>ameripoors will never have this
Ameripoors will never have this
pay it back pls
A shit currency based on a failing union that imports millions of third worlders?
Please spare me
pay the fucking denbts
implying you do
You should never have had that either with your garbage economy and dumb politics.
>Americans will never want this
Fixed that for you.
>our FIAT currency is better than yours
>making different values notes different sizes
fucking stupid to be honest fampai
one uniform size is superior
We already have monopoly money
>implying turkshits have any money
>We pay 2 billion euros a year so greekshitskins can flood Europe with refugees and live off other people's money.
>they brag about their high wages sustained by German donations
pay denbts
>be me
>invested mainly in US market
>inflated portfolio by 18% in EUR this year just because my currency is falling apart
If you hold much cash in EUR you might as well just burn it.
>one uniform size is superior
not if you're blind desu.
That's why they put Braille on the money and you can smell it and if it smells like maple syrup you know you have a $100
it's for blind people
It'a the ugliest money in the West. Nobody should be using that. Europeans have shit on their own nations.
Haha. can't wait to laugh hard when the dollar surpasses your shitty monopoly currency and Europoors revert to their natural state, begging for nutritious American semen for sustenance.
Yeah what's that house supposed to represent? It doesn't represent Greece that's for sure who's the man they put on the back? Not a Greek man probably
Gib back our €€€, filthy Greek!
Check out the new Swiss francs.
I wonder if you realize the euro was lower than the dollar when it was established.
Looks like food packaging
>actually making accommodations for the disabled
i dont like them
the current ones are better
>all those jew faces
A shit building and someone else's flag on their money? Oh no.
All euros.
This. The euro is fucked. FX rate depreciates against the dollar more each year. $ was worth more than the EUR in 2015 thanks to the political actions of yurotards themselves, top fucking kek
No wonder Britain left the EU. They were smart to keep using the pound sterling, too.
But seriously, the EU flag there just screams "Domination". How can you live with the shame?
>Be EU
>Tons of famous writers, musicians, generals etc.
>Puts bridges on banknotes
>no 1s or 2s
Fuck that shit.
I spent a month in Canada and having to carry around coins instead of having one notes is fucking bullshit. I hate coins. Notes actually fit in a wallet.
Pay your fucking debts
well said grebro, best looking money ever
The new ones are a bit like >reddit >the money but whatevs
Seriously looks like garbage why are they vertical? So stupid looks like toilet paper
Pay denbt
Coins fit in a wallet just fine
That would be too nationalist. You are not a nazi, are you?
>Meanwhile in Norway
A fucking fish
Euros are awful they feel awful and they are a failed project.
Dollars feel nice and look pretty nice.
Pounds have some really nice coins with tons of different designs the nots also look and feel nice. The new fiver is awful. but the new pound is really nice.
>not slapping you coin pouch on the table when ever you go to buy something
It is a pain and I've noticed that you value your money more when it's in paper. A dollar bill feels like real money.
I've never seen anything more than a 100
>still using cash
I am drunk
That's cute
USA is now merely reaching the smart card stage ("muh stupid chip"). Contact less instant payment will be another 10 years for them.
I hate those fucking 50s they don't fit in your wallet and it's all most ATMs give you
You're a cuck if you don't use cash
Dollars are about to have a nigger on the $20 I think. Can't wait for everyone to start calling them niggerbills. Why did Obama ruin everything he touched smgdh
how sad
contactless instant payment is the only thing I use anymore
>You'll never have worthless, but fancy Forint
The new designs look amazing
Saw some yellows and greens but never a purple 500. Fucking hell, an entire minimum wage (average Russian salary) in the palm of your hand!
That's probably because people don't get paid under the table in your country
Finding places that take card in Europe is actually a pain in the ass and your cellphone coverage is barbaric.
We're just like you greeks then.
In Italy? Yeah sure... they make you look honest.
It's okay you'll see them after you finish highschool
Nvm, missed one color
>son of a bitch every fucking time!
Absolutely any place in Austria accepts card payment and has almost 100% 4G coverage.
its became piss yelow, you like it huh
What's the Hungarian euro like?
Top fucking kek
wait are you serious?
doesnt taste like debt mate
Brazilian money usually smells like a hobo's asscrack
Isn't that above the daily withdrawal limit in grease?
can you spot the value on that paper
oh, it's the sign of Draghi (president of BCE at current year where that paper was printed out of nowhere).
you know you can feel the texture on the presidents. collars right?
It was designed by them. Only way they can compete with our products. weak dollar >>>> strong euro.
checks flag..everything is money with you cucks kek
Fitting. It's pretty much toilet paper anyway. But it's still better than the 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Pengő, right?
Thank god it's nonexistent
are true fpbp would have been ">and neither will greeks"
>meanwhile in real life they want to ban the 500 because plebs shouldn't have that much money
Will you have it?
The dollar will collapse soon with the oil, you better invest in memecoins and gold.
The European Union is like the non-banking version of a subprime MBS. You've got the stuff that makes it look good, like Germany, basically covering for the garbage that makes up the rest of it, like, uh, everyone else. It's AAA-rated guys!
I only use my card, and almost always contactless
I haven't had to use cash in years
Fuck you autistic. Not paying the denbts to the Jews is th ultimate redpill
That's numale af "contactless"
I don't even know if that's what it's called
and there's nothing "numale" about it, that's retarded
Mixed feelings on contactless. Most of my cards have the contact patch wear out, so avoiding that's a plus, but I don't like that you don't have to type in your pin.. Or any other authentication factor for that matter.
>>ameripoors will never have this
Pay debnts
>Russian hackers can steal 25€
Oh noes.