I always wanted to ask this
What is Sup Forums's opinion on vaccines?
I was given the basic round as a kid but now I'm debating if i should get the boosters.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get them
Read "Panic Virus"
get the fuck off pol and ask this on a relevant board.
Fucking get them of course no shit do you want to fucking die painfully
The conspiracies against them are as stupid as chemtrails. There's an important question to be asked about how this may jmpact us in the long run but until then, vaccinate.
The ones used against well known diseases and tested for decades - YES
The ones who are suddently released at super high prices after a mysterious outbreak in a rural african village blown completely out of proportion by MSM - FUCK NO!
chemtrails are real, its called cloud seeding and be thankful you arent starving because thats what theyre for. from what i've read, vaccines dont cause issues anymore, but if you were born from the early 90s to the early 2000s and got vaccinated you are poisoned and psychedelics can help.
You can trust the injectable Jew. Has the Jew ever lied before?
Generally safe unless you're allergic to any of the ingredients.
The only reasonable hypothesis regarding the rise in autism is that antibiotics cause them.
The theory is taking too many antibiotics as a young child can kill good gut flora in the intestinal tract. This, in turn, causes bad, mildly toxic gut flora to grow back, which eventually mildly poisons the brain.
Not proven yet but it makes more sense then the anti-vax bullshit.
Vaccination is absolutely important, life saving and life improving. Of course, you also have the right to reject medical treatment (which is often times life saving), but you have to own that mistake. If you reject a vaccine and get sick, you have to protect everyone around you from yourself and your shitty choices by reducing its communicability.
You mean like Ebola?
m8 if I had Ebola I'd take whatever is necessary. There's a good chance I'd die either way.
Yes goyim get the vaccines they are good for you. Pay no attention to the extra unnecessary ingredients or warning labels.
50% of children under 12 months old that get vaccines get autism.
I'm not sure why this number doesn't startle people. And the number comes from the foremost expert... the guy who's article that they use to say vaccines are safe.
Don't be like Barron.
President Trump said they cause autism. I agree with him on this and everything else.
Inject all this if you are retarded and want to become even more retarded.
Those numbers are 100% bullshit.
Show me proofs.
Donald Trump doesn't lie. He's a multi-billionaire. You don't get to be a billionaire unless you're a genius.
70% of people under 84 years that get vaccines get cool mountain bikes for their birthdays.
I'm not sure why this number doesn't startle people.
For example swine flu and bird flu.
Did you know that you drink dihydrogen monoxide every day?
All vaccinations are bad. Do some research.
President Trump will put an end to this.
Kys you chemistry-illiterate moron.
lol nice meme, ever had a thought that WASNT a meme? of course you havent.
oh cool another attentionwhore tripfag that is going into my filter.
cya never again, faggot.
I don't get the Flu Vaccine. They've been wrong on the strands and you get sick regardless. EF all that noise.
Disagreeing with your president should be classed as treason.
There are geo-engineering projects where we are stabilizing soil with biodegradable geo-net/membrane foam blocks for roads, why wouldn't we have some form of chem that is dumped from planes that help generate moisture in the air to form clouds and rain for areas of drought and for crops? Environmental/Chemical Engineering at its finest.
I know this because I graduated with a Civil Engineering degree at one of the top research schools in the nation.
vaxxed, watch it
"At this rate, by 2032, half the children, 80% of the boys will be autistic."
It's literally dysgenics on a grand scale.
Depends on the vaccine. In a "good" year a flu vaccine in only 50% effective. If you are young and healthy upping your odds by 50% probably isn't worth it.
Now the MMR is probably worth it and the meningitis one if you are going off to college.
vaccines are why people are so retarded nowadays