Ulster appreciation thread

Always Loyal.
No Surrender!





Uladh abĂș

fuck papists and sinn fein socialists



Doesn't NI have more relaxed gun laws than the rest of the UK and Ireland?

Irish are worthless faggots

I like their murals, puts out a signal to foreigners

Not really.
You can buy carry a pistol but only if you can prove beyond all doubt that you life is in danger.
We actually need to have a licence to buy Airguns, even a Daisy Red Ryder BB gun.

Hell yeah.


It's not their native land though and their ancestors have only been here 300 years or so. Ulster is Gaelic.


Great comment

>Ulster Protestants are descendants of the Lost tribe of Israel.

mfw they told me that.

Typically retarded loyalists. Think that Ulster is British. No wonder the fenians are out breeding and out smarting you stupid orange cunts at every turn. Despite the disadvantages fenians face in the north, they still have a massive pass rate at school/uni compared to the orange.

You really are the niggers of Ireland. Nobody wants you on the island and you're too fucking stupid to know any better. The fenians will get rid of you eventually.

Takes a fenian to point the obvious out. Huns are the fucking niggers of Ireland. They're a bunch of hopeless faggots with no future

Good luck getting rid of the Republican menace, Ulster friends!

If there is ever a united Ireland the lowest of the huns, the council house dwellers, should be sent to the UK to live.

It is though, the people that came over with the plantations were descended from people that colonised Scotland from Ulster only a few hundred years before. That's the reason they were the ones chosen, plus they were behaving like gipsies. But they're you're gipsies none the less, paddy.

They also think Ulster is part of Britain.

>TFW Loyalists don't know the geographic of their own country.

Didnt you guys votes "remain" in the brexit elections?

>But they're you're gipsies none the less, paddy.

Why are huns so fucking dense. You're an embarrassment.

They wouldn't consider themselves Irish. They're basically niggers in every sense.

You've got the songs but the Catholics have the demographics.

The future welcomes a united Ireland.

Have you ever heard hun music in comparison to fenian music? Its like comparing Mozart to justin bieber.

Hun music is fucking awful, man.

>The future welcomes a united Ireland.

In reality though, they sold their soveriegnty to brussels and let apple off with 14 billion. And that's why people in the north don't want to join with them. Not to mention, the north is white and wants to remain so.

"Hey patrick, want to be a part of selling our sovereignty to brussels and being cucked by apple and diluting the gene pool and having to pay for everything, even your water?"

"God save the Queen"

Autism the thread

where do you think you are m8.

autism is a truth of our reality on /pol, not an insult.

You have a dwindling Loyalist population. You don't need a crystal ball to predict the future of Norther Ireland.

My god, your ignorance on the Irish demographic is nothing short of retarded and hilarious

Not everyone in the north wants to be a part of the Republic, this includes republicans.

The idea of a Republic is nice and idealistic, but in reality it's Brussels and racemixing. The north is very racist, they won't be joining the south anytime soon.

Not soon but in time.

You have Unionist sentiments in the north and south married to general indifference to Northern Ireland from the rest of the UK. I don't see how a united Ireland is not an inevitability.

Gerry Adams, et al. are playing the long game now.


The average irishman is a multiculturalist cuck numale.

The average northern irishman is a violent ptsd case who thinks the southerner is a faggy closet muslim.

It's going to a long time before the latter will accept joining the former. Republican or not.



tfw filling out petitions to keep abortions and gay marriage illegal.