Gets born in this country

>gets born in this country
>get told to go back
Fuck you

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A dog born in a swine pen doesn't make him a pig.


in b4 OP is a white person from London


Don't let the idiotic racists marginalise you and then polarise you into reverting back to some retarded cultural bullshit like Islam.

Multiculturalism is bullshit but so is hating someone based on skin tone or alledged ethnicity

Just fucking rise above it

spbp also trips.


London, where the only whites are Australians

Get out shitskin

Because a cat born in a stable is now a dog. Fuck off back to the shithole you came from maggot.

Why though?

You gotta go back

I was born here so no I can't go back to anywhere. I also only speak English. Deporting me would literally be evil, and it will never happen.

Thanks, lad

>cant go back
we'll make you go back wether you want to or not its our land not yours

that image always makes my day

You don't HAVE TO go back you can be also be put into a nice mass grave shitskin


really? i thought migration was a blessing that brought diversity and prosperity. deportation is a blessing not a curse

Get back while they still ask you nicely.

I was born in the UK too. I don't bitch that I wasn't given citizenship. Get the fuck over it and go back the shithole your parents created for you.

Were your parents born there?

It literally is my land. You're childish

This will never happen

Willing and forced migration is not the same thing.


what is your heritage, where were your parents born, what is your ethnicity, take a picture of your skin

>Hating someone based on skin tone
>Race is only skin pigment

I don't hate them, they just aren't compatible with Western culture.

>not being born white






>(I didn't know baiting newfags was this easy, lol)

Stranger and more extreme shit has happened before boy. You were born in the end of the age of peace and that ending is gonna blow your mind. You will see exactly what people are capable of.
Open a fucking history book and start counting the genocides, delusional fag

>its my land
it belongs to the people of the UK, get off of our soil you mudblood.


how was it a willing migration if youre told to leave? just migrate home and bring all that culture, diversity and prosperity with you.

If you are muslim and seek to undermine the cultural heritage of the country then you are part of the problem. If you fail to assimilate into the country's culture then yes you need to go back.

No one's telling him to leave outside of a few autists on the Internet. Most of them not even British.

What's your ethnicity?

this jew knows what's up

don't underestimate the turmoil that western societies are heading towards just cause we lived in peace for the past few decades. once the facade of civlization cracks, passions quickly boil over and violence once thought off the wall portends

you dont belong here user

this country is for the natives and white euro cucks

non europeans do not respect our ways and when enough of them flood in our ways will end

you must go back

Being european is more than a birth certificate, mudslime.

Polish and Punjabi

No it's not going to happen for one simple reason: Women can vote. And so can minorities.

I am British though.

>Polish and Punjabi

Things that nature never intended to be.

>Anything to do with voting
Hehehehe you just don't get it, this i great

>Polish and Punjabi
Either trolling or R A R E.
Which side is Polish? Whats it like being raised in a family like that?

I hope you like mountains

>I am British though
No you are not, you are you just retarded foreigner that thinks he is British just because of piece of paper and that some dumb pseudo commie says so too.

you must be a native of england, NI, wales or scotland in order to be british and stay here when UK goes postal on anything brown.

where is your proofs? timestamp with hand or something

The things women and minorities vote for are exactly the reason it will happen.

But by all means, continue being retardedly naive.

>Polish and Punjabi
That's about as British as you can get.

jfyi poland will not accept you either. Use your time and learn whatever language poojabies speak.

>Multiculturalism is bullshit but so is hating someone based on skin tone or alleged ethnicity

So multiculturalism isn't bullshit? People from different cultures are always going to clash. Tribalism is built into human DNA, that's why multiculturalism will always be less efficient than homogeneous societies. The idea that multiple cultures somehow add some sort of magical value to a society because of enrichment is ridiculously stupid for many reasons. Yeah I wish everyone could just get along and we could live in a utopia world with rainbows and lollipops, but that so far doesn't seem to be how the world works.

Maybe hundreds of years in the future when humans have had a bit of time to evolve, but certainly not at the moment. There will always be a divide.

Was raised by a Polish single mother, dad left a year after I was born. It sucked.

You people are retarded. There is nowhere else that I can call home. Just stop being so emotional and actually think about it for a second.


>random pregnant woman comes into my house and has her child
>it is now part of my family

post hands.

UK will never be your home, ive thought about it and your getting deported when the time is right

>There is nowhere else that I can call home.

Repatriat to india. Learn the language and culture of your ancestors and look for a nice woman which poos in loos and you will be fine.

You don't belong somewhere just because you're born there.

>There is nowhere else that I can call home
That the thing you don't have a home, you don't belong anywhere, you are just some mixed race pleb with 0 actual identity.

>Just stop being so emotional and actually think about it for a second

You are the one being emotional, this shit is just a fact. Sorry that you have been lied into believing this crap.

>Was raised by a Polish single mother, dad left a year after I was born. It sucked.

Top kek

Crawl back into your mothers vagina and tell her to take you back where she came from. Cunt.

have you never heard 'sins of the father'?

>being this privileged

desu I'm a huwhite British lad. I just wanted to hear any actual arguments you have against this since I don't really have any myself. You didn't really help desu

The welfare state, and importing foreigners who bring no benefit and will destroy the native culture will collapse not only the government but the cohesion necessary for a peaceful society. White men aren't going to give a fuck how women and minorities feel when it becomes inevitable that they either fight or die.

>Admitting your native country is a shithole full of shitskinned people that you don't want to go back to

Fuck you

You can enrich other culture in África, just like your parents did coming to Europe.

You have to go back.

Brown people are perfectly capable of joining western culture. Islam, on the other hand, only works in the west if you secularize the shit out of it, to the point it's Islam in name only.

It's almost as if there's more to your heritage than simply the place you happened to be born

Huh, interesting concept

you have to fuck off to Poland Przemek

You dont have to "go back" OP, but you certainly need to move on

You have to go back.

>Brown people are perfectly capable of joining western culture.

>60 yeas of secular turks and they didn't integrate at ALL

No, ethnonationalism all the way. To each their own.

>gets born in a stable
>is a horse

>Polish and Punjabi
he's british alright

>Just fucking rise above it
>still whinging over a few spuds

>White men aren't going to give a fuck how women and minorities feel when it becomes inevitable that they either fight or die.
Feminists too. There is a women army of anti-feminists assembling, they are just as fed up.

Evil you say?


You will be able to think far more rationally if you stop this "what-about-me-ism". Policy is not made based on fringe case anecdotes.

Women have been getting unhappier by the year since feminism. As soon as western men stand up they WILL follow, as they always have and they will be thankfull.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a brown person and he is fully integrate with Western Culture. If you were born in the West and you have Western culture like OP, then the fact you're brown is irrelevant.

In Portugal or Spain many non-whites are integrated.

do you plan on leaving though? you dont belong here anymore mate.

Is this your dad?

>get born in this country
>get told to go back
This is why my country is awesome

>your genetical heritage is irrelevant because a overpaid football chimp can act white

>get born with a penis
>told that I can't be a girl

You have to go back too. The land you stole in 1948 is not yours.

All the available evidence says otherwise. Indians who have been in Britain for 3+ generations still commit honor killings when a daughter refuses an arranged marriage. Niggers in America still can't figure how to not rape, thieve and murder despite some 400 years living among white civilization. Same in France. Same in Germany with Turks. You are spouting bullshit, progressive, feel-good rhetoric.

It is now, which is why the british should be extra careful
But anyhow yeah I'll move to the states before long

Two things, the guy was an example, you are completely ignoring the fact that Europe is not even close to be 90% white, there are many non-whites fully integrated.
Second, your genes are just basic things, most what you are is being incorporated during your first years by the people who raise you. If the raise you wrong they you're right but if they raise you good with Western values and culture then what's the problem?

>Women can vote. And so can minorities.

When shit actually hits the fan, voting isn't going to matter much.

really makes you think

I really din't understand why all those shitskins try to migrate somewhere else nstead of just stealing our ideas and making THEIR lands prosper.

It's so retarded and loss for everyone involved.

We're full, shlomo.

Your spelling and grammar is reeeeally bad. It sort of, instantly negates any point you TRY to make. Really, it does.

Hey don't insult our greatest ally

No, you're not. This will happen regardless of what you think.

Anchor babies are about the least awesome thing about the US. Doubly so when combined with the progressive argument that deporting the family is unjust just because the mom shit out a baby on the north bank of the Rio Grande.

>tfw Turks in Germany have been so bad, even though they are still absolute scum, they are now seen as the prime example for successful assimilation

>I don't have arguments as to why foreigners should be allowed to squat in other countries

Well, maybe you should go back.

You really have to go back though.

Won't matter. Israeli's are automatically dual citizens and able to vote after they've lived in a state a few years.

what do you think takes more effort?