If everything God creates has a purpose, then why did He create Brazil?
If everything God creates has a purpose, then why did He create Brazil?
To remember is what a fully multicultural country looks like.
Sometimes 'purpose' means 'makes you appreciate you aren't them'.
Well, it does to us. Argentina is white Brazil.
they look happier than the argies who seem to have perpetual shit stains below their noses.
As a warning to never race mix
Mexico is also a warning to never race mix
Basically all of South America is a giant warning sign about race mixing
We are God and we avoiding our responsibility which is purging blacks and kikes.
That's most of the Northeast though, which is an Africa-tier region.
I live in the South. Almost no niggers here. Pic related, my city.
At least we don't fuck our sisters.
Because he wanted someone to invent the airplane and shit
same reason why he created afrikkka
to remind the world how quality of life goes down with how dark the skin is
To compete with the Poos
>le argentANO
please ignore this thread people
So people know what true hell looks like and don't take for granted what they have
So other countries know if there going in the right direction
Everyone likes monkeys.
thats a great question bruva, we should just exterminate the fucks alredy
Big butts
digits confirm brasil must be nuked
God didn't create Brazil.
>implying god is a loving god
As an example of what not to do.
Which city is that, user? Another southfag here