What do they need with all those guns? Why are they so paranoid and think every non-white person is out to get them?
Why does the white man like guns so much?
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How else do you propose one deal with feral niggers?
because they live in real life, not on a computer in moms house.
Why don't you like guns?
>why does the white man need guns?
>why does the white gentleman need steam power, pray tell?
>why doth the place among us need such trappings as the cannon?
>why grog wheel?
guns are tools. the only people afraid of them are people too incompetent to use tools.
>how hollywood portrays whites against a nigger and a jew
Idk, maybe you should ask the founding fathers
Are there any blacks in pakistan at all?
should've clipped that Jew so he couldn't be in Inglorious Basterds
Because white people come from a line of fantastically great warriors who spent the last few thousand years fighting tooth and nail to establish themselves as the premier global racial power despite being a minority. It's like asking why a terrier likes to kill rats -- it's just what they do.
No, but the lower classes are darker than the upper classes. So being blacker is still a sign of being degenerate.
It's like some universal law.
Because white society was established by the use of superior weaponry, You want to be like the nips who die charging at you with a blade?
Why do you need all that free speech? Why do you need all that freedom of religion? Why do you need due process? Surely you can trust the government not to search your house without a warrant, and to give you a fair and speedy trial?
Seriously though OP, Im not a man. And if I hadn't had a gun on me when I stopped one night at a deserted (bathrooms only) rest stop while driving, I don't know what my attacker would have done. I heard him come into the bathroom after me, and I already had my gun drawn when he walked around the dividing wall. Ill never forget how loud my heart was as he came around the white tile wall. he backed out fast. And Im alive. So fuck the people who want to leave me defenseless.
But...we know your tactics. Every day you are here with the same thread, or one of your other paid globalist shits. You can't take over the US unless you get our guns first. Just like Germany who can't defend themselves now and have to watch their country fall. Well, this girl will never be a Cologne rapefugee victim. You moved too fast on Germany and now the entire US sees what your endgame is. You will lose your gun grabbing efforts utterly.
250 million guns in the hands of 100 million people. And every time someone talks about gun control in the news, more people go out and buy more. Just in case. And you think a daily post on /pol will change the minds of any of them. You don't even know your opposition. But we do.
>Why don't you like guns?
Because they're for killing and I don't need to kill anything.
>guns are tools.
Guns aren't tools. They're weapons.
It seems to me they need them to feel like a big man, like those guys who buy those loud noisy expensive cars.
lmao that jew is so fucking ugly holy shit hes like a walking caricature
>and I don't need to kill anything
Except yourself.
>Because they're for killing and I don't need to kill anything
Not yet anyways, I bet you wish you had guns you are getting disemboweled by niggers
you're not even trying
So I can kill niggers, why else get one?
>why do white men need guns
>Niggers shooting each other at alarming rates WITH GUNS
Idk... maybe you should be asking why niggers need guns instead of asking Whites.
Because I'm a man. Don't wet your panties when you look at this.
Why do niggers like fried chicken watermelon, purple drink, and cough sizzup?
Because we're evil.
OP go away and kys pls
Because law abiding and responsible people have a right to protect themselves and their loved ones from violent predators
Because people have the right to defend themselves and if you try to take away his means of defence what else can he do than stand ground and defy those who want to take away his right.
you're talking as if niggers feel comfortable without a hi point and some half gnawed chicken wings in their backpocket