The Great Meme War wiki article edited

>The Great Meme War was an Internet campaign conducted by supporters of image boards to feel like they're actually significant in life, so they supposedly put the great Donald Trump into office by just memes between June 2015 and November 2016 in an effort to sway the United States presidential election of 2016.[1]

Top fuckin kek, which one of you Sup Forumsacks did this???

Other urls found in this thread: pin pin

What honors did you win in the Great Meme War?
>1488th shitposting brigade checking in
we saw some shit

>to feel like they're actually significant in life, so they supposedly put the great Donald Trump into office

Kek, implying this is not true

See what I mean? You sound pathetic as fuck

>44th Le kuk Air Force decision dropping memes in enemy territory

You don't know what a joke (albeit a shitty one) is, but he's pathetic. Right.

That entire thing reads like it was written by some 16yr old white female Tumblr retard.

Fuck off nigger we both he's serious


Not an argument weeb trash

401st Burger Intellectuals reporting

>Article for a meme war.
This is too much.
Also I haven't opened the article and I can already sense the /qa/ butthurt.

>There's actually an article on wikipedia about this

Fucking el oh el

>tfw 1000 meme stare

Anyone know why Miami is range blocked?

88th Memetic Warfare Division checking in. MEMES AB ALTO


it's true indeed, shows we have more self-criticism than the lefties


>its only cringey if the alt right does it
cmon ctr. next youre gonna say anime is cringey

lmao you can feel the butthurt in thise words

the great meme war thing is pure silliness

there were actual operations conducted but usually not very sustained

I love this one, pepe with women's panties, top fuckin kek pin

666th memetic psyops. Redpilled my fair share of normies, was awarded with the Nerd Virgin for heroic sacrifice of social status on social media during my service.

>Fighting in the social media campaign

Shit you were behind enemy lines and everything.

We almost got surrounded one time going in to support an Australian division, but by the time we got there the normies were already triggered and shrieking. Them Aussies sure had great tactics

It's like a zerg rush really, the facebook normos like I dealt with were easiest cause you could engage them one on one, it was twitter and instagram boys that got it worst, cause they mob up on you in a cacophony of triggering.

You boys helped us greatly by shoring up their defense, if it weren't for spicy Australian memes the war might have been lost. Ty 4 serbis :^)

Let's be fair, there was some significant impact in real life

I wonder if the normies felt the ground wave in america?