Post the most interesting, or things you're proud of, from your homestead.
Built my shed from scratch?
>all that unfinished, unpainted wood
cmon user, it's going to look like shit unless you do something to preserve it.
It's all painted and finished now. Can't find a decent pic.
Started chopping up all the fallen trees.
Hard work when you're working on a 45° slope and can only move the logs by hand.
>inb4 Stihl fanboys complaining about my chainsaw
It was cheap, and it cuts well.
I'm jelly. Friends of the family have let us live on their property for 13 years but because of that my Dad never bought his own. So now I have to start from scratch. Hopefully get something by my mid-thirties.
>didn't realize the pic was this shitty
Well, in those 13 years with basically no accommodation expense they should have saved a fuckload of money that they could use to buy their own.
Somehow I'm sensing that that's not the case, though...
are you cripple ? why do you need the ramp for ?
It's not a ramp, looks like it's the hand rest thingy.
Derp, I didn't actually watch the first pic.
Maybe he wants to be able to get in with a wheelbarrow?
That is most certainly a ramp
Rolling heavy power tools up into shed.
Tools on wheels are:
>Table saw
I also considered putting a lawnmower and a couple snowblowers up in there, but changed my mind. That okay with you? Sheesh.
>tfw born and raised in an apartment
>no suburban property where I could build what I want
>dreaming about building a house since I was a kid
>never gonna happen cz I don't want to build it in Russia, and emigrating is not an option yet
>tfw so excited about the idea of building a homestead, that it was by far my favorite part about playing Skyrim
bumperino, although this belongs in /diy/
Huskies are better just saying
patrician as heck
how did you learn to build? t. confused millennial
>never gonna happen cz I don't want to build it in Russia
Why not?
Probably the best nation for homesteading after the US...
Just stay out of the far east, no?
Homesteading threads are becoming a thing on Sup Forums lately.
After all what's more redpilled than going off (((grid)))?
Hey bros, whats the best site/place to buy large plots of land in the US?
Scotbro seeking US residence here, land pref in the pacific north west
That isn't very impressive nor will it last very long
that looks super fucking dangerous.
somebody could come walking on the side of your shed and fall straight through that open door, what the fuck were you even thinking
>mfw burger educashun
no place like home
It is not side, it is top where the door is located.
It's not much but here's some mead I'm making with juniper, coriander, and blueberries. Even better I made enough money off the last batch to cover the entire overhead of this one.
Soon I'll have land for bees too
lawn mower and heavy equipment that has wheels.
Looks like Jenkum.
Fuck off we are full.
It's fermenting so the yeast is still buzzing around inside making it cloudy