Why the fuck are women allowed to vote?
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What does women's suffrage have to do with white knights on Jewbook? Stop fucking posting screenshots from Jewbook on Sup Forums, by the way.
>hurr islam is bad because it deprives women of rights
>durrf why did we give women all these rights? they're fucking up our civilization
American Sup Forumsack logic
We should kill them all then fuck each other.
This, I don't like Islam but you can't deny they get some things right. The bible says a woman shouldn't take a leadership position, but Americans in an effort to appear anti Islam become anit Christian by saying women should be equal to man which is wrong
no, irrelevant niggerfilled country, that's not what we say. we hate islam because of fucking terrorist attacks and all-around being a cancerous ideology like most religions. we could care less about them having women's right or not. we make fun of liberals for wanting womens rights but accepting islam, a religion that shits on women's rights the most.
are you actually retarded?
read trudeacuck
American liberals are ruining this website, ever since trump was elected this board has turned completely left wing! It's crazy
Whats even worse than a former pornstar turned liberated cunt posting on fb is three faggots arguing about cum on her profile pic. And whats even worse than those two things, is the faggot who screen capped it and posted it on Sup Forums. And even worse than that? The faggot who replied to that post.....
liberal? i hate womens rights and islam at the same time. women should not be able to vote.
but you're saying i hate islam, a country that also hates women's right, therefore i like women's right?
a fucking leaf lol..
this is canadian education at it's finest.