What's it feel like to be in an irrelevant country?
What's it feel like to be in an irrelevant country?
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Go on, we're listening.
Says who ?
Can someone explain to me why leafs ALWAYS shitpost?
Is it in their DNA?
Please explain.
why come leafs be so dumb always
Florida is not a country dude...
Name 1 relevant thing Italy has done in the past 400 years
Holy shit this wasn't just shit-thread and leave
Not be cucked by their own leader
It's where spaghetti came from, and for that alone I'm eternally grateful, even though they really should gib back clay
400 years ago we invented the scientific method you retarded leaf
I don't know, leaf.
How does It feel to be the place the british empire kept his retards?
>spread glorious greco roman culture throughout Europe aka father of the west
>did it again via renaissance
pretty relevant to me. Give em a century or two
did Canada invent something thousends of people wear/use every day?
Egg Cartons
Garbage bags
If your currency is colored your welcome that was us
did you look at a clock today? your welcome we invented standard time
That's australia
Daily reminder that if you have even one country inside your country you are a noncountry
Canada first invented the square car tire. It didn't catch on though.
Hello, fellow noncountry citizen. There's canada inside your country (thank you Alaska)
>meme shotgun
That's not a M4.
wattabout dis
can you get pic related elsewhere ?
That's a gay looking P38.
italians are disgusting people, never met one I didn't want to kill within 5 mins of meeting them.
>What's it feel like to be in an irrelevant country?
Depends. It's good when there are no relevant neighbours :^)
Relevant countries take tremendous hits from History
>never met one
Should have ended there
- said a leaf, which noone in the world finds relevant apart from them selves only USA know who you are and they think your just a shit bi-product of themselves.
They're the younger brother who combs his hair and wears a sweater-vest everywhere
>meme screw heads
Robertson is fucking gay, and so are all Canadians. Also you can buy them in the US.
are ca*adians the filthiest of Allah(pbuh) creatures?
Serious? Ahahahhahahaa
They are part of the Great 4
Not that irelevant, you know
At least Italy is not ruled by someone of another country
Beyond France, China and the US, is there another relevant country?
>mfw our chink overlords will carry Canada to greatness once we become part of their empire while europoors will be eating their own feces and getting beheaded by abdul
Are you using a proxy or what? Your iq seems to be at the level of Ghana.
Bretty gud. Basically means that we won't get destroyed in the next world war that will use nukes.
>are you kidding me
>ad hominen
carl is that you?
Best food in the world
Most entertaining women in the world
Best history
Italy is based
>canada calling italy irrelevant
Lolwut? Pretty sure going by any metric, Italy is more relevant than Canada.
My god canadian, refer to this ->
for the inventions. Can you use Google sometimes? Or are you too fat for open a new tab?
This isn't a mirror user.
Now they're just black people pretending to be Italians.
They got turned into moolies.
The Vatican has more credibility than Italy does.
you know nothing go set the table for momma
Italy has a larger GDP and much much much more political sway than the US's bitch up north.
You're shitposting too much.
>not fat
Pick one
pls stahp
Being italian is wonderfully satisfying
Is worth going to try the food m8? What's better north or south? How are the burgers?
Inferiority complex and compensation being the least relevant Anglo country
food is spectacular all over the country, we have the best burgers in the world, i am talking about the italian version called Lampredotto
this is literally how all italians speak. what insufferable people
Called Merkel an 'unfuckable lard-arse'
if you are not italian-american go north
>Is worth going to try the food m8?
I say it's worth to come here in general. See the place, meet the people, stuff yourself with food
>What's better north or south?
It's fantastic and spectular all over the place, really no place is better than any other
>How are the burgers?
We eat burgers only in fast food so I guess they're the same as there
What this user says is a bit de niche, we have small food gems all around every place
stay mad leafcuck
c'ho il pisellino corto
you all do and i will come there an give giulia the dick she need
Vieni a Castellammare di Stabia e ti ammazzo di calci in bocca
Pick one, it's literally a more cuck version of the USA.
San Marino and Vatican are Italy, we use them as useful proxies.
Keep crying baby and sell asbestos to the Cacaperstrada
venite qui ragazzi discord.gg
Shit education so then can't into discussion with arguments.
And liberal country who make them dumb
Well, first of all we're not ruled by the bastard son of a Cuban commie dictator.
We don't have a ski instructor for president.
now thats what I need
for the inevitable zombie apocalypse that tthe fucking americans are bringing down upon us.
feels good man,
all the shitskkins passing through to greener pastures
kek (underrated)
meme shotgun my ass
it's powerful, precise, tough and had the unique semi-auto/pump switch that worked PERFECTLY
dont test me leaf
why so mad faggottino?
>Italy is Irrelevant
>Is Canadian
Without Italy filthy Frank couldn't say "ravioli ravioli whats in the pocketoli"
>judging other countries
>is Croatian
We invented fascism, we helped spaniards to implement it, other countries were chosing the right path with a failed fascist coup in U.S.A and local brown shirts in Britain.
then the germans tried to implement their vision of fascism, and things went bad for all of us.
This and also the Centauro 2 with 120mm cannon.
you can find it for 500-700€ (second hand)
>croatia being in a position to judge other countries
>What's it feel like to be in an irrelevant country?
says the leaf
If it wasn't for the shit tier armour this wheeled tank would be great.
I say we should turn them into drones.
holy shit