Give me one good reason why gay marriage should not be legal?
You cannot use degeneracy in your answer.
Give me one good reason why gay marriage should not be legal?
You cannot use degeneracy in your answer.
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It corrupts an age-old tradition of the union of man and woman for the binding of two for the purpose of raising a child.
It's not a real marriage. It's just too queers playing dress up trying to get a lower tax rate.
historically, there's a correlation between gay acceptance and societal decline
i don't claim to know the mechanism behind it, but it's something to be avoided
What about couples who don't want kids or for medical reasons can't have kids, should they be legally prevented from being married?
>give me one good reason
>dont give me the literal, actual reason
because fuck you?
Because professional LGBT activists will just move on to something else - will erode the moral fabric of society further. Do you think it is a coincidence this transgender nonsense got started right when gay marriage got legalized?
Gay marriage should be illegal because it keeps the kike-sponsored filth busy. Keep them on the hamster wheel - you give meaning to their life, and save your society.
in other words, its degeneracy
Ever caught yourself having a peek at the urinals or in the locker room, lad?
Marriage should not be a government program. It is a traditional and religious affair, therefore it should lie within the [enter faith here] church to affirm any such marriage.
made up horseshit. Why didn't the Roman Empire have a social decline under Hadrian who made his young fag lover Antinous into a god? Instead, this was the height of the emperor. Gibbon calls this period the height of humanity up to his time. How about actually read history.
Most people don't give a fuck if gays marry ...really they don't. It is how they feel the need to shove it down people's throats (pun intended) is the fucking problem.
You're gay... GOOD FOR YOU! Now go do something worthwhile.
give me one good reason why gay people can't be content with a civil union that has the same legal status and tax benefits sans those that stem from procreation and why you need the term 'marriage' beyond a desire to spite christianity?
Gay marriage undermines the nuclear family, the fundamental unit of society. The co-option of marriage from religious institutions, followed by the liberalization of marriage "law" (as if such a thing is a legal matter), are just iterative steps in the process to eliminate all competing social structures to the secular state.
they can call their relationship whatever they want but the government shouldn't provide them with the same benefits and rights that married couples with children ie. real families have. same goes for heterosexual couples without children desu.
homosexuality is abuse towards god, man,woman, country and spirit.
Theres no way a fellow brother can trust a man who behaves like a woman or lets emotions disturb alliance.
There is a good reason why sodom and gomorah burned to the ground.
Gay "marriage" should not be treated as heterosexual marriage is.
It should not be a goddamn government institution.
Oh so it's not degeneracy when straights do the sex for any reason other than procreation but when I have a random stranger I met on grind shove his fist up my as and grab hold of the shit I force into his hand that he then removes and shoves up his own as before sodomizing me while jerking me off with his poo covered hand; it's degeneracy
Get your priorities straight.
Fucking bigots
>Give me one good reason why gay marriage should not be legal?
Because you should define what marriage is, first.
You wont and thats why it means you are really lying about really wanting gay marriage to win or dont really want the answer and is just trolling
>m-muh god
Marriage has had meaning long before Christianity every existed. You don't own the concept.
There is no social benefit to encouraging fags to marry.
Because marriage is a religious sacrament so the government can fuck off.
They can still have weddings and civil unions, I don't care it's the same fucking thing.
Normalization of Gays have made HIV spike and the normalization of Bi's combined with many girls preferring to be on the pill instead of having the man use a condom has made HIV leak all over the demographics. Considering we are already creating tons of super germs because of over use of antibiotics I'm sure in the next 50 years a ton of people are gonna start dying because they will essentially not have an immune system to fight any dangerous microbe. Fyi if a mother has HIV and has a child the child also now has HIV.
If we killed off every single person with HIV and I mean all of them, then I wouldn't care about gays or bis.
want to find some sources of it being called marriage?
also want to find some sources of these marriages being anything other than male and female?
also do you want to actually answer the question instead of attempting to evade it, faggot? Why do you need the term marriage, if not just to spite christian society?
Gay people can be religious. Christianity doesn't own reality. Fucking mentally challenged cucks.
>implying straights don't do anal
>m-muh godless anal sex is meaningful
>please society faggotry is such a decent virtue, why can't you accept this???
Because there's no such thing as gay couples. They all cheat on eachother. A fifth of all gays are HIV possitive. 28% of all homosexual men have had 1000+ partners while only 27% of all heterosexuals have had more than 25 partners. More than half of homosexuals say that over half of their sexual partners have been strangers. I think it's pretty clear that gay relationships don't have the same dynamic as straight relationships. Also I wouldn't support gay adoption because even though gays are ~4% of the population over half of all child rapists are gay. I don't hate gay people but gay relationships are a farce perpetuated by the media to destroy the traditional institution of marriage and childrearing that is the pillar of society.
Yer right, Islam owns reality
Death to sodomites
>triggered americlap when i mention m-muh god
Said sven as his girlfriend is culturally enriched by akmed
>g-gays are bad
>straight is master
Because marriage is about children and the only things faggots can create are AIDS and peadophile victims.
Sven bringing the bantz
degeracy, the left denounced the idea of 1 man 1 woman and pushed for LGBTBBQ
Sweden is suffering because we have turned away from traditional society same as the rest of the world. I don't have a girlfriend because I still live out the boonies and but if my girlfriend cheated on me I would murder her.
paves the way for pedophiles to get rights
Can't risk giving the SJW a launching pad for their control.
Why pedophiles? not all gays are pedophiles, just as not all straights are
Thank you for these truth bombs Sven I will enjoy the mental gymnastics brought on by faggots.
Gay couples don't have hospital visitation rights unless they're married. If civil unions included such benefits, I'd be fine leaving it at that.
Gay marriages were recognized in certain times in Greece, Rome, China and even medieval Spain, and is now recognized in many parts of the Western world. You don't own the concept of marriage and should stop trying to force other people to accept your limited reality.
Homosexuals commit over half of all child rapes. If gays are ~4% of the population that means 96% of all people commit less than 50% of all child rapes. That means gays commit more than 12 times as many child rapes as straight people. They rape children at a higher rate than muslims rape Swedish women.
>Give me one good reason why gay marriage should not be legal?
Easily done. Marriage is and always has been between men and women. Usually 1 man, 1 woman but frequently 1 man and many woman. A 'wife' is defined by being a female who has a 'husband'. A 'husband' is defined by being a male who has a 'wife'.
2 men getting 'married', or 2 women getting 'married', doesn't make any more sense than claiming that you're married to your laptop or to a tree or a horse. It would be perfectly easy to redefine marriage legally to allow people to marry inanimate objects or animals or whatever, but that wouldn't change the fact that whatever the law says these unions are not 'marriages'.
Oh so you are akmed and not sven. My bad
Happy new Allah akbar may all your enemies fall before you.
like the swede posted before (I think he is referencing fbi research from a couple years back) half of all known paedos are gay, and gays account for like max 5% of the population, meaning the chance that you're a paedo is much higher if you're gay than straight
>leaf thinks anyone who opposes gay marriage is le muslim invader
You're Milo-tier.
Government shouldn't recognize a religious ceremony when considering things like taxes and healthcare. I'm equally for taking it away from straight couples
>What is 2 + 2
>Don't give me any of that 4 shit
Got some proof of that? I don't mean to be disgusting but the concept of raping a young male child as you suggest is simply not possible without causing a lot of physical damage. The hole at a younger age is simply too small to fuck.
>They rape children at a higher rate than muslims rape Swedish women.
Not saying much considering the Swedish women usually willingly cop Muslim dick and need no raping.
HIV isn't an issue because muh degeneracy. It's an issue because same sex couples don't have the same reason to use condoms as straight people do because they can't get pregnant. Also too many people think that they don't need a condom because they're white, clean, circumcised, etc
Was it called marriage, champ?
Was it a government or authority sanctioned union based around child rearing?
> should stop trying to force other people to accept your limited reality
only if you agree to stop first
its not likely that gay marriage will be legalised here any time soon according to the current climate ;)
No arguments here.
Friendly reminder that the nuclear family was the basis of roman society and gay relationships were different than man and woman, it was not seen as equal and they did not have gay marriage.
No you said if you had a gf who cheated on you you would kill her. That's very Muslim of you.
>though gays are ~4% of the population over half of all child rapists are gay.
Is there a single source for this? I've seen this reposted many, many times and there's never a single actual source. Stop pulling shit out of your ass like a fag.
Hush now dalit, you have many sewers to clean today.
I don't know of anywhere that gay marriage isn't legal now. As a result, you have what you want, so please shut up.
well aside from marrige in general being the most retarded thing a person can do these days the whole reason for pairing up is to reproduce when the gays cannot do
its an fbi or department of justice statistic that gained attention through a sam hyde video, I can't be fucked finding it, maybe he will
There were some instances of gay marriage which were accepted. But the post I replied to equated gay acceptance with societal decline, which is incorrect if you actually care to study history instead of using wishful-thinking historical revisionism which confirms your biases.
Australia, for one. Stupid cunt. I would love to king hit you, homophobic cunt.
Government should completely get out of Marriage.
Any should be allowed to get "married" and it should have no benefit or penalty on you financially.. it should just be a thing people do in the privacy of their church or gay club parking lot.
And fags just in general sleep with way more people than the average straight person.
If it wasn't HIV, it'd be syphilis and gonorrhea but at least those are curable I guess.
I say this all as a fag btw. It's very very easy to get sex as a gay male unless you're old and fat.
Because civil marriage is the government's recognition of religious marriage, in that it benefits the state to have a married couple reproduce and -make- (not house) more citizens. The government recognizes the biological pairing and religious sacrament because the union has the ability to make more citizens which benefits the state.
Opposingly, homosexuality is a biological anomaly that occurs naturally and helps serve as a population control. It exhibits in higher numbers in animal populations when the population is under stress or over-crowded, and incidents increase as the population stress/overcrowding increases. In humans the chance for a homosexual son also increases the more children a woman bears.
Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm and from the heterosexual biological imperative, BUT it serves this practical biological purpose to help stem reproduction in populations under stress. Since a homosexual pairing is anomalous to biology and is incapable of reproducing citizens, there is no reproduction benefit to the state, and thus gay 'marriage' is not needing of recognition or reward by the state. Gay marriage is a participation ribbon.
-overcrowded animal populations and homosexuality:
-more sons, higher chance of woman having a homosexual son:
-Homosexuality has a biological basis:
-Homosexuality has biological function of population control:
Yep, I've seen that study posted many times before. It never says gays rape children at a higher rate. Sam Hyde is an accurate source of information to you?
>don't know where gay marriage isn't legal
Try any country with sharia law?
>gay club
What is this?
Destroys the family unit. Children need a male and female influence simultaneously to produce the best social upbringing. Children from single parent households generally turn out fucked up, and gay parents essentially is doing that and making it twice as worse.
nah mate the actual source he referenced is, though you're asking someone else for the source I am just letting you know what I know of it relax cunt
>tfw i know that fag
you dont belong here, Maxim
Homosexuality also has a link to higher intelligence and higher desire for novelty (i.e. invention).
yer usin my yer you fuckin fagitass leaf
Gay child raising.
> Children from single parent households generally turn out fucked up
Should divorce be illegal then?
If one spouse dies should the child be relocated to new parents?
Doesn't change the fact that the recorded HIV cases have exploded in the past 10 years because of the normalization of the majority of people that had it before hand
“Abel’s data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls.”
Found this here.
You can find more sources and stuff but I just did a quick google search. The numbers vary between 40% to over 50% but there's a clear correlation between homosexuality and child abuse. Also I read somewhere that 1/4 homosexual men claim to have been molested as children. Obviously #notallgays are pedophiles but the difference is high enough that I don't support gay adoption, scout leaders etc.
Who are you?
Bill Shorten, who the hell are you?
>Should divorce be illegal then?
yes, the whole point of marriage is that its supposed to be forever
>quoting anti-gay hate group
>same group literally has publicly called for the criminalization of homosexuality and the exportation of gay people out of the U.S.
Being a typical testosterone poisoned Australian male primate, with the usual pathological obsession with the word "cunt," evidently is not limited to the heterosexual orientation. I did not know that.
Googling for it led me to results that HIV diagnosis decresed for white gays and increased for niggers and spics in America.
Seriously, do I know you or have you just reverse searched?
There is no such thing as gay marriage. It's an invention by the far left legitimise the fetish of homosexuality into an identity. A "gay marriage" can neither produce children nor provide a suitable environment for bringing up a mentally healthy human bring. It is just a contract between two mentally ill people that they want to compare to marriage. It is not and will never be. Marriage is a much older institution than any government on earth. Tampering with it is like throwing paintballs at your plane's rotors while its flying because you don't like their colour.
>forced to focus school cuz cant ((like)) boys pubicly
>in fit of autistic novelty invents infinitely more ways to fingerblast mananus than..
story czechs out
>you have 'friends' that post here and actually hate your faggot guts
Sorry, couldn't find the particular source I was using before. I'll do a little more looking. The problem is I don't remember the exact sites I had been using. I encourage you to look around a bit for yourself as well.
I'm gay but that sounds like bullshit on par with we wuz kanga n shit
Yer feeling pretty butthuwties pardner?
>south africa
Shut up cunt.
Normalization of a mental illness.
Marriage has tax benefits, because gays are a burden we should get more out of them not less.
Homosexuality really needs to go back in the closet.
Cry more poof.
>Regency University
Both of these are right wing Christian organizations. A government survey didn't find the same results. You have to find objective studies to support your theories, not studies conducted by "Christian Universities".
Here's an actually far ranging study that deals with tons of sets of data.
better read the whole thing, faggot
If its not an official study or justice figures, I'm gonna call bullshit tbqh.