This board is spooky as fuck

this board is spooky as fuck

go back to your own fag


nice spooks kid

>muh sicrit klup

>he couldn't awaken the sheeple

Uh huh...

Is that dale gribble?

spooks are a spook

saying spooks are spooks is a spook
you spook

[Ghost sounds]


barbs are spikey

Fuck you say, white boy


Who is that man. Why does he wear the spectacles?

Stirner, he hung with the Commies, idk if he was one though

They're spooktacles. Use your brain, skeleton.


Redpill me on this guy please.
>Pic not related

leftypols equivalent of an edgy trollface, used by retards who don't know that equality adn justice is a spook but who advocate for communism.

Irrelevant lefty cuck, Kafka destroyed him later