Are women actually capable of loving men?
Are women actually capable of loving men?
women will never love you, they only love what you are, what you have but never you. when you are not around, all you are is another bragging tool to their "friends".
This has been the most depressing redpill of last year honestly. Love died
they will love you as you love your new car
so right huh, my fellow gentleman. *tips fedora*
If women knew what was better for them, ur mom wouldn't have fucked your dad and gave birth to a loser like you after all.
Love itself doesn't exist at all.
It seens that it's a mechanism to make people search for the best mate.
Thats why men will never "love" a ugly girl or a woman will never "love" someone equal or worse than her
>Post anime
>Call other losers
The picture is not even true.
I'm a 6'2 male that is pretty above average and I prefer fucking fat women.
EVERY woman no matter how "ugly" will be able to find a man simply because our taste is diverse.
I have never met a woman that actually preferred fat guys.
Yes I believe so. Women get bored easily.
Spotted the autists that can't get a woman to love them.
>I'm a 6'2 male that is pretty above average and I prefer fucking fat women.
Fellow 6'4 fat fetishist checking in.
There's two kinds of men in the world
The kind who can't get a woman to love them
and the kind who *think* they can get a woman to love them
>Be on Sup Forums.
>Don't post anime.
Buy a dog and SSRIs.
Nope. Women are incapable of love.
spotted the autist that's never been with or interacted with a real women
Stay mad faggot. My wife moved from another country (in Western Europe) to be with me and she had countless other options since she is very attractive, from a rich family, and has a good job.
Cool LARPing
>liking fat women
All bullshit aside, yes, they can, but never in a way a man would want or expect to be loved.
A woman's love is always conditional.
>implying you haven't been fapping to traps for the past couple years anyway
Women can be attractive even when overweight, it boils down to proportions. Fat guys are a disgrace, though.
I was kissing girls when I was 7 or 8 in primary school and have never had a problem getting attention from girls. I'm the guy on the dance floor women dance closer to so they can grind their asses on my dick.
>she had countless other options
She still does. Women like to have their cake and eat it too, that's why they get so fat after marriage.
lol of course a woman cant love you if youre a computer dwelling little faggot. could you honestly love a woman who was fat, ugly, stupid, and completely crippled by technology?
yes they do if not how were you even born
This may be news to you, but the majority of people are in happy monogamous relationships. Stay mad and jealous that you'll never get a woman that truly loves you and would do anything for you. true
>Women like to have their cake and eat it too, that's why they get so fat after marriage.
I have a fat fetish, so I'm more than happy with her putting on some weight.
Something tells me you still like to kiss girls in primary school.
fucking weaboos are the biggest faggots in every thread yet they still have the audacity to talk shit.
take a good look at yourselves you virgin faggots
hey reddit
but if you have a woman that loves you, why do you sound so angry?
>Comes to an anime somali bread kneading senate
>doesnt expect to see anime
go have sex with your waifu pillow
That pic is so wrong on so many levels.
Being an attractive woman is much harder than being an attractive man. A woman doesn't just have to maintain her weight, she also has to have good genes(skin color,having a good face/body structure), be socially adaptable, have grace, waste her time making herself more decent(makeup,nails,clothes) etc. and most importantly NOT BE "average" in any sector of her being. Men only need to have worked on 3 things to be considered attractive:
you jerked off to that image didn't you
Because every time we roast roasties all the crypto-normies on this board start feeling insecure and consider the possibility that their parasite isn't being honest with them, so they become defensive.
You're mistaking a bit of shitposting for anger. By the way, women like aggression and anger as long as it's directed in the right place. They down want pussified men.
Come say that to my face and I'll choke you out, you little faggot.
Good one man.
Yeah that's not a usual thing except for you b faggots.. Kys
this image confuses me
>Thats why men will never "love" a ugly girl or a woman will never "love" someone equal or worse than her
You are a really desperate man if you think that.
Personality also equates to attraction, I have never dated an overly annoying woman, because stupidity and spoiling is a huge turn-off when I hear them talk to other people IMO.
Also, if you don't look like a 3/10 you can have any decent woman you'd like with a good personality.
Men are far more at the mercy of genetics than women are in the modern age. Your picture literally proves that.
>being this new
No wonder no woman wants to be with you. You're so autistic that you can't analyse your own behaviour and understand how relationships work beyond simple autistic lingo you've learned on r9k, PUA websites, MGTOW websites.
>getting this angry
You are a liar
tell me more about women because i never heard that one before and you must have so much unique and useful information
that's right you pathetic faggot
>That pic is so wrong on so many levels.
>Being an attractive man is much harder than being an attractive woman. A man doesn't just have to maintain his weight, he also has to have good genes (skin color, having a good face/body structure), be socially adaptable, have power, waste his time making himself more decent (hairdo, wealth, clothes) etc. and most importantly NOT BE "average" in any sector of his being. Women only need to have worked on 3 things to be considered attractive:
You are showing how insecure you are in your posts.. And I can decipher shit posting fine.
Stay mad normalbro
5'9 fat fetishist checking in, my girlfriend is 5'5 and 185 lbs, I don't want her to lose weight but she wants to for her health, so I guess I will help her.
I know it's a cliché but America does have a lot of fat women. I live in LA and travel to Florida, and I see them everywhere
I was walking around NYE last night and was ignored by almost every single woman because I looked poor.
Au contraire, women love more strongly than men do.
I can tell you've never interacted romantically with a woman, it's so far out of your realm of experience, that you can't even conceptualise something like that without having to dismiss it as a lie. Sad!
Just be yourself man
If that's your definition of love, then it's no wonder you don't understand the thread.
You're the one getting defensive, I see you spilled some alphabet spaghetti on your keyboard towards the end of the post but I assure you, no matter how many buzzword dogwhistle acronyms you use for anybody who doesn't give wymyn their 'due respect' it won't help you treat the herpes that you will one day find yourself infected with.
No. Just no. Love itself doesn't exist. However women don't know respect and this is why they don't belong around us men.
>be Sup Forums
>"we must secure a future for the existence of white race"
what did they mean by this?
>roastie desperately attempting to maintain perceived value over the internet
>love doesnt exist
nice brain damage bro, have fun being childless.
Women only love their sons
Logical gene survival reasons
I consider you quite lucky.
Women here are really tall and obesity is quite low so fat chicks are really rare.
Most fat girls that look decent and take care of themselves are already taken due to them being so rare.
My current girlfriend was only slightly chubby when I met her (best I could manage) and I just slowly fed her over the years to become the size I prefer.
Should've migrated to the US I guess.
How delusional can you be?
Women are far less flexible when it comes to beauty when you compare them with men.
Like I said, men can have either 1(or more) of these: money, body, charisma/character and be considered "hot" while women need to do/have over a million things to even be slightly considered "pretty"
this board had become a mix of /r9k/ and thedonald
That's fine I am adopting anyways. I am white and middle class so nobody will have a problem with me adopting. I loathe women because I saw the worst of their nature growing up.
You can tell my life history over four words on the internet
So you're a liar and a retard
I'll be clear: love exists, YOU, the individual, are a liar.
>she had countless other options
Oh god. You are so much in for a surprise. Good luck cuck
>be Reddit
>"we must end 'whiteness' through cultural assimilation and mass immigration"
>"the modern woman is a great person, just take whatever overused dregs you can get your hands on, it's all you deserve"
Verily it compels one to ponder
You're so weak and ineffective that women can smell there is something wrong with you from a mile away. Instead of accepting that there is something wrong and trying to change it, you cling to ideologies like MGTOW to rationalise away the truth.
Master female race waifu
Wait for sex robots and artificial reproduction. In that society everyone will be a white man.
I will, thanks
enjoy your delusion, I will enjoy mine and everyone will be happy, except I will have more money and time
underrated post
Would gladly trade places with you... San Diegofag here and fat is everywhere here. As well as beauty but I fail to see why chicks let themselves go when there are so many ways to stay healthy.
That woman is still attractive in the before pic.
Only asians need copious amounts of makeup to look attractive.
>uses words like roasties invented by autistic virgins
>wonders why no woman wants him
Keep telling yourself that. I can understand that it hurts knowing no woman will ever want your cock so bad that she will leave her country to be with you. Blame your genetics.
What shall we do to change it? open up the gas chambers and throw women in them.
this is a pop-sci meme you dumb faggot, keep waiting though, your sperm will be so damaged your kid will have a 100% chance of being severely autistic by time you realize its not coming.
who ever brought reddit into this? seems like you have an obsession...
Who said I was MGTOW or whatever? Once again you're spilling alphabet soup on your keyboard because you have no arguments, you want to dismiss me using some buzzterm. I just hope you'll remember me when you're taken for all you're worth. You can't leverage pussy against me to fix some perceived character flaw, prostitution is after all fully legal in Australia.
Many such cases!
women love more intensely, but it is fleeting and shallow.
a man's love can last eternally.
Wow I haven't seen that image in years.
>be ripped
>have a stable job
a plus but not needed as long as both in the relationship contribute
>have money
see above
>be clean
lol wat this image acts like the need to maintain proper hygiene is a con
>dress well
being able to dress yourself is a good quality
>smell good
oh noooo i have to wear deodorant??? ;___;
>be dad material
no thanks. fucking hate kids
>pay for dates
sometimes but not always
>be confident
>have nice hair
maintaining is great but whatever just don't look like a basement dwelling neckbeard
ITT assmad virgins who were put in the friendzone for not taking care of themselves
This man is a cuck. Asian women are better than white women but they are still horrible. All women are ugly and not even makeup can cover for their shittiness. 2D is the only way
Change your outlook on life.
Farewell autismos, my wife has made me dinner. I'm going to eat it and then I'm going to plow her.
Well, you might find her specifically attractive but today alot of people don't like women without make up.
>be ripped on there TWICE
>be tall not on there AT ALL
that's how i know that the person who made this is a bitter, pudgy little manlet LMAO.
Sadly fpbp, I experienced that yesterday.
holy shit this thread really is full /r9k/
You're in for a very rude awakening
I am adopting anyways.
Lol it takes years to a lifetime for a man to get a lot of those things, and there are things a man can't change due to genetics.
It takes 30 minutes of work for a woman to instantly increase her sexual attractiveness.
And your failure to understand this is why you remain alone.
Maybe if you live in east county
Where I'm at it's all Asians and bean poles
The crypto-normies who settle for the first gash that throws herself into their pockets at a night club are the only people who defend the modern relationship as anything more than a transient method of abating their own loneliness and insecurity about their "sex life" and these people invariably come from Reddit.