>On 1 January, an employment law will enter into force that obliges organisations with more than 50 workers to start negotiations to define the rights of employees to ignore their smartphones.
French workers win legal right to avoid checking work email out-of-hours
I'm not against this. Fuck being "on call" 24/7 even though I'm not paid for it at all
Are the French the laziest yuropoors? Are they the niggers of Europe?
Just because you are right doesn't mean OP is wrong.
Europe has its own actual niggers now.
go suck mr goldsteins dick faggot
I beg your pardon?
Hey that's pretty good. Good for you French anons.
it's hard to know if it's france, italy, spain, or greece
they're all pretty lazy fucks
Really doing a good job at eliminating the stereotype that French people are lazy.
They have the legal right already. Just like companies have the legal right to promote someone who works for them 24/7 over someone who just punches a timecard.
> implying working a lot = working well
I work in a team that is half french half american. Sure our funny burgers work a lot, but they don't do shit. Least productive people I've ever met.
This, fuck being on call. If you're paying a salaried employee that's one thing, buy hourly employees shouldn't have to deal with SHIT until they show up at work
To be fucking honest here, and I say this as a former ancap, being a serf of your employer isn't redpilled.
(((redpilled))) maybe. If everyone at once, and in unison, told employers to go fuck themselves off hours, then the employees can once again gain some dignity.
I like everything that unions do, but labor law just makes sense to me. Employers shouldn't expect to be able to creep more work time into people's lives along with technology
>companies must negotiate the right
lmao. Nothing changes. People will still >do it for free because of the "work positive" culture we have established
You really think they believe you when you say shit like "yes mr goldstein I love to do janitorial work. sweeping floors is my passion in life"? No. They don't put shit like that to weed out people who don't love shitty jobs. No one loves shitty jobs. They put it in to build up an atmosphere of false positivity, because they know it will affect people's behaviour. And as long as you continue to play that role, you will be checking work email and be on call for your boss during your spare time and days off
It needs to be outright illegal to check your work mail outside of office hours unless you are on call shift
Americans wouldn't last a month in our work conditions.
There is no burger break here. You don't get to whine about muh constitution and muh freedom all the time. You shut the fuck up and work or the boss kicks you out and you're back to Pole Emploi (Job Center)
lmao I've been ignoring my boss for a week and there's nothing he can do about it because I'm on vacation time
Fucking corporate slave drivers think they should be getting more out of us for less money.
If i'm expected to be on call when not at work I expect to be paid.
yeah, that's fine. if they aren't paying you, you shouldn't work. doing so fucks everybody over.
>35 hour work week
>no commute
sounds like heaven to me
do you accept american immigrants? i have no brown in me.
Where's your work ethic? Why would I employ some unreliable layabout who wants to "spend time with his family" or wants "a social life"? Damn lazy bums. You just can't get the staff these days, that's why I import Mexicans to take the jobs those lazy good-for-nothing Americans refuse to do. You do what the job needs you to do, or you don't have the job. Who cares about this "unpaid overtime" shit? Sounds like commie bullcrap to me.
based frogs
What is "work"?
Work is having to do things
If you get paid 30 dollars an hour for an 8 hour work day, but also you have to do things like answer emails for the remaining 16 hours of the day, then that's not an 8 hour work day, that's a 24 hour work day. You're only getting 10 dollars an hour, that's minimum wage.
Your time is your own. Why would you give the bastards any more of it than is necessary?
ehhh I guess this is alright.
When you clock out, you clock out.
Unless your job specifies you to be on call in a specific manner, they can fuck off.
I tell people to fuck off if I get a call at 5:01 and I'm still there running a couple minutes late leaving.
Fuck you, you don't pay me enoughow and I don't get overtime. Work can suck it if I'm not clocked in.
War is the final political result when diplomacy breaks down between two tense powers.
>fuck me, here comes full cyberpunk
who the fuck wants to live like that ahahaha
Remember mr (((Stein))
Why, Pierre? Think of the starving Jewish children!
Germans have that right for several years now
>Them lazy Germans and their lazy unions!
Why is it only American workers that have no welfare, paid vacation, public health, parental leave, disability survival pension, and still disdain anyone that has?
>Burgers eat shit, take it because they're told murikafukkyeah so you'll like it, and want to take away proper food from anyone else
No, niggers are the niggers of Europe.
Why don't they just negotiate with their employers?
This won't change anything. People will still check their emails for brownie points, yet money is going to be wasted enforcing this. Sup Forums should be against retarded laws like this.
>mfw on call
>mfw salaried employee
>mfw shitpost all day at work and only have to resolve 2-3 issues in a 3 week sprint
>sleep in the evening once
>receive a call at 2am, minification broke release
>someone as caring as me probably did this
>pause anime for 15 minutes and fix this
Holy fuck I love enterprise
In labour law, theres a big difference between theory and practice.
Haha lazy French cucks trying to tell employers how to spend their money again
It's better for productivity anyway. Constantly checking your email and immediately answering phone calls ruins your focus
>in the middle of a rare family dinner
>your cellphone rings interruptings your daughter
And then you don't want american kids to value their parents only for their money.
Can you guys ever take the side of the rights of citizens for once without constantly bowing down to corporate interest?
You guys claim to be redpilled but say some of the most bluepilled comments sometime without actually being self aware
Frog in the US here, the 35h thing is more complicated than that most people do 42/45h and those are worked hours, no reddit, no facebook etc as for commute I live and work near Paris and I am around 2h/day
I really don't see what the problem is. If your employer demands you work outside of business hours, find another job. That's how capitalism works. If you're any good, you'll get a job with an employer who won't do that to you to keep you.
good post
Good. The pervading idea that you should structure your entire life around the needs of your employer is a bullshit one. You'd think with all the problems Japan has because of this kind of workplace culture that companies and governments in the west would want to avoid it.
>needing a law for off-hours
The first time they asked me to, I'd have done it, but they woul've heard about it.
The second is >fuck off.
If they do it after that, then it's a carefully planned quit at the time my skills are needed the most.
Did similar stuff already, I found out that the world tends to pull back when you push it hard enough.