably did this, because if he was caught, then he could say he's jewish and that it was a prank. if a non jew did this, the consequences of being caught would be more severe, so few would risk it.



if i were some kind of anti-semite i'd suggest that the only reason he would ever be photographing it at night is because he took the before photo, made the swastika under cover of darkness, took the after photo and went to bed, posting it the next day

You have to admit, this is rather funny.

hail hortler.

Fake as fuck.

Pretty impressive for a vandal, though.

The decorative lights are on in the first photo but off in the second. Why would he turn the lights off at night? Probably to keep people from seeing him make the swastika.

>before Sup Forums
>after Sup Forums

>break into someone else's yard and demolish their shit

Literal nigger tier behaviour. If they set that hing up at some public space fine, it was bound to happen, but in their own yard? Fuck off.

it's some useless fucking scrap metal, stop being such a stuck up cunt


Made one of those yesterday

>mfw watching the news yesterday and they were seriously scared because some random worker got malware from looking up porn on a company laptop meant that Russia is hacking into our powergrid and seriously discussing Putin's plan for infiltrating US power companies.

>liberals make fun of conservatives
>conservatives vandalize people's property with symbols of hate

6 gorillian

Is it just me or do the two pictures not correlate? In the first one there is clearly a small tree behind the menorah and in the second it is not present but there is a large rock that is not present in the first.

house is not lit up in first picture, second picture is at different angle

it's just you

Those aren't even the same pieces of pipe in the second picture.

That's pretty impressive, looks like a work of art now.

Also the lights are gone and the roof is different.
It's not even the same house for fuck sake.


>Also the lights are gone
... so they're turned off or they were also taken/damaged by the vandals
>and the roof is different
it's the same colour/slope from what you can actually see of it in either photo
>It's not even the same house for fuck sake.
the house isnt in frame in the first photo, what are you basing that on?

the first picture the guy is standing to the left of the menorah pointing camera to the right of the house. the second picture is him standing to the right of it pointing the camera at the house. where are you getting these discrepancies from?

Confirmed for not having read the thread.

Clearly a false flag. Day of the oven when?

>in jewish family's yard

private property is above freedom of expression.

i did read it though, what post contradicts the point i was making?


>sacred symbol
>made out of cheap electrical conduit

Also, at what point does it become a graven image.

All the others besides OP's.

Fuck off, sideways Germany. Things can be more than simply what they are, and the inability to see this is nigger-tier.

kek has blessed my humble shitpost

>being this retarded
Look again, closely. The roof is the same, it's just a different angle.

but they're all either saying what i said they would or playing internet detective

>things can be more than what they are
Are you talking about the process of a child going through puberty and becoming a man?

They're not calling it bantz. They're calling it a false flag.

With Trump as president there is literately nothing wrong with this.

Do you people ever think of cropping your images so that you don't embarrass yourselves?

Also, rare.


If it's okay for the establishment to summarily execute US citizens with drone strikes, imprison dissenting journalists, give the CIA a free pass on torturing people to death, bomb 8 different countries, destroying millions of lives in the process, drone strike weddings etc, while Obama is in office,

A Trump presidency should at the very least excuse some random prankster turning a menorah into a swaztika.


here you go, you're wrong and dumb
also my post wasnt about this thread specifically, it was about how you guys react to vandalism or other racism/sexism/etc with this "muh bantz" shit vs how you get triggered by liberals and talk show hosts making fun of you

lol we need more of this
but don't get caught. they will lay the hammer down for crimes against (((them)))

If you take everything seriously and are easily offended then why are you even on Sup Forums?

>waah leave muh safe space
you'd like that wouldnt you?

>Strawmanning this hard.
>0 arguments by this ID

If you have something interesting to say on the topic spit it out.

It's 2017 desu. Fuck off with your virtue signalling. The jackboots are coming.


Way to cherry pick. The rest of the thread proves me right. Even the post directly above yours. It appears you are the one who is both wrong and in addition to that, dumb.

lol canadian cancer

Hi I'm the new faggot. I'm here to virtue signalling. Can you point me to the political incorrectness?

>Fuck off with your virtue signalling
this is a fun meme because you can tell the people who use it are so far up their own asses they legitimately cant make sense of other people's worldviews
>The jackboots are coming.
they really arent though, especially in canada
you denied the existence of cherries in this thread, it was called for. also i already acknowledged that the other posts were internet detective circlejerking, why are you trying to claim that as your side of the argument?

Please enlighten me on what you think my world view is. Oh wise one.

> Stop chasing windmills Silberman

we already know this is your opinion, retard.
You fucking said it

read the post again dumb-dumb, comprehension is key

Did this happen in Israel?

>post that doesn't address the issue
Wow. It really made me think.

He did it to himself. There's no way rabbi would make that shit and not want to tuen it into a swastica for his victim complex.

You're the one acting like hot shit, thinking you know anything at all about me. You're the one making the claim. The empirical method demands a supporting argument from you.

nuh-uh, your a doodie head


You're* :^)
Your so dumb

what issue? the fact that you cant understand what i wrote and made some nonsensical wordfart of a reply?
you really need to read the post a few more times until you can understand what the words actually mean. you can do it sport! just take some nice deep breaths and stop trying to impress people by talking about the empirical method like anyone gives a shit

>Still no arguments by this ID.
>He looks so cool and tough now.

Swastika is a sign of peace and tolerance why do they hate it ?

Breitbart covered this and the comments are pretty red-pilled

>too stupid to read words
>now trying to molymeme his way around the fact that he can't read


Whatcha doin false flag

>Still not an argument.


This screams "hey rabbi watcha doin?"

Jews aren't even trying to be subtle anymore.

That is a lot of time spent re-creating this into a swastika.

still a molymeme, still too illiterate to even understand why he's molymeming at me