Orange Order Rituals Book

Found this booklet in my attic, not sure if its contents are already available online (done a quick Google search but didn't find anything) or if anyone would be interested.

If anyone's interested. let me know and I'll spend the next 20-30 minutes scanning in the pages.


very interested

plz do. will pay with ultra rare iowa pepe

First couple of pages.

I'll scan the rest in batches of 5. Will have to go soon, may only be able to post half the booklet for the moment, will be back in a couple of hours.

As a collector of such things, yes, please continue.


more plz

No, just nationalists.





I'll scan and post the rest later. If the thread dies I'll start a new one and reference this one.

alright friend

Cheers bruv. Nice to finally get a look at this stuff. Always been tempted to join, but don't hate Catholics enough.

bump it britbong

scan whole book, this might be rare...someone screencap too

Looks similar to a masonic lodge rites and rules book.

Pro-Tip: Current Master Mason, Past Worhipful Master

They're a lot shorter and to the point than we are, though. Keen to see their "Royal Arch Black" degree.

God before Country

>Catholics are treated like niggers

I like this organization.

Never said otherwise.

Go on then you fag

>Current Master Mason, Past Worhipful Master

At the Orange lodge we're all about the hookers and blow.

Fuck yeah dude liek wut