haha whites btfo
haha whites btfo
>white people invent phones and computers
>niggers use them to complain about white people
Don't forget they complain about white people on white-owned social media sites.
Things white people do
>civilize the rest of the world
you're welcome.
To be fair, whites are inferior to Jews in every way.
I stand with Israel.
>things black people do
>contribute nothing to society
also living in countries that white people founded because blacks are too lazy to make civilisation in their own lands
Black people built the pyramids of Egypt and they invented more stuff than the whitebois ever could.
So you're being racist to Moors, Arabs, Persian, Pakis and Poos now?
also speak a white language in a white country and staying even though they had the chance to go to Liberia on 3 separate occasions in the last 140 years
I fucked 3 different black girls this week and guess what, they all fantasized about white dick and two of them have black husbands.
They are superior to whites in every way.
They just mad that we woker than they bitch asses.
implying a large amount of blacks aen't methheads
>keep humanity from ceasing to exist
you're welcome my muddy buddies.
>burn schools and hospitals
>move to white countries
>complain about the whites
>think they can't be racist themselves
The list goes on
>that nose
>those nostrils
>that skin colour
white people
>health and hygiene
>history and culture
>we wuz kangz
>invent everything
>best scientists
>most beautiful women
>allow inferior races to exist for our amusement
You realize (probably not) that pyramids are THE simplest structures to build and require NO intelligence. A fucking 2 2 year old (not black of course) can pile up blocks.
>Ancient Egyptians
>"Hey, Dad"
Shit Black People Do
>HIV/AIDS, Syphilis, Chlamydia
>Black Lives Matter* (*except all the kids killed by nigger gangs in Chiraq)
>Fucking in public while twerking like a rabid gorilla
>gib me dat EBT
>evr'thang's racisis!
>listen to modern nigger music that is utter shit instead of that real shit from the 80s/90s
>Black on Black crime, rape, rioting, looting, domestic battery, fatherless children, prison, gang warfare
>Pretend Hillary gives a shit about you
>Vote Hillary
>Use black slang that is literal slurring gibberish that you now sound like actual apes when they talk to each other
>wut is a 401k nigga gib me dat TANF and EBT
>FUCK THE POLICE (get shot)
>fantasize about fucking superior white wiminz (even niggers dont wanna fuck sheboons)
>nigger porn is literally like watching Animal Planet Africa Edition
Stand with china as well then you cuck..they are alledgedly higher IQ than whites too.
Stupid cunt
You gotta be Jewish
What did he mean by this?
You are legitimately retarded, if I had the authority I would ban you from technology
You stand with Israel lol of course a Brit would, more cucked than the whites in America, you have a Muslim as the mayor of London Ffs you're almost a minority in your country
You lost any authority over us on July 4 1776
White people fuck facing each other often because looking at our faces isn't a turn off.
How so?
one thing white people never thing about is to season their food :D
black women fantasize about white dick
If you are a white man no matter how autistic and pathetic you can get a black gf.
Careful now, your patriotic tendencies is causing my loyalist tendencies to express itself through this axe.
You really should talk to Britain better.
Niggers actually use Northman slang from here in England. Like to be honest and shaking my head. 100% pure Northern culture, and then Americans copy them.
>Concqour Africa, Australia, and the Americas
>Civilize conqoured regions.
>Explore the world after the chinese gave up.
>Had a renesance
>Created most of the inventions in the industrial revolution.
>Had empires that spaned contidents.
>Invent Rockets
>Invent Nuclear Weapons
>Get us into orbit and the Moon
>Invent Computers and the internet.
>invented more stuff than the whitebois ever could.
why is africa a shithole?
It was the slaves who were pushing the blocks up to build the pyramids, retard
shh no one mention that white people don't need to season their food because we can afford meat that is fit for human consumption.
To be fair, the US is a shithole waiting to happen. Ten years tops before it all comes down
This. The only time I put anything on a steak is if I'm eating somewhere that's less than $50 a person or at a friend's house or something where I didn't get to pick something out.
A good cut of steak only needs to be cooked rare or medium rare in a little butter, and possibly a little salt on the side.
the smartest .01% of whites invented useful things
the 99.99% of uncreative retard plebs try to mooch off their success and reputation
Kind of like how you're using a Japanese (and Japanese owned) forum to complain about negros
You didn't have time to check your spelling at while talking up how smart your skin color makes you, eh?
Except that's not at all the same, because no one here is complaining about the Japanese.
>contribute nothing to society
They contribute to crime rate though. :^)
They contribute more kids to the population than you do, whitey. American white males are too beta to fuck their own women. Gotta get blackie do it.
currently you still have indoor toilets?
africa doesn't for the most part
I've knocked up three black bitches in the past year. All with over compensating cucked niggers like you for a husband. Only one of them could afford an abortion without the spouse finding out.
That's why I say ten years. The infrastructure is collapsing fast and the next four years will be a con job with no artifice put forward. Once the national debt outpaces GDP in 2024 it'll be a fast ride to the bottom.
Their IQ is only 1 std deviation below whites' - 85 vs 100. That's brutal though - you have to be smarter than 84% of other blacks, to even be at the /average/ white level (if I read this: en.wikipedia.org
factually incorrect. Although they may not have been world changing successful inventions, inventions non the less. How many inventions did blacks or latino's come up with again?
And despite all this, I still don't murder people for stupid reasons, shit in the street, sit around doing nothing all day but eating watermelon and wasting tax payer dollars.
Corn fritters are a pretty tasty snack.
What's wrong with corn fritters?
>being this much of a newfag
Will shills ever leave?
What's the fucking point? Those babies are coming out black. You're contributing to the problem.
I wonder why the smartest 0.1% of black people don't invent any useful things even though they outnumber whites.
Not my problem bitch. My kids are nearly adults and both have a decent trust fund set up. These franchises I set up are just a side game.
>tfw when you had to pay apology in cash to your Latino domme and sign up to a ballbusting session
>apples and oranges
more precisely, whites are inferior to that unholy hybrid of white and semite, the ashkenazi jew.
nice id
>not retarded
They're coming out half white....fuck your one drop rule.
No African niggers have IQs of 67 on average america blacks are smarter due to their 30% european DNA.
>I'm a nigger, the post
Dude, using things like advancements in science and technology isn't a true measure of intellect, because these are cultural things. The African culture had no need for a wheel so they invented it. And 'advanced' civilizations that white people created are only advanced from their perspective. In African culture, the lives they lead were considered advanced as well. They didn't need lots of technology and science and shit; they had their own cultural traits which dictated what they needed as a society. You can't judge one as being objectively better, or more indicative of intelligence, than another.
All of those things bar all lives matter are more common in blacks than whites.
Sup Forums is a Japanese forum because the current owner is Japanese in the same way that London is an Arab city because the current mayor is an Arab.
>Japanese (and Japanese owned)
Holy newfag.
Meanwhile, the 100% of blacks do nothing
This post is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
Might as well say that African tribal magic is just as valid as Newton's laws.
Don't forget the most important
>we fuck and breed your women.
To be fair, that one's on us.
Sincerely, Reagan's CIA.
Yeah, that's why the steak seasoning has fucking Montreal in the fucking name.
Try again, nigger.
>>Had a renesance
Well, apparently only some of us did.
yeast infection?
>Might as well say that African tribal magic is just as valid as Newton's laws.
In cultural terms it might just be. You can't impose western standards on their culture and say that's objectively the right way. They functioned differently. You can't use western science as a marker for a society's success
>A good cut of steak only needs to be cooked rare or medium rare in a little butter, and possibly a little salt on the side.
No sherry, garlic, or cayenne? Stay pleb.
So why the fuck they all coming to white countries if they don't need our scienz and sheit? This whole argument is retarded and baseless.
this is funny
When your culture results in most newborns dying and a median lifespan of 40 due to starvation, exposure, and preventable disease, your "culture" is garbage.
Literally Caucasian here, most of what op pic says is true
not gonna bother with the rest but
>mass shootings
whites are slightly underrepresented as mas shooters. hispanics are significantly underrepresented. blacks are slightly over represented and asians are significantly over represented
>(((white))) owned social media sites.
I stand with Israel too, but only so we can send our jews back there.
i bet you love watermelons aziz