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Why do only the Left get to arbitrarily invent new rules, which everyone else then has to follow?

Russia didn't meddle in anything. They leaked emails, from there, it's up to the people to make of that whatever they please

You don't own being a patriot


Moral self-exculpation - they always want someone ELSE to follow the rules, pay the taxes, and so on. They're too morally superior to actually bother following what they declare themselves.

pick one

They didn't leak anything.

Wikileaks confirmed their source was not Russian but a Dem insider.

Best case scenario for them is that they prove Russians made Hillary's wrongdoing known.

They're basically accusing Russian spies of committing investigative journalism.

New Rule: I make the rules

Makes sense. The more I interact with Leftists these days, the less I like them.

Why is everyone so willing to say Russia was involved? Because the CIA said so? Y'all must not know or remember the dozen other instances the CIA has lied.

>new rule
fucking lol
If demoshits were the ones making the rules, their candidate would have won.

Libtards are such massive fucking sore losers.

New rule: all anti-white individuals must be slaughtered.

>Support Putin

Pick one.

How does wikileaks known if they say all their sources are given anonymously?

I don't think they did. But throwing the dems a bone and assuming they did leak them, it still doesn't matter, because leaking emails does not equal election tampering, unless you're then admitting that the dems did horrible stuff.

It's a no win for the left, which is why they're trying to deflect it by saying "yeah well why didn't they hack the other side? I'm sure the other side had bad stuff too we didn't see?" it's pathetic

I am Russian so pick both

>not wanting a bad relationship with russia = supporting putin
The slope is slippery.

Says these white guilt mudslime lovers who fail the most basic test of patriotism.


>disagree with the president
>Supporting Putin
Guess democrats will all be Putin sympathizers on January 20th

I know the term witch hunt gets thrown around a lot but this time it's 100% correct complete with magical accusations.

This thread again? Who pays you to keep reposting the same shit? How many shekels did the happy merchants give you to keep shilling for their failed cause?

I've been watching the Pats since I was a kid you fucking pussy, since before the GOAT was there.

New rule. You get to stop making up stupid bullshit rules. Who made you führer? Fuck your new rules, and your old rules too, nigger.

it's an absolute shit paying job, don't expect any creativity or original content from these mongs

I'm sure the Middle East with it's millions of donated foreign cash to the Hillary campaign was just FINE AND FUCKING DANDY by liberal standards.

This is a DAMN good question since they no longer control any branch of government. Who appointed them moral authority anyway?

It's fucking retarded.

Russia and the Kremlin and Trump have a lot of enemies, what is stopping them from targeting our country next year to make Trump lose?

If we don't solve this problem, everyone is going to start hacking us to death. It's a national sovereignty issue.

It's not like anything that actually mattered came out of it, other than Debbie and she got fired.
>We don't care about debates, but Hillary is a monster for hearing some questions
> Hillary gave a speech at Goldman Sachs Booo, while trump puts the fucking CEO in charge of the treasury

Russian high society is full of scumbags, drug smuggling and hitmen, and everything else under the sun.
Why are they even hacking us during peace time? Because they are nothing but power hungry assholes. We have perfectly fine working relationship with Russia when Putin isn't in charge.

Whereas if your candidate was funded by Saudi Arabia there's no issue at all

Occupy Democrats don't even like America, who are they to tell us what a patriot is? Also, there's literally no evidence of Russia 'meddling with our election', where is this even coming from?

Are they just pulling shit out of their ass since Putin and Trump get along? Why does the left want WW3 with Russia? It'd be a fucking disaster not just for both of our countries, but the world.

The founding principals of the UN after the defeat the Nazis were written by people like Eleanor Roosevelt.

A few million people dying made us the moral authority

If you want to throw out the electoral process that's been in use for hundreds of years because your candidate lost you don't get to call yourself a democrat.

If your not ok with exposing corruption because YOUR candidate got exposed you don't get to call yourself a patriot

Reminder that the (((UN))) was founded by a literal communist, Alger Hiss.



>evidence of the clain: 0


Considering Democrats and the left are traitors to this country, it would seem that Russia are the bigger patriots in this exchange.

no one would've made a fuss about this if Russia helped hillary, and anyone that complained would get laughed at, just like Trump side does to them.
equality and democracy only when it's convenient.

Russia didnt' meddle with our election.


God, it feels good to have mentally unstable Americans look for Russians in their closets again.

New Rule.:
Dont make the exact same thread

New rule, if you make up anti-Russian propaganda to excuse your party's pathetic attempt at a candidate, and you unironically implemented anti-Trump neo-McCarthyism with a straight face, you deserve a slow and painful torturous death.

Seth Rich.

When since do liberals care about being patriotic? They have nothing but contempt for this country and our values.

I love how the left is trying (and failing) to meme this into reality.

No, I'll pick both.

>One of the presidential candidates was a cold war era war hawk
>she loses

I bet its the Russians who misplace your dementia medication too you old bat.

>le press magic computer button and the election is now what you want
"Hacking" ("cracking" is the correct term here) doesn't work like that.

Oh, so it's a thing in the West too? I thought our liberal scum were special in their hatred of their own country and desire for its people to die.

> Wants Gun Control with a NWO centralized government.
> Founding Fathers are racists and terrorists
> Karl Marx is a NEET god
> Trying to change the rules by removing the Electoral College.

Libtards are degeneracy.

you literally posted this exact same thread yesterday

I assure you, the REAL Americans detest this scum and don't believe that Russia did anything.

I'm amazed you're still allowed to post here OP. I mean, after the terabytes of gay kiddie porn found on your hard drive, the pics if you in gay, furry, BDSM costumes, and and the interracial granny scat porn you participated in, it's amazing you haven't been locked up!

Oh, you want proof? I just provided exactly as much as the liberals have concerning Russian hackers.

The left are cowardly and often try to use moral principles of their enemies as a manipulative instrument to get their adversaries to not fight efficiently. It's the same when they call out Christians "what would Jesus do?! I thought Christians were suppose to be nice and forgiving" knowing full well Jesus wasn't that nice nor is anyone Jesus around them. It's a tactic to force their enemy to abide by a standard they, themselves, don't follow.

>America meddles in the affairs of every other nation and gets upset when other nations meddle in their affairs
Magog, not even once.

If you're some leftie commie you don't get to make any rules about patriotism.

>following the treaty we have with them Bill Clinton signed to hand over incriminating evidence if they come upon it

Small list of features by which you can detect a Russian liberal.
>hates current government
>hates Russian people, thinks they're barbarians or scum compared to the West
>detests the military

A nice example of a sosach ( liberal is a dude called Nikita.
Nikita burned a hamster to death and decapitsted a rooster dressed in a Russian flag on the red square while shouting glory to Ukraine. Both as a political activism thing.
He is sure that if he kidnaps a German, for example, engineer EU will grant him citizenship 'because real countries value human life'.
Earlier he thought he could kill an EU citizen and impressionate them.
When you talk to a Russian who tries to assure you that we're falling apart, remember that you're talking to picrelated.
We certainly have problems. Same as everyone does.
But we're doing fine. And it is good to see the majority of US citizens don't but this Russia hackurz crap.

>Iraq war
>fake news :GONE DEADLY

Sage and hide.

Okay deal. Still our president.

They are literally "1 post by this ID" slide/troll threads. Best to ignore/sage.

You're the last truly white nation. They are actively trying to destroy you.

Russians aren't exactly white. Sure, we're close to that, but Russia is what a real country with multiple ethnicities looks like: whites as the main part of society, with other cultures adapting to fit in.
Going full on racial purity would kill us as a stable country.


Normally it would be of abolustely paramout importance to actively verify if a foreign country interefered with your elections, however...
1. any statement in this regard would be considered liberals whining because their candidate didn't win

And that's entirely democrats' fault. They built around them a ciclopic castle made of pure shit and completely lost credibility in any sense.

2. objectively, Trump is the better choice in the relations between USA and URSS

You can't really blame Russia for trying to get the candidate that won't start a nuclear war into power. This thought is strengthen by Obama's last tantrum

1776: If you're ok with the French supporting American guerrilla warfare against the Redcoats, you cannot be called a Patriot.

Denying whites national identity with pandering to national minorities at the same time would have only one result. Dissolution of country. This happen to USSR and will happen to Russia.

>implying being a "patriot" didn't become synonymous with "best goy" with the introduction of the Patriot Act

Why are liberals pretending to give a shit about patriotism now? I'm so confused


I could argue; or I could just say that if you support commies, you don't get to call yourself a patriot.

Really? My god how Occupy DemoSHITS gets my blood TO FUCKING BOIL!
Do they really think it's any more patriotic to support A FUCKING HILLARY'S policies of a OPEN BORDER and OPEN TRADE COMMUNE!
Name ONE policy which is more patriotic from HILLARY FUCKING CLINTON or BERNIE "BLM, MUH GHETTOS" SANDERS

They only care when they can use it to guilt other people into following their will. Similarly, I once had a Jewish professor ask how a real Christian could support capitalism.

no fuck you i know it's pol and its cool to be white but that's not even a word in this country you fucking fag

say is shoigu "white"?
was pushkin "white"?

you can have your nationality and identity within russia, but don't make Russia look like those euro "countrylets" that instantly fail once they import a tiny number of people with a foreign culture

>1 post
>0 proofs

What I find funny about this whole thing is the claim that because Russia hacked it, that the leaked content could be fake.

Yet Hillary confirmed parts of the leaks during the debates.

Patriotism is what manipulated Americans to die in WW2 for the Jews.

Patriotism is what manipulated Americans to die in the Iraq War (again, for the Jews in Israel).

Also, the CIA is in the pocket of Israel. They have a vested interest in demonizing Russia, which they've been doing for years.

>>As Dan Raviv and Yossi Melman wrote in Friends in Deed: Inside the U.S.-Israel Alliance, “Abba Eban recall[ed] that when a team of American inspectors arrived at Dimona, ‘it cost us…a lot of money to arrange it so their inspectors wouldn’t find out what was going on.’ False walls were erected, doorways and elevators hidden, and dummy installations were built to show the Americans, who found no evidence of the weapons program secreted underground.”

>Gen-Gurion became increasingly furious with Kennedy for his interest in Israeli affairs and lack of support, he also despised Kennedy's view of them as equals.

>On the day Kennedy was assassinated Yitzak Rabin, then defense minister was in Dallas. He was accompanied earlier that day by Jack "Ruby" Rubenstein who was acting as he described as an interpreter.

>"There has been since almost the earliest days of the Israeli state and the earliest days of the CIA a secret bond, basically by which Israeli intelligence did jobs for the CIA and for the rest of American intelligence. You can't understand what's been going on with American covert operations and the Israeli covert operations until you understand this secret arrangement."
>Andrew Cockburn on C-SPAN'S Booknotes, September 1, 1991

Yeah that is right. Russian nationality doesn't exist. Soon it will become law that is developed by Muslim lawmaker. Have fun you you have literally no country. First Russians were kicked from Central Asia not its time to kick them out from multinational Russia.