ITT:things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
ITT:things that don't exist,i'll start
>gay conservatives
right-wing atheist
Funny women
Your gf
>jew opportunist
>having principles
Female president of the united states
Wouldn't surprise me if this kike fraud isn't even gay.
You are less right-wing than you think.
whole history
there is no proof
what if everyone in the world somehow agreed to say stuff which made you believe it
you guys keep talking about the red pill when you're still in the matrix
>Peter Thiel
>Armond White
Funny Germans
>My boyfriend
give me fucking source of that webm
A leaf that's good at shitposting.
Also who is that semen demon??
>Peter Thiel
logical Christian
who is this penis machinist?
>right-wing atheist
It's about 20-25% of atheists that identify as right wing.
> white germans
She needs to stop that shit! They could go into resonance and cause an earthquake.
Women on the internet
Contradictory if you have lady parts I'll be your bf
Sauce please for the love of god.
I have a pucci 4u
Good jews
I was in a drugstore a few days ago and the cashier was a typical bimbo. oberblown duck lips, fake tits and a shitton of makeup including fake long eyelashes.
It was really weird seeing a typical hoe as a cashier. She was really polite and professional.
Perfect I wanted to go sightseeing in New Zealand anyways
kys trap and trap lover
>christian terrorists
>red-pilled women
Google log cabin republicans
> white future
Not going to allow that ahmed
what a gross fucking apartment
I wouldn't such a guy's dick if he can't even pick up shit off the floor.
Maybe he's depressed because TFW no at bf but would others l otherwise be a clean freak
Peaceful niggers or spics. Honest niggers or spics. Niggers or spics who actually want eqaulity. Niggers or spics who dont specifically want white people dead before the will cooperate with civilization.
Intelligent women with big breasts.
well if he plans on getting laid he should tidy up. who wants to sleep in a smelly ass crummy apartment? At least try.
this should be a standard on both sides. if you're about to fuck someone and their apartment is a complete fucking mess, you have the right to be disgusted.
you didn't even need the big breasts part.
> trans-anything other than trans-isomerism
Yeah, I exist. Yes, I hate it. How do I into stopping the gay? pls someone help, I know any therapist is going to be a kike who tells me I'm normal and will not help me even if I ask for help. I get the feeling Pence's taser isn't going to work either, seems like pseudo-science that stemmed from torturing fags.
Also: feminist Catholics.
Gay people
>ITT:things that don't exist
source for this webm
They exist, you dumbfuck. It's just that they are generally a voiceless minority because of all the social pressure of gay people having to be marxists. Picture related, it was a gay Brazillian conservative congressman that BTFO the LGBT movement so hard they called him homophobe.
and lesbians.
Your heterosexuality
>newfags can't reverse-search video files
Social conservatives that aren't brain damaged.
Plz sir may i have thicc sauce?
It's fine we just have to wait...
You are right. There are no gay conservatives.
All the faggot shit posted on this board is by jidf and other jewish shills so that anyone coming here to research right wing politics thinks we are a bunch of tranny loving faggots.
By allowing this tyoe of subversion and passing it off as 'humor' shows how stupid you are and how easy it is for jews to subvert anything we try to do.
Now go make some gay ass fucking commensts about some faggots or tranies you stupid pawns.
Kosovo and Metohija as an independent country.
dont be absurd.
false. I'm a gay atheist conservative.
thank you wise and merciful oldfag
holy fucking shit thats too good.
lol fuken true
I smell shekels!
a loyal woman
>Women on the internet
Yes because SJW are all mans right?
just imagine blowing your load down her throat while she looks at you in the eyes.
should cure dat love for hairy bum and cock.
Logical/Rational Communist (that dont have mental problems of course)
I have to admit my deep disappointment in Andrew Sullivan, though.
Wait no one went for the non terrorrist Muslims yet?
dasss racist.
Muslims are not a race. They are a plague
Women that don't like attention
oh puhleez, in America almost all conservatives are closeted fags, its an actual psychological syndrome, look up Roy Cohn. Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Rick Perry and on and on all flaming faggots
Aboriginy - Inuit mixed people
fucking kek
Attractive militant feminists
you sound just like an sjw
Christian socialist.
David Starkey
Douglas Murray
The democratic party's future
Nice swifts, checked and kek'd.
Welp....maybe next year will be the year I go nofap
Who is this slut?
2 wrongs don't make you right
>no rhymes or alliteration
Sounds like you don't want sauce.
keep em honest boijack
Russian hackers
And Conservative Atheist.
>first boner of the year
thanks for making it a good one, op.
Hi there.
Who is Milo Yaniapolopapadopolis for 500, Alex.
Atheist here. I am a Rand Paul fan and would have voted for Evan McMillin given the chance.
Anita Sarkeesian
Ellen Page
Daily reminder that Ernst Röhm did nothing wrong.
Who the fuck is Breaking News Feed and why are they so triggered by a jewing Jew?
A pure jewish race,
they're all fucking mixed mongs that still think they're "god's chosen"
>anita sarkeesian