IQ tests are blue pilled

>He fell for the meme that matching images it the ultimate test of intelligence.

Seriously, can you with a straight face tell me that IQ tests are red pilled?

This shit was invented by some french psychologist. Do you believe all the shit psychology tells you? Do you also believe the buzzfeed 20 questions to see what pokemon you are deep down?

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Pattern recognition is a pretty dank ability.

Is it 4?

And this is coming from the Jew!

Talk about patterns and recognition of them.

If it's so easy, then why are blacks so bad at it?

fox and grapes hue

4 easy af


i think i found the sub-100 IQ monkey

Yes, it has to be 4

its obviously 2, you brainlets

Really sorry you scored 78 kebab. Can you please make me a burrito or something.

>IQ tests are now promoting geometry-mixing
Absolutely disgusting.

its 4. it has to be filled out, and the other examples were always one thing left up, one thing right down, and the last was both mirrored. so since its let up right down, it again has to be mirrored meaning right up left down, it has to be the same signs as used in the examples, leaving only number 4. it could have been with switched circle and square as well since we dont know wether its horizontilla or vertically mirrored, but since there is not answer depicting it we dont have to care about that.

however yes, iq test are dumb and only test your abillities on recognizing patterns and such stuff while leaving other important stuff out

I've taken them twice in my life. First time was 128, second time was 130.

I know that's not savant level, but I still find it bullshit.

checked and keked

Holy fuck user this video is incredible

no, it is not. you are probably looking at the vertical lines. pay atention to the secundário one, it can't be 2. Now look at the horizontal lines

>tfw regularly score between 130 and 150 on IQ tests
>tfw smart enough to know that IQ tests are Jewish pseudoscience bullshit


lmao brainlet haha

stop trolling
it's not working

nvm I thought you were someone else

Reminder: If you take an IQ test or let alone think that IQ matters irl, before you earn at least 50k euros a year, you are a pleb who will never be more than mediocre and you are part of the problem.

Consider the fact that "pattern recognition" is a PC way of saying "racism"

Answer is 1 btw. Most will say its 4 but they be wrong. This is a tough one

Some1 link an iq test so we can post scores

>Raven matrices are the only IQ test
That's honestly the dumbest part of this thread.

That being said, an IQ of 115 should be mandatory to start college.

It's just one Standard Deviation above the normal range but it'd filter out everyone not smart enough to keep up with a brisk pace.

In the long run this would automatically create a solid intellectual middle class whose genes might come from fuck knows where but who are thoroughly capable of running things without needing any sort of gibs be they monetary or political.

In addition it would stop the degree milling scam and ensure the talentless do not gum up the works of academia.

Iq tests measure G. There is homogenity between all kinds of subtests. So it cannot be only object recignition or memory or whatever. There is a G component

t. Ahmed


What do u mean with regularly? How many times did u take an iq tests? At what ages? Which tests did u take? Why regularly?

No the answer is 4.

Online iq tests are bullshit. There are no norm scores and there is no standardization

obviously because is the combination of a circle and a square

subhuman detected

>Asking a board of morons what they think about IQ tests

Females acquire more diplomas than males. Why is that ? Bc they have higher iqs? Ofcourse not.

To get a degree, u need a fair amount of iq (85 till 110) but also: self discipline, conscientousness, focused on studying and not distracted by gaming/partying/dicking around which is a problem with males.

Getting a degree is more than brains only, its personal dispositions also

Its impossible to know the answer.

I mean its 4 if you assume one of the 6 answers proposed there is the real one.
If you had an blank space where you would need to write your own answer, you would have multiple choices that are valid

Thats what most think but trust me, ur wrong. Look closely

Haha, this one's great bait. However, has been debunked many times, here for example:
Nice try though.

This hasn't always been the case. Females are graduating more and getting better jobs because of the patriarchy don't ya know

>Have you figured out the key to non suffering?
>Have you met all your goals and are content in life?
>Is your joy greater than your regrets?

If yes to all these, congratulations, you are smart. These should be the only criteria to quantify intelligence, the rest is mental masturbation. Don't fret yourself over it though, you have no control over what I said, Your environment controls you (through genes and through itself) so you don't have yourself to blame.

t. dumb person who thinks he's smart

He is posting a scientific paper. U are posting a rebuttal from a popular economic magazine. Try harder next time

tell me why you think it's 1

it's 4, because reading from left to right, you add the first 2 images together and then flip it vertically
that's the pattern

>study in a 80% female environment
>get help from female teachers who studied in feminist universities because muh male oppression

This is the main reason girls "outperform" boys at school

four works with the pattern of "flip vertically and combine left+middle to produce right", but this is such an obtuse 'puzzle' that i'd be surprised if one of the other solutions didn't also work with some other pattern eg. reading diagonally or some bullshit.

>some MSM non-scientific source


Hmm? Can't refute the criticism on the article so you must attack the source now? How sad.

>his IQ is lower than 140

>he believes online IQ tests are accurate

Depression is blue pilled guys.


The forbes article appears to be written by a confused idiot.

At least he bothered to link to a legitimate and understandable critique

It's interesting that you quickly googled for a counter-argument to the study. Did you do that for the Scarr and Weinberg studies as well?

Imgonnalet u figure that one by yourself.
Let me tell u that I have the real answers of that subtest bc im majoring in psychology and we did have to use iq tests for one of hour classes. I know that iq test very well and answer is 1.

Females outperform males in universities too.
Ur explanation is invalid

Because colleges are liberal
Females will eat that up

They also choose degrees so easy a 5 year old could get them

Did u read that article. Its stupid, not even worth replying.
They are saying that the real conservatives are the labour party.
This has nothing to do with the study, in which they measure conservatism by their own questionnaire, not whether they belong to any political party in britain. Stomme hollander

Liberal or not, diplomas count in the real workforce
If u dont attend universities bc they are liberal, u are doing urself a disservice.

U might be right tough that females are choosing soft sciences and therefor getting more degrees than their male counterparts. I didnt look up on that data

the answer is 4
you can look it up online
here are the answers:

you can stop trolling now

You can write an entire paragraph but you can't even spell "you"

We both already know that men more often go into STEM degrees, whereas women will get an african history or gender studies degree.

I think another factor is that MANY more men than women will go into manual labor as their method of making money. Rather than go to college theyll become a roofer, or construction worker. This doesnt meant they wouldnt succeed in college though - but maybe it does mean that a large number of males who would perform well in college are choosing an alternate career path. Fewer women do this, because fewer women would want the jobs available outside of college.